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File: 76e03d29efc5249⋯.jpeg (28.26 KB,739x415,739:415,images_17_.jpeg)

3a652c No.364968 [Last50 Posts]

What are your predictions for this thing.

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3cfa30 No.364974

File: 43b37a6509d46f7⋯.jpg (40.23 KB,512x512,1:1,WzbPOui2RlArZZt7vR19_4_uce….jpg)


it's not a "prediction"…..

putin has made it very clear

egg zack lee what he's going to do

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3cfa30 No.364975

File: 0cd7a3f88fc52b0⋯.jpg (36.23 KB,512x512,1:1,xkoK5IW8gBKZmzA436gC_1_flc….jpg)

for the past several years, putin had been EXTREMELY VOCAL about his intentions….. if we didn't pull our missle bases from around his borders

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3cfa30 No.364976

File: 1f1eefd2d09b296⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,512x512,1:1,xkoK5IW8gBKZmzA436gC_4_fte….jpg)

American News never covered his statements…

he's clearly explained he was running out of patience…..

and heWILLdo a preemptive first nuclear strike against America…

because that's how he will win

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3cfa30 No.364977

File: 08a1ebfc9a0889b⋯.jpg (40.37 KB,512x512,1:1,ZXfM9GE0jDrjtiNLh15n_2_hwn….jpg)

see, imagine a soft, fat, sheltered spoiled privilege white kid in a fist fight with a black kid his same age, from the ghetto

One of them never had to learn how to make sacrifices and rough it out and fight to the Finish….

While the other had to learn how to fight when they were little kids, because they grew up in a completely different type of environment

Much in the same way, Russians were raised with loss and hardship as their baseline, whereas Americans are spoiled and weak

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3cfa30 No.364978

File: ab69077eb602d34⋯.jpg (29.65 KB,512x512,1:1,hmSiSlB4lO9S1oFM0rrD_3_zdf….jpg)

Russia and China are MUCH more willing and prepared to accept loss in a nuclear exchange

in America, we are concerned about losing access to TikTok

afraid we won't get to participate in the next "stick your tongue in an electrical outlet" challenge

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3cfa30 No.364979

File: 97b2dddaf0e751b⋯.jpg (37.48 KB,512x512,1:1,ZXfM9GE0jDrjtiNLh15n_1_wwi….jpg)

and this has NOTHING to do with Ukraine

I'm talking about AMERICA

fuck ukraine

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3cfa30 No.364980

File: 6a545b83bb29b09⋯.jpg (32.13 KB,512x512,1:1,hmSiSlB4lO9S1oFM0rrD_2_o02….jpg)

China offered a cease-fire plan

because Russia & China know America will refuse to lift the sanctions

and them the history books will reflect that AMERICA THE BULLY REFUSED TO STOP BEING THE AGGRESSOR

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3cfa30 No.364981


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3cfa30 No.364982

File: 7104bdc8bdcb5bb⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,512x512,1:1,hmSiSlB4lO9S1oFM0rrD_1_rnn….jpg)

America pretends that we are THE WORLDS POLICE DEPARTMENT

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3cfa30 No.364983

File: 82e3714db34372c⋯.jpg (37.53 KB,512x512,1:1,qyKYkWxZEn6EFoxgMq6q_3_us9….jpg)

We pull off literal war crimes, like the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, which had not attacked us, using the 9/11 attacks as an excuse…

Quite literally murdering tens of thousands of innocent men and women and children, in Nations that had not attacked us, nor did they have weapons of mass destruction.. then years later our government admits the CIA documentation of WMD was faked….

while we point our finger at Russia, accusing them of war crimes

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3cfa30 No.364984

File: 79efeb58838f97e⋯.jpg (32.71 KB,512x512,1:1,ZXfM9GE0jDrjtiNLh15n_3_4pp….jpg)

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3cfa30 No.364985

File: a98efdb85abe34b⋯.jpg (29.09 KB,512x512,1:1,qyKYkWxZEn6EFoxgMq6q_2_8hh….jpg)

We pat ourselves on the back like we are heroes for trying to "spread democracy across the globe"…

while we accuse communists of "being evil", and accuse them of "trying to spread their political system across the globe"

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3cfa30 No.364986

File: 965d756ca6d0b43⋯.jpg (19.17 KB,512x512,1:1,ncgFxJwvgphbyYEaCb1S_4_euo….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.364987

File: 4b88db4eb21e929⋯.jpg (35.14 KB,512x512,1:1,jQqH7MV8DQLmeacM2ePw_2_o08….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.364988

File: bd24d171acd5a89⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,512x512,1:1,qyKYkWxZEn6EFoxgMq6q_4_lf0….jpg)

plus, Ukraine is corrupt as fuck

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3cfa30 No.364989

File: ed2256a3d28ee5e⋯.jpg (22.07 KB,512x512,1:1,ncgFxJwvgphbyYEaCb1S_1_1dt….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.364990

File: 26281a551eb1a7e⋯.jpg (27.89 KB,512x512,1:1,jQqH7MV8DQLmeacM2ePw_3_i51….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.364991

File: 3d21351fab6d4ee⋯.jpg (37.65 KB,512x512,1:1,qyKYkWxZEn6EFoxgMq6q_1_pu4….jpg)

no need for "predictions"

when Putin has been making DIRECT THREATS to launch a Thermonuclear War with America for years

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3cfa30 No.364992

File: 7f8e29fa951ba35⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,576x384,3:2,k3yLDnC5aBql9TjxdVuB_3_gt0….jpg)


recently I had to travel to St Petersburg Russia for a business meeting

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7146ea No.364993

File: 490087d2a36229a⋯.jpg (82.08 KB,499x333,499:333,PicsArt_06_07_10_51_03.jpg)

I actually agree with everything Neptune has said in this thread, and concur with his view on this particular topic.

I do not see a nuclear first-strike as an inevitable foregone conclusion, however; only a very real possibility.

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3cfa30 No.364994

File: 0d221bdaebcab83⋯.jpg (20.82 KB,576x384,3:2,KkL3yIOMRiHyzq1C9UZ4_3_q08….jpg)

and somewhere over The Baltic Sea, I began to notice the other passengers seemed a little bit unusual

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3cfa30 No.364995

File: 79491ade25d5965⋯.jpg (40.61 KB,768x512,3:2,i5lIfg5RrML5bvqnHasT_2_zcu….jpg)


For example, I noticed that the flight attendants seemed a little bit unusual

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3cfa30 No.364996

File: 0959867169e0b01⋯.jpg (20.11 KB,576x384,3:2,k3yLDnC5aBql9TjxdVuB_1_3kd….jpg)

And I noticed they all seem to be paying attention to me in particular, even when they weren't looking at me

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7146ea No.364997

File: 6fb0bb27b8965c3⋯.jpg (236.27 KB,1980x1080,11:6,PicsArt_05_14_04_54_11.jpg)

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3cfa30 No.364998

File: 3cfe07f1c79be3f⋯.jpg (26.32 KB,576x384,3:2,KkL3yIOMRiHyzq1C9UZ4_2_bb4….jpg)

Wait a minute. I could have sworn the guy with the headphones was up in a different row, but now he's over here too? What kind of fucking Airline is this anyway?

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3cfa30 No.364999

File: 67ee737272dac15⋯.jpg (42.18 KB,768x512,3:2,i5lIfg5RrML5bvqnHasT_1_1p1….jpg)


What the fuck is the deal with these passengers? Did I get on the wrong plane?

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3cfa30 No.365000

File: 403995ce375046f⋯.jpg (41.84 KB,768x512,3:2,S6x1g6JWmMniEqkaMhzb_2_kko….jpg)

NOTE TO SELF: don't turn around and look towards the back of the plane again

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3cfa30 No.365001

File: 84e52e6e2d0ac5c⋯.jpg (41.74 KB,768x512,3:2,i5lIfg5RrML5bvqnHasT_3_zc0….jpg)

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3cfa30 No.365002

File: 16bb313b071b741⋯.jpg (69.36 KB,1056x704,3:2,ir1NWr4zPokZmm62zJlo_10_AT….jpg)

I can't understand a word of russian, but I think she might have been telling me a story about her grandfather in World War I.. but I could be completely wrong, because like I said.. I don't understand Russian

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3cfa30 No.365003

File: 2857fa40969f2ff⋯.jpg (31.33 KB,704x576,11:9,jai0EVRpaSaperNiTcjq_3_bfw….jpg)

It all sounds the same to me

But there's a possibility she could have been telling me that her grandfather was a war hero back in World War I

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3cfa30 No.365004

File: 632cdf28b3c70e4⋯.jpg (30.18 KB,512x448,8:7,tkHkJQRZRfOcXme03zDX_3_igf….jpg)

When I looked to my right I realized they were all listening to me with eavesdropping devices….

Even though I wasn't even saying anything.. I was being completely silent

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3cfa30 No.365005

File: 386990f49c9ac6f⋯.jpg (40.69 KB,768x512,3:2,kUlnfeVnipSUnXNXvOrj_3_jgj….jpg)

And even if I was speaking, they didn't need any special equipment to hear me

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3cfa30 No.365006

File: e80d6a0f9ac824a⋯.jpg (37.7 KB,704x576,11:9,jai0EVRpaSaperNiTcjq_4_9of….jpg)

There's a very slim possibility she might have been explaining a protracted Tale about her grandfather being the first man to ever attach a motorcycle sidecar to an airplane wing

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3cfa30 No.365008

File: 4c89dc2fa831a56⋯.jpg (27.91 KB,512x448,8:7,tkHkJQRZRfOcXme03zDX_1_rtb….jpg)

Wait a second.. I thought there was another guy sitting in that seat a second ago.. this is the weirdest fucking airplane I've ever been on

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3cfa30 No.365009

File: 3479617665b8796⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,704x576,11:9,jai0EVRpaSaperNiTcjq_1_kut….jpg)

For all I know she might have been speaking Portuguese.. I have no clue what the fuck she was saying…

And although there's less than a 1% chance she was telling me a story about her grandfather becoming a war hero by shooting down the first Mandarin spy balloon in history

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3cfa30 No.365010

File: 14ef7b146d6d760⋯.jpg (27.42 KB,704x576,11:9,jai0EVRpaSaperNiTcjq_2_w9l….jpg)

.08% chance is STILL technically a possibility, so I decided to just play along and smile and keep nodding my head like I understood her

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3cfa30 No.365011

File: ddb4b9147718188⋯.jpg (47.75 KB,768x512,3:2,S6x1g6JWmMniEqkaMhzb_1_6sn….jpg)

At first I thought I heard demons whispering in my head, and then I realized it's probably just the vodka

Some of the other passengers Whispering bad things about me

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3cfa30 No.365012

File: 5ddd6e68035c648⋯.jpg (9.45 KB,512x448,8:7,dMkL5VLsceYOEIybJqxy_3_j8o….jpg)

Man, I had a dreadful flight

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3cfa30 No.365013

File: 42fb236fd5e7dbb⋯.jpg (28.36 KB,512x448,8:7,tkHkJQRZRfOcXme03zDX_2_wuj….jpg)

Then I heard somebody whispering "he's ready to speak to you now. Go sit in seat A-32"

I'm not sure what the fuck is going on here, but is it possible to turn the plane around and just take me back?

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3cfa30 No.365014

File: 5d8a4bfac529cab⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,576x384,3:2,k3yLDnC5aBql9TjxdVuB_2_dhs….jpg)

I couldn't believe it was him! Why the fuck did he want to talk to me?

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3cfa30 No.365015

File: f2da0447030232f⋯.jpg (23.85 KB,576x384,3:2,KkL3yIOMRiHyzq1C9UZ4_1_dr3….jpg)

His translator explained, " after your flight lands, there's going to be a weirdo in a chat room online .. creating a thread asking for predictions"

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3cfa30 No.365016

File: fa996d49043fd2d⋯.jpg (7.56 KB,240x160,3:2,k3yLDnC5aBql9TjxdVuB_4_hbl….jpg)

I was instructed to play along and pretend his thread was interesting

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3cfa30 No.365017

File: 1bc3ddc785439ae⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,576x384,3:2,KkL3yIOMRiHyzq1C9UZ4_4_88w….jpg)

I was told it was going to be very hard to pretend the thread was enjoyable, and it turns out Putin knows what he's talking about

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3cfa30 No.365018

File: 3a23a5380ee6692⋯.jpg (29.09 KB,512x448,8:7,tkHkJQRZRfOcXme03zDX_4_5ke….jpg)

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3cfa30 No.365019

File: 746cbca6e21e8ff⋯.jpg (14.74 KB,512x448,8:7,dMkL5VLsceYOEIybJqxy_2_dvc….jpg)

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3cfa30 No.365020

File: c0ac073b4205653⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,1080x1920,9:16,2021_11_03_14_19_53.jpg)

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3cfa30 No.365021

File: 8380a8ccbe0ab06⋯.jpg (178.4 KB,594x792,3:4,JailhouseRock_Soubie.jpg)

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3cfa30 No.365022

File: cae41108aa0d53d⋯.jpg (217.12 KB,1080x1118,540:559,Picsart_23_02_25_01_42_40_….jpg)


My prediction :

You will only start paying attention to this situation recently, after all the brainwashing Ukraine war stories you've been bombarded with, and never had any idea Putin has been making open threats for years

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3cfa30 No.365023

File: 4cc4d278b38ee3c⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,512x512,1:1,ncgFxJwvgphbyYEaCb1S_2_fcg….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.365024

File: d044ea24bc3eec7⋯.jpg (28.16 KB,512x512,1:1,jQqH7MV8DQLmeacM2ePw_1_he2….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.365025

File: b826636aee5bc15⋯.png (438.22 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T2….png)

File: a359c2fe007807f⋯.png (459.69 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T2….png)

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3cfa30 No.365026

File: 5b16ad12f6675aa⋯.png (271.26 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T1….png)

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3cfa30 No.365027

File: 87ce6ef3e25cb05⋯.png (387.16 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T1….png)

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3cfa30 No.365028

File: e106de7e3e4fef5⋯.png (413.06 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T1….png)

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3cfa30 No.365029

File: b606a77a5ca5bfd⋯.png (413.28 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T1….png)

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File: cfd072f768789ef⋯.png (441.59 KB,512x512,1:1,AiArtPictures_2022_11_26T1….png)

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3cfa30 No.365030

File: 42885b944bcdd10⋯.jpg (23.76 KB,512x512,1:1,ncgFxJwvgphbyYEaCb1S_3_gr3….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.365031

File: 0b69f66d897d178⋯.jpg (32.58 KB,512x512,1:1,jQqH7MV8DQLmeacM2ePw_4_t6v….jpg)


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3cfa30 No.365032

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3cfa30 No.365033

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3cfa30 No.365034

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3cfa30 No.365035

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3cfa30 No.365036

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3cfa30 No.365037

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3cfa30 No.365038

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3cfa30 No.365039

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3cfa30 No.365040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3cfa30 No.365041

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3cfa30 No.365042

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3cfa30 No.365043

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3cfa30 No.365044

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3cfa30 No.365045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

я обычный человек

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3cfa30 No.365046

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This is perfect

This would be the perfect solution

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3cfa30 No.365047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3cfa30 No.365048

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3cfa30 No.365049

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3cfa30 No.365050

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3cfa30 No.365051

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3cfa30 No.365052

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3cfa30 No.365053

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3cfa30 No.365054

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3cfa30 No.365055

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3cfa30 No.365056

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3cfa30 No.365057

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if we are still alive in '24, I'm definitely voting REPUBLICAN

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3cfa30 No.365058

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3cfa30 No.365059

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3cfa30 No.365060

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3cfa30 No.365061

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3cfa30 No.365062

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3cfa30 No.365063

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3cfa30 No.365064

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3cfa30 No.365065

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3cfa30 No.365066

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3cfa30 No.365067

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3cfa30 No.365068

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3cfa30 No.365069

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3cfa30 No.365070

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3cfa30 No.365071

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3cfa30 No.365072

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3cfa30 No.365073

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3cfa30 No.365074

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3cfa30 No.365075

File: 2bf0acd90aad174⋯.jpg (33.98 KB,512x512,1:1,g3mCgbSsCXYRMXbHOiJd_4_bss….jpg)

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ceed90 No.366116


True Dat.

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