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a83e04 No.364803

Create Living Soil, Good Compost, & Intensive Garden Growth

MIRROR 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohjK6gqYBNc

MIRROR 2: https://www.brighteon.com/6f8f036e-3566-4b16-920a-8ff42ad8344e

MY COMMENT: This is a must see prepping video! Learn how to massively increase your crop yields FAST without having to worry about weeds! Jerry, if you still lurk here, this video is especially for you bro!!!

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fda355 No.364808


nobody gives a fuck about any of these threads

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fda355 No.364809


You seem to think this is your trailer park

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fda355 No.364810

Nobody in here cares about your advice or gardening or prepping or any of that bullshit

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fda355 No.364811


also: Jerry is in the hospital, and the prognosis is not good

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fda355 No.364812

His ex-girlfriend Nancy told me even though she dumped him last year, she's still trying to help him throw out all the crap in his house, put the few valuable things in storage, and clean it out for the landlord to rent it to somebody else.

She said if he makes it, he's going into a rehabilitative hospital instead of living in his little trailer anymore

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fda355 No.364813


his heart doesn't work right anymore

It's much worse than mitral valve prolapse

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fda355 No.364814

according to Nancy, her new boyfriend is healthy and strong, and has $$$$$

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fda355 No.364816

I'm afraid Jerry won't be doing any more gardening, other than becoming compost…

he's almost 8 feet tall, only 11 inches wide at the shoulders, and would make a great compost for a little 12" wide strip of grass between a sidewalk and the curb….

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2ec135 No.364924

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ae5776 No.364952

bumping legitimate news

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43dda4 No.365092

bumping highly supported news

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2ff1b6 No.365200


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b0a8f4 No.365331

bumping factual news

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