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File: 531c4e92e6fe530⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,3088x2316,4:3,AFCE7D4B_23C0_4804_BD3F_E….jpeg)

02e5ac No.364658

The pipeline and fallout is being exposed.

War declared?

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02e5ac No.364659

File: b524b1af8ab6bf7⋯.jpeg (37.3 KB,221x494,17:38,A336F487_55AA_40A9_88F7_7….jpeg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364663


I see you finally spent one of your SSI checks on aniPhone, and got a haircut

I'm glad I inspired you to begin getting your shit together..

now, all you need to do is shave, find a shitty little boarding house, and stop fantasizing about being intelligent

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788f7b No.364664

File: d1ef91eedee46cf⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,2316x3088,3:4,Picsart_23_02_22_08_07_22_….jpg)

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788f7b No.364665

File: 1072fa994e17dee⋯.jpg (16.99 KB,236x329,236:329,b4a28c2c8f7a3bba3f972b8551….jpg)

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788f7b No.364666

File: fddcfd05d364ab0⋯.jpg (50.27 KB,426x640,213:320,a9ef9fade043a17122ea7b9a3c….jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364667

File: 78813cf7044489e⋯.jpg (31.51 KB,512x512,1:1,6jcUXLJ6rcExgp6R5Uzo_1_00u….jpg)


if I'm not mistaken, you even took a bath!!!

it's about time, stinky………

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788f7b No.364668

File: cb9a447916f2a0f⋯.jpg (155.35 KB,665x831,665:831,original_1_.jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364669

File: 8edb0d9041724e0⋯.jpg (37.78 KB,512x512,1:1,6jcUXLJ6rcExgp6R5Uzo_2_6a5….jpg)

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788f7b No.364670

File: c656a1034d03c0d⋯.jpg (12.35 KB,236x257,236:257,e79a53a1afe537b03a33175552….jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364671

File: 6307f16f5aaa926⋯.jpg (27.88 KB,512x512,1:1,6jcUXLJ6rcExgp6R5Uzo_4_kqe….jpg)

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788f7b No.364672

File: c84a7de0e5a16b9⋯.jpg (29.47 KB,360x360,1:1,a372afef91edccbdbd83499148….jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364673

File: 244cf68bc327305⋯.jpg (22.24 KB,512x512,1:1,bW833RFCcje599VlXGml_1_1nb….jpg)

File: d42ee01aa90cf0f⋯.jpg (14.99 KB,512x512,1:1,bW833RFCcje599VlXGml_2_ty7….jpg)

who knows?……

now that you FINALLYBATHED, you might even find a woman who doesn't mind the schizophrenia thing

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788f7b No.364674

File: 7f9f884b58104d3⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,512x512,1:1,6jcUXLJ6rcExgp6R5Uzo_3_z9b….jpg)

extremely unlikely….. but hey…..

anything possible, right?

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788f7b No.364675

File: 238f8362d998e45⋯.jpg (100 KB,736x981,736:981,6362cab51d4bec1899e102a89c….jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364676

File: 6a7afbdb94d33e7⋯.jpg (32.78 KB,512x512,1:1,q2mupZrtjO9mY1ptq7QV_1_6h1….jpg)


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788f7b No.364677

File: a412c49c0ef519d⋯.jpg (35.09 KB,512x512,1:1,OlJk70KvAfWsLfvAcWl5_1_vfh….jpg)

Nord Stream, the Navy, and the CIA

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788f7b No.364678

File: aec8e651d543935⋯.jpg (216.56 KB,2400x819,800:273,Picsart_23_02_22_08_42_40_….jpg)

when an independent clause has a subject but no VERB, there is not supposed to be a comma before "and"

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788f7b No.364679

File: 9c6df6236a2a3c4⋯.jpg (312.08 KB,2074x874,1037:437,Screenshot_20230222_084602.jpg)


it must be asoap allergy?

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788f7b No.364680

File: 575ab8f8371bc68⋯.jpg (32.47 KB,512x512,1:1,q2mupZrtjO9mY1ptq7QV_4_3wr….jpg)

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788f7b No.364681

File: 2925c6e481ed0a4⋯.jpg (33.43 KB,512x512,1:1,OlJk70KvAfWsLfvAcWl5_2_f25….jpg)

Nord Stream : the Navy and the CIA

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788f7b No.364682

File: 7d2914b84f56b0b⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,512x512,1:1,q2mupZrtjO9mY1ptq7QV_3_bi7….jpg)

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788f7b No.364683

File: 64d3b37b1097e1e⋯.jpg (29.82 KB,512x512,1:1,OlJk70KvAfWsLfvAcWl5_3_3ph….jpg)

it took you 5 months to FINALLY have thebrilliant epiphanythat we did it, '''after Sy Hirsh created his belated blog?

that's adorable

mommy's little investigator is a MOVER AND A SHAKER, huh?

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788f7b No.364684

File: c7c4ca504f52fb2⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,512x512,1:1,q2mupZrtjO9mY1ptq7QV_2_7im….jpg)

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788f7b No.364685

File: 9fa27e40520cc5a⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,512x512,1:1,OlJk70KvAfWsLfvAcWl5_4_frx….jpg)

Nord Stream : the Navy and the CIA

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788f7b No.364686

File: 6a7afbdb94d33e7⋯.jpg (32.78 KB,512x512,1:1,q2mupZrtjO9mY1ptq7QV_1_6h1….jpg)

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788f7b No.364687

File: e4d1f59a7eced6f⋯.jpg (27.34 KB,512x512,1:1,h6hBPk18LCwYepsHttBa_1_iwi….jpg)

I heard women get super turned-on by BRILLIANT INVESTIGATORS WHO TAKE BATHS

you'll probably become her 3rd child

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788f7b No.364688

File: 3bc77818768f547⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,512x512,1:1,fOY2AvupV1aWucRG2w5E_1_bdp….jpg)

Nord Stream : the Navy and the CIA

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788f7b No.364689

File: 6bb35191bcc3b1d⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,512x512,1:1,d4FaObNNUhEuMKgSU5pf_4_s7e….jpg)

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788f7b No.364690

File: ebfe894253655b4⋯.jpg (36.75 KB,512x512,1:1,00OMk5B9hMcBsDMz72zg_4_43f….jpg)

Nord Stream : the Navy and the CIA

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788f7b No.364691

File: d3ef451e6b9d612⋯.jpg (251.5 KB,891x717,297:239,Screenshot_20230222_092230.jpg)


admit it…… it feels good, doesn't it?

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3f9d02 No.364692

File: 010d37332ca2fd3⋯.jpg (399.77 KB,964x1046,482:523,Screenshot_20230222_092431.jpg)


plus, let's just be honest….

it just looked stupid…

it was time to start looking like a MAN, not a bridge-dweller

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3f9d02 No.364712

File: a11147d394e12b0⋯.jpg (290.52 KB,1671x1080,557:360,Picsart_23_02_22_10_46_03_….jpg)



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3f9d02 No.364713

File: 8ac3fbe5e40acdc⋯.jpg (33.17 KB,512x512,1:1,h4WPqim24Ua9M4dY2Mrq_4_q90….jpg)

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3f9d02 No.364714

File: ad13ba0d45c4bf7⋯.jpg (35.23 KB,512x512,1:1,d4FaObNNUhEuMKgSU5pf_2_im2….jpg)

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3f9d02 No.364715

File: b423c4515e2ad48⋯.jpg (50.04 KB,512x512,1:1,00OMk5B9hMcBsDMz72zg_2_xm7….jpg)

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3f9d02 No.364716

File: 10942958e90e344⋯.jpg (33.38 KB,512x512,1:1,00OMk5B9hMcBsDMz72zg_1_wj0….jpg)

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3f9d02 No.364717

File: 6a57a2ac2077383⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,512x512,1:1,d4FaObNNUhEuMKgSU5pf_3_rub….jpg)

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3f9d02 No.364719


hey Javier

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3f9d02 No.364720

File: 6ec5eb835a44e26⋯.png (1.43 MB,1360x1296,85:81,Picsart_23_02_22_11_25_32_….png)


Congratulations on the "finally taking a bath" accomplishment !!

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c2733a No.364721


I could give a shit if the US government wants to waste their foot soldiers, drones and military munitions trying to fight Russia, me and my family will certainly have nothing to do with it. All this will do is lead to the rapid decline of the Western world. Might as well get out of the major cities while you still can and hunker down.

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80a65b No.364789


that's NOT "your family"

You destroyed her entire childhood and you didn't give a fuck whether she was happy or not, you made your wife kill herself and you enjoyed and destroying the fabric of your wife's existence before she finally ended her life.

After you drank all of your shitty life savings away with your disgusting alcoholism, then you had the audacity to intrude on her life and beg her to help you and let you sleep on her sofa, which you have continually urinated on…

You're more like a vagrant from under a bridge than you are a "family member"

You never even had the decency to stop the behavior that destroyed her childhood in the first place

You're a piece of shit who pays money for animals to be tortured and murdered. Fuck you

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dd4740 No.364790

your entire family deserves to be dragged into a slaughterhouse with chains and sharp hooks, and brutally slaughtered while you're forced to watch

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