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3a8446 No.364593

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Missiles On Combat Readiness

In a much anticipated speech on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin said he is suspending Russia's participation in the New START nuclear treaty with the United States.

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration: https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-update-russias-elite-ukraine-war-major-speech-2023-02-21/

It comes over a year after Moscow signed onto a five year extension, and after in August the US accused Russia of violating the treaty in disallowing US on-site inspections under its stipulations. In response, Washington halted Russian inspectors' ability to do the same on American soil.

Russia had at the time complained that it was actually the US side which "deprive the Russian Federation of the right to conduct inspections on American territory."

"No one should be under the illusion that global strategic parity can be violated," Putin said of New START in the Tuesday remarks delivered in Moscow.

In March 2021 the two sides renewed New START for a period of five years, and it will expire in February 2026 if it's not continued - an increasing possibility given US-Russia relations have deteriorated so fast over the Ukraine war they are near complete breaking point. But this new Putin declaration appears to be the final death knell after the treaty's fate was already extremely uncertain.

The treaty is intended to limit and reduce nuclear arms on either side, setting a limit of no more than 1,550 deployed warheads and 700 missiles. START I began in 1991, with New START signed under the Obama and Medvedev administrations in 2010 as a successor agreement.

Much of Tuesday's speech was about reaffirming Russia's resolve in Ukraine at a moment NATO powers seem more deeply involved than ever. "Step by step, we will carefully and systematically achieve the aims that face us," Putin said in the speech which came just ahead of the anniversary of the invasion on Feb. 24, which will be Friday.

He also rearticulated Russia's reasons for going to war. "Russia did its best to solve the problem in Ukraine peacefully, but the statements of Western leaders turned out to be fraudulent and untrue," Putin said, calling Ukraine part of the "historical Russian land."


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e625e5 No.364614




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e625e5 No.364615




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b63b24 No.364617


People who care about true news come here to read this highly respected news. Those that do lot enjoy legit news will remain ignorant and left in the dark. However, factual news will persist.

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b63b24 No.364618


People who care about true news come here to read this highly respected news. Those that do *not enjoy legit news will remain ignorant and left in the dark. However, factual news will persist.

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3a8446 No.364640

bumping intellectual news

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cfdbf2 No.365086

bumping true news

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237aa4 No.366121

bumping for crabs to survive nuclear holocaust

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04b761 No.366518

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366864

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76d969 No.367683

ferew g r rge rge34 44888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

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000000 No.367947

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368422

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368797

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000000 No.369639

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56fc03 No.370314

bumping top notch news

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3014df No.371390

bumping actual news

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f84d45 No.371493

bumping highly respected news

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e765d4 No.373035

bumping blacklisted news

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61a236 No.374592

anti-slide 5682

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