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732bdb No.364576

US Government Now Using Chemical Weapons Against American Citizens For Depopulation Genocide

The chemical weapons gas bomb that was ignited by government authorities in Ohio was, of course, both an act of deliberate terrorism and a crime against humanity and the environment. I spoke with an accredited hazardous materials emergency response expert who told me that these chemicals should never have been set on fire by authorities.

The burning of vinyl chloride, of course, releases phosgene, a World War I chemical weapon that maims or kills biological beings on contact. The train crash provided the perfect cover story for genocidal government agents to essentially detonate a chemical weapons bomb over prime farm land, not far from heavily populated cities. The entire Ohio River basin will be impacted by the fallout for years to come, with massive die-offs already being reported, and both soils and foliage to be impacted with actual acid rain (hydrochloric acid), formed as the combustion products of vinyl chloride combine with water vapor in the air.

Not surprisingly, most people believe this was all an accident. Just like they also believe the covid “lab leak” was an accident. And the vaccine injuries are an accident.

There are no accidents when it comes to global genocide. All these things are being done on purpose with the determined goal of global genocide and depopulation.

Just one month ago, a large chemical plant exploded in La Salle, Illinois (near Chicago), unleashing a huge toxic cloud of potassium permanganate. This pattern of chemical “accidents” is starting to resemble food infrastructure sabotage, in which 100+ food facilities have now burned over the last 18 months, clearly targeted by government operatives, just as Dr. Andrew Huff recently warned me in a recent interview:


MP3 File: https://video.brighteon.com/file/BTBucket-Prod/audio/3f144175-7f9c-4b92-ac79-4d73899e8834.mp3

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732bdb No.364585

anti-glowslide bump 88

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0ccdae No.365085

bumping logical news

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13e1dc No.365328

bumping real news

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12dc92 No.365646

You all have been warned what is inevitable and you all choose to ignore reality. You have openly accepted evil and will perish in damnation. You will see your nation destroyed before your very eyes, no one is coming to save you.

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f29984 No.365911

•L§G†° â-Í‚ °Å€nx}"Þ—F<zˆî

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f29984 No.365915


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f29984 No.365917


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f29984 No.365924


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aca106 No.366446

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366798

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.367792

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368282

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369524

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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