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File: a262c5b2dfaf1b9⋯.png (695.5 KB,846x473,846:473,235253.png)

ea2142 No.364319




Mike Adams shares a little-known method for protecting your body from dioxin exposure by using a nutraceutical molecule that's synthesized automatically in certain types of sprouts. You can sprout these yourself for pennies.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/364009 ; >>>/pnd/364084

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f4faf2 No.364476

Any psychotic alcoholic High School Dropout who claims to understand dioxins is blatantly lying and supporting evil demon's whispering voices in his head.

for example, feel free to explain the physiological mechanism of action regarding this laughable alleged miraculous "nutraceutical molecule" onchlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxinsas opposed topolychlorinated dibenzofuranand whether it has the same mechanism of action onpolychlorinated biphenyl

And you don't have to use scientific terminology, because I know you don't understand scientific terminology

So use your normal everyday High School Dropout vocabulary to explain the mechanism of action of this "nutraceutical molecule" which you can't even name…

Since you're offering medical advice, of course you'll be able to explain it with basic dum dum sticks and stones terminologies, right?

n fact, before you start grasping for straws regarding some laughable nutraceutical molecule that you can't even name, perhaps you would be best served by the beginning byexplaining the molecular differences between polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls

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f4faf2 No.364477

File: 57e5052517c26c0⋯.jpg (282.7 KB,1080x1724,270:431,Picsart_23_02_19_18_46_01_….jpg)

Tell me about "MIKE ADAMS' little known" Miracle molecule that is naturally synthesized in sprouts…

It's strange that you called it a "little known" molecule, considering you know so little about basic science…

in fact, you know SO little about science, that you believe anything you hear on crazy far-fetched conspiracy websites

When it comes to science, no name stands out on the edge of the Horizon quite as brightly as MIKE ADAMS


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f4faf2 No.364498

File: 29be54895ec07b8⋯.jpg (199.02 KB,1095x1080,73:72,Picsart_23_02_20_10_43_34_….jpg)


A G A I N : you're SO LAZY that you refuse to LEARN about the topics you PRETEND TO UNDERSTAND!!

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f4faf2 No.364499

File: 9d2eab109fdf552⋯.jpg (340.98 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Picsart_23_02_20_10_46_06_….jpg)




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a55a97 No.364509


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14aa4a No.365652

You all have been warned what is inevitable and you all choose to ignore reality. You have openly accepted evil and will perish in damnation. You will see your nation destroyed before your very eyes, no one is coming to save you.

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322f59 No.365819

bumping non-glowing news

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675d05 No.366426

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366784

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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448991 No.367486

ANTI-SLIDE 21 4414

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843a5d No.367771

legit news

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000000 No.367978

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368448

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f5972 No.368554

bumping real news

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000000 No.368825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369661

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ebbeaf No.370901

bumping verified news

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a35e72 No.371974

bumping proven news

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5a244d No.374069

bumping educated news

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e072c1 No.374809

anti-slide 678o9

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5a244d No.375792

bumping natural news

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f536db No.377033

bumping genuine news

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