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File: ba357ebd739d976⋯.png (27.95 KB,689x291,689:291,ZH.png)

e6cf06 No.363249

As you are all aware, the /pnd/ Real News Reward©®℗₠™ is long overdue. Therefore I am honored and proud to present the top 5 legit respectable news sites /pnd/ loves & enjoys based on the last four years 8kun has been around.

5. What Does It Mean?-www.whatdoesitmean.com

4. Natural News--www.naturalnews.com

3. Citizen Free Press—-citizenfreepress.com

2. Rense-—rense.com

…And the winner of total true news is:

1. Zero Hedge—-www.zerohedge.com

Jim Stone would have been ranked #1 and Zero Hedge would have ranked second place but sadly there is rumor Jim Stone was assassinated by a rogue criminal government after his news site and servers vanished offline. Jim Stone will forever remain a hero to /pnd/.


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eb64ce No.363264

File: 7125dd1ea0b2398⋯.jpg (547.95 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_22_07_28_13_40_50_….jpg)


On your next thread, I'd like you to try and experiment, and copy and paste the content into the new8kun English To Killcen Translator!!!

I'm serious.. you should seriously try translating your next thread through the new8kun English To Killcen Tinfoil Translator

then copy & paste THAT in here

just for fun


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eb64ce No.363265

File: 0f9ef78f5cc7aa7⋯.jpg (670.33 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_22_07_28_14_17_03_….jpg)




( and have you ever considered making your own alcohol by fermenting chicken feces and Distilling the liquid part that collects in the grooves of The Souls of your boots? )

Fermented liquid chicken feces, also known asMissouri Moonshine

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eb64ce No.363266

File: dfaa198b1fb27f5⋯.jpg (204.96 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_10_19_00_18_….jpg)



Because the problems you're solving for the World seem like they'd keep you up at night

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eb64ce No.363267

File: e8cf9971ebe22f4⋯.jpg (759.88 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_10_19_11_33_….jpg)

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eb64ce No.363268

File: fde4bdc17596be4⋯.jpg (944.5 KB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_10_19_21_52_….jpg)

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31a53f No.363982





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31a53f No.363983


I don't give a flying shit if no one reads what I post!

I'm posting it anyway and if someone has ONE FUCK OF A PROBLEM I'll post it 10 times over!!!!!!!!!

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31a53f No.363984


Shout out the What Does It Mean?


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047ba1 No.365978

bumping just to bug johnny

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2e6848 No.366476

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366828

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.367816

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368304

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369544

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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