oops!!…. speech to text missed a word:
"we all HAVE* access to the internet, obviously"
We all have brain stems, and the ability to go to any website we choose
It's not like he has special Insider access to anything we can't pull up on the internet if we wanted to
It's that pretentious narcissistic "wannabe expert" routine that's absurd
He presents it as if he's doing the world a favor, but it's just an incessant egomaniacal addiction which is ALL ABOUTHIM
He doesn't give a fuck other people, and he was raised in a family that never conveyed love.. a father who never conveyed love to his children, probably due to some idiotic belief that it showed a lack of masculinity to tell your children that you love them…
Because he became an adult who also didn't know how to express their love to their wife and child, and that's generally sourced from their childhood, the way they were raised.. this type of cold disconnected dispassionate core personality can be detected in his never ending need to continue brushing his own ego and convincing himself that people perceive him as a very important element of their life, supplying them with "Insider secrets that are somehow saving them"…..
Which is all complete bullshit
Everybody knows the system is not designed to protect the little guy
Everybody already knows corrupt people are corrupt
Everybody already knows they never tell the full story behind world events
It's not a "conspiracy"
its Business as Usual…
It's always been that way since thousands of years before we were born, and that same unbalanced protocol will continue for thousands of years after we die
It's never going to change
its NOT a "big secret"
It's a different day, same process…
The names and faces change as the years Roll by…
But this process has been happening since the dawn of man, Injustice and nepotism and the common man being steamrolled while the handful of Elites seem to become even more Elite with the steamrolling of each Common Man
Everybody knows they have been controlling people by creating division, presenting people with an opposing team, and distracting them, our eyes pointed in the wrong direction, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and less and less powerful
It's been happening for thousands of years, but "certain people" actually believe there used to be "the good old days", a false imaginary fantasy world in their heads, of the good old days when people weren't corrupt and Evil
Those days never actually existed
We were just young and naive, unaware this same process had been happening throughout history, as we sat in kindergarten and first grade being brainwashed with words like "truth justice and liberty for all"… red, white and blue, hot dogs and apple pie and shitty Slim Whitman LPs…
We were too young to realize the truth:
we are serfs, and our opinions beliefs and morals meet absolutely nothing, and you can never win against the system, and if you try, you'll probably be doled out an extra dose of punishment just to teach you a lesson..
All of those ideals they taught us in first grade wereLIES
….. .DUHHHHH !!!
Anybody smart figured out
the truth in their teens
This "Epiphany" happened
when we were teenagers…
This topic became boring
by the time I was 16……..
That was decades ago
it's NOT "news"….
so how can it berealnews?
the "epiphany" is fit for
acne-faced metaphysical drivel
BILL & TED'S Excellent Bong Hit
…………………….not intelligent adults
I get it…. I get it…..
the system is corrupt