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File: 32de984589246ef⋯.png (904.63 KB,885x498,295:166,2453454.png)

c50316 No.363175

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e3d217 No.363208

File: b62507c29d87e07⋯.jpg (211.24 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_10_09_32_03_….jpg)

File: 92c27df3d3175f7⋯.jpg (194.8 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_10_08_48_20_….jpg)

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File: e2c00483ae8f657⋯.jpg (294.01 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_10_11_46_49_….jpg)

Shouldn't you be begging your daughter to buy you another bottle of alcohol before it gets dark?

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e3d217 No.363209

File: 384cb312cc50680⋯.jpg (180.72 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_23_18_24_….jpg)

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File: a6c74eef173c1d4⋯.jpg (240.49 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_21_47_23_….jpg)

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e3d217 No.363210

File: 006839eebf0d3b3⋯.jpg (242.84 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_21_27_24_….jpg)

File: 4ace5e665c7cd42⋯.jpg (188.03 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_21_40_59_….jpg)

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File: ea112280af22c45⋯.jpg (222.67 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_11_58_17_….jpg)

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e3d217 No.363211

File: 86fb17b55c62ffe⋯.jpg (225.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_12_06_55_….jpg)

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File: cb362d39b628909⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x1180,54:59,Picsart_23_02_08_15_02_54_….png)

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b3b175 No.363214

bumping crucial news

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e3d217 No.363220


Bumping deez nuts against your chin

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e3d217 No.363221

File: f19d9074a40940c⋯.jpg (207.02 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_08_10_23_03_….jpg)

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e3d217 No.363222

File: afc75ffa2a56e2c⋯.png (223.98 KB,1000x1000,1:1,12205775126558.png)

AGAIN : shouldn't you be begging your daughter to buy you another bottle of cheap rot-gut discount vodka before it gets dark?

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e3d217 No.363223

Everybody knows if you could still afford your own alcohol, you wouldn't have had to begin mooching off your daughter and destroying their marriage by sleeping on their sofa

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e3d217 No.363224

File: ca6aa0d7b9cefa7⋯.jpg (625.58 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1674422238196.jpg)

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File: 0736a3b602ce0a0⋯.jpg (501.34 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1674421147038.jpg)

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b048dd No.363230


He should afford his own garden. It's possible to make wine out of almost anything. Why don't you be helpful for once?

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e3d217 No.363231


Believe it or not I am always trying to be helpful with him, because although you may not realize it… HE'S MY FRIEND

I like HIM very much

it's simply the CONSPIRACY COPY N PASTE LUNATIC ROLE that I don't like, because that's not really him

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e3d217 No.363232


but yeah…. believe it or not,I actually like killcen a lot

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e3d217 No.363233

File: a86c93b061489e4⋯.jpg (35.35 KB,512x512,1:1,EygSNcjLA3UdIb99Q0oI_1_1q9….jpg)

I'm here to RESCUE killcen

To rescue him from himself

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e3d217 No.363234

File: 2116d8a2bc786d9⋯.jpg (239.99 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_10_16_33_26_….jpg)

You seem to think I'm not a nice guy, which is the farthest thing from the truth

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e3d217 No.363235



We all access to the internet, obviously

He seems to think he's the only one that can search for specific criteria, like far-fetched cookie cutter template conspiracy theory garbage…

as if "we NEED his help looking for predictable content"

We know just as much about these exact same cookie cutter conspiracy theories as he does, if not more

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e3d217 No.363236

File: 451ec138f26a5b9⋯.png (655.11 KB,1078x874,539:437,Picsart_22_01_28_13_58_19_….png)

oops!!…. speech to text missed a word:

"we all HAVE* access to the internet, obviously"

We all have brain stems, and the ability to go to any website we choose

It's not like he has special Insider access to anything we can't pull up on the internet if we wanted to

It's that pretentious narcissistic "wannabe expert" routine that's absurd

He presents it as if he's doing the world a favor, but it's just an incessant egomaniacal addiction which is ALL ABOUTHIM

He doesn't give a fuck other people, and he was raised in a family that never conveyed love.. a father who never conveyed love to his children, probably due to some idiotic belief that it showed a lack of masculinity to tell your children that you love them…

Because he became an adult who also didn't know how to express their love to their wife and child, and that's generally sourced from their childhood, the way they were raised.. this type of cold disconnected dispassionate core personality can be detected in his never ending need to continue brushing his own ego and convincing himself that people perceive him as a very important element of their life, supplying them with "Insider secrets that are somehow saving them"…..

Which is all complete bullshit

Everybody knows the system is not designed to protect the little guy

Everybody already knows corrupt people are corrupt

Everybody already knows they never tell the full story behind world events

It's not a "conspiracy"

its Business as Usual…

It's always been that way since thousands of years before we were born, and that same unbalanced protocol will continue for thousands of years after we die

It's never going to change

its NOT a "big secret"

It's a different day, same process…

The names and faces change as the years Roll by…

But this process has been happening since the dawn of man, Injustice and nepotism and the common man being steamrolled while the handful of Elites seem to become even more Elite with the steamrolling of each Common Man

Everybody knows they have been controlling people by creating division, presenting people with an opposing team, and distracting them, our eyes pointed in the wrong direction, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and less and less powerful

It's been happening for thousands of years, but "certain people" actually believe there used to be "the good old days", a false imaginary fantasy world in their heads, of the good old days when people weren't corrupt and Evil

Those days never actually existed

We were just young and naive, unaware this same process had been happening throughout history, as we sat in kindergarten and first grade being brainwashed with words like "truth justice and liberty for all"… red, white and blue, hot dogs and apple pie and shitty Slim Whitman LPs…

We were too young to realize the truth:



we are serfs, and our opinions beliefs and morals meet absolutely nothing, and you can never win against the system, and if you try, you'll probably be doled out an extra dose of punishment just to teach you a lesson..

All of those ideals they taught us in first grade wereLIES


….. .DUHHHHH !!!

Anybody smart figured out

the truth in their teens


This "Epiphany" happened

when we were teenagers…

This topic became boring

by the time I was 16……..

That was decades ago



it's NOT "news"….

so how can it berealnews?

the "epiphany" is fit for

acne-faced metaphysical drivel

BILL & TED'S Excellent Bong Hit

…………………….not intelligent adults

I get it…. I get it…..

the system is corrupt


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e3d217 No.363237

File: c23e066a56bc96e⋯.png (266.72 KB,510x510,1:1,Picsart_22_02_05_22_27_20_….png)

D I S C L A I M E R :


one of the world's worst

I'm THE most annoying narcissist alive

I don't deny that fir a second

But it's not his narcissism I'm complaining about.. I dont have any problem with narcissists……

it's the INSULTING assumption on his part that I find ridiculous

the bizarre assumption that we couldn't copy and paste the same stupid garbage from the same stupid websites if we wanted to

The idiotic assumption that we are all here looking for copied and pasted cookie cutter conspiracy trash, but we aren't intelligent enough to know where to look for it

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e3d217 No.363238

File: 08f5189e1ff8c81⋯.jpg (648.9 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230210_171103….jpg)

Imagine if all day everyday I falsely pretended like everybody came here because they were interested in aromatherapy, but they were too stupid to find any aromatherapy websites

So I continually shoveled aromatherapy " real news " at everone…everyone….

Pretending that you were too stupid to find an aromatherapy website…

Aromatherapy this, aromatherapy that, aromatherapy, aromatherapy, here and aromatherapy, there and aromatherapy, aromatherapy aromatherapy aromatherapy….





and i kept patting myself on the back, "the world's foremost aromatherapy insider" who bravely "saves the world by indly copying and pasting garbage in an empty chatrom"



Nobody gives a fuck.. intelligent people are capable of changing the subject occasionally, at least once every 35 years I would think

While he continues playing that online character of the world's most foremost Insider with secret knowledge about conspiracies, I'm going to continue playing the role of the guy who gives him shit

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e3d217 No.363239

File: 1f9feb021888fa6⋯.jpg (56.19 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_30_17_….jpg)

File: 8bdc799e8fae317⋯.jpg (294.69 KB,1706x1706,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_20_06_41_….jpg)

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File: 4def22ee7147f6f⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_21_20_….jpg)


I'm crazy bout Elvis, as Tom Petty said

always have been

Ever since taking LSD at age 12

And inadvertently stumbling onto

A collection of Elvis' early work

and tripping my ass off, I watched

a documentary about him

and I became A HUGE ELVIS FAN !!


ELVIS FANATIC !!!! trust me…

But you only see me mention Elvis occasionally in here

I very rarely never even mention him in here…..

Although in real life, everybody who has ever met me will tell you Elvis plays a gigantic role in my existence every day of my life

The way some religious zealots behave over their Jesus garbage.. I am much more of a zealot about elvis, andit's worth noting that I barely ever talk about Elvis in here

Cuz we are all capable of separating our personal obsessions from everyday conversations with other people who I realize do not share my same insane fanaticism over Elvis

So I'm not going to sit here and shove it down your fucking throats

And unlike Killcen, IAMAN EXPERT

I've been devoting my life to this shit for 47 years, so I'm not just copying and pasting website articles about Elvis and presenting them without even reading them all the way through the way he does

IDOhave REAL "INSIDER SECRET INFO" about Elvis…. I was even offered a job as art director at Graceland…. I know secrets about Elvis that most DieHard Elvis fans have never heard before, straight from Graceland, and straight from countless famous celebrities who I've met and had long conversations about Elvis and learned a lot of Insider Secrets nobody even knows about

But he likes to present himself as having inside information

Bullshit. He's just going to the same handful of predictable websites he likes, copying and pasting anything he sees without even really understanding it

and THATS what I'm trying to HELP HIM with

I want to help him see himself for the douchebag he's behaving like

And change the subject occasionally

That type of monotony is usually reserved for learning disabled retards and autistic Down syndrome monkey people

You can only talk about the same thing for so long before even an idiot realizes it's time to change the subject and show a different side of your intellect

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e3d217 No.363242

File: 6af7974d4c49d4f⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_19_03_35_….jpg)

File: 83c84a7affaac66⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,480x480,1:1,Picsart_22_12_31_18_54_25_….jpg)

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of course I could…..

( and you would see a much more passionate dedication on my part, a much stronger devotion than his selfish passion about conspiracy theories)


Because unlike him, I actually give a shit about you guys.. at least a little bit

(not the 4chan refugees who came running here with their tail between their legs after getting banned, looking for false reassurances of their imaginary superiority)


I'm not going to do that to you

Although you may see me occasionally go on a bit of an Elvis tangent, trust me you have no idea how happy I would be to stay awake for 3 or 4 days incessantly shoveling Elvis down your fucking throats….

But you didn't come here looking for Elvis information, too stupid to find out for yourself..

And I didn't come here looking for conspiracy theories, too stupid to use the internet and find the Endless Ocean of boring trendy TikTok-esque Facebook-tier garbage conspiracy theories being copied and pasted in trailer parks Across America by morons who have convinced themselves that they are suddenly "researchers"

Take that shit to Facebook

and I'LL keep my Elvis Obsession in the Realms of my everyday real life existence, and I won't bother you guys with it

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9a6753 No.363965

legit news bumparoo

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01a217 No.364566

bumping legitimate respected news

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3e7dd4 No.364947

certified news anti-slide

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