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File: 531f397dfe1965d⋯.png (597.56 KB,673x2305,673:2305,0e5fbe27f16a44.png)

0a9820 No.363016 [Last50 Posts]

Bio-weapon Targeting!

Israeli Government Partnered With Pfizer To Compile Genetic Database Of Population + MY COMMENT

Upon once again being reinstated last month as Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu dropped a bombshell about how he pressured Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to turn the “Holy Land” into a “lab for Pfizer” to unleash its covid “vaccines.”

In a recent interview with philosopher Dr. Jordan Peterson, Netanyahu made numerous shocking admissions, without any shame, about how the Israeli people were used as human guinea pigs in the Pfizer experiment – all thanks to Netanyahu’s goading.

“I described that in my book, my conversations with Albert Bourla, Pfizer and I persuaded him to give tiny Israel then the necessary vaccines to get us out first from the covid,” Netanyahu revealed.

“And the reason I could do that is because we have a database, 98%, a medical database. 98% of our population has digitized medical records and [a] little card. Related: The Israeli government knew from the beginning that covid injections were injuring and killing people; pushed the shots anyway: https://naturalnews.com/2022-09-07-israel-lied-people-died-covid-vaccine-deception.html

Netanyahu used Israel’s medical records technology to force the Israeli people to get jabbed, as it allowed for quick and easy access to their “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated” status. This is how the Middle Eastern state’s vaccine “passport” scheme was made possible.

“I said, we’ll use that to tell you whether these vaccines – what do they do to people, no individual people, not with their individual identities,” Netanyahu revealed. “But statistically what does it do to people with … meningitis: what does it do to people with high blood pressure, what is it you want to know?”

“So Israel became, if you will, the lab for Pfizer, and that’s how we did it. We gave the information to the world, and not only it’s been published in medical magazines and so on. That’s a database we have.”

Netanyahu’s ultimate goal, he says, is to build upon Israel’s personal medical records database to create a new genetic database covering the entire population of the country.

MY COMMENT: Make no mistake folks, this was done on a GLOBAL LEVEL to target undesirable individuals to cull and exterminate!!! It also gives them the genetic data they need to create MORE BIOWEAPONS to further genocide undesirable indigenous populations!!!


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6567b3 No.363018


what's all this shit JN is yapping about with you smoking pot?

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6567b3 No.363021


Why does he keep telling us to ask you about smoking pot and some kind of voices you're hearing? What's going on here?

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6567b3 No.363023

File: 90ed4b13fcbe0d3⋯.jpg (59.38 KB,370x571,370:571,e68e560e52324ef68da7833f7e….jpg)

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6567b3 No.363024

File: 079c89244f88ba7⋯.jpg (29.88 KB,512x512,1:1,UqAM0ccn6iESTsfBfIgP_2_t90….jpg)

MY COMMENT : nobody cares about your comment.


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6567b3 No.363025

File: ea112280af22c45⋯.jpg (222.67 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_11_58_17_….jpg)


You never loved your wife or daughter, and only think about your own greedy selfish narcissistic insane psychotic embarrassing bottom of the dumpster needs and desires.

You've never told your wife that you loved heard before she died from a broken life, and you still never tell your daughter that you love her…

Even after destroying her childhood then adding insult to injury by begging her to please let sleep on her sofa so you could continue destroying her adult life.

You are a cold uncaring unloving human being, and everything you ever copy and paste is wrong

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6567b3 No.363026

File: d23914b75eb181c⋯.jpg (212.95 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_12_08_47_….jpg)



By copying and pasting complete garbage in an empty chat room while your family suffered for decades


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6567b3 No.363027

File: 86fb17b55c62ffe⋯.jpg (225.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_12_06_55_….jpg)


=you are THE worst father and husband in history!!==

You should have been thrown in prison decades ago.. somebody needs to beat the ever living shit out of you

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6567b3 No.363028

File: 6fb5764d788350c⋯.jpg (191.49 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_12_05_16_….jpg)


you NEVER loved your wife…. never….

You simply married her you felt forced into it, obligated to prove that you were normal, while you were hearing demons whispering in your head…

After having one child, you never had sex with your wife again, because you never loved her and you were never sexually attracted to her…

You've never been sexually attracted to anybody other than your daughter

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6567b3 No.363029

File: 3992001b05e4718⋯.jpg (29.3 KB,512x512,1:1,ClT46cpRjgwHABXVI57E_2_l5h….jpg)

Any unhappy narcissistic alcoholic man who would abuse his own daughter by literallyABANDONING HER FOR DECADES while STILL LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOFwould also sexually abuse her…


You're lucky she's willing to pretend it never happened

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e1d720 No.363030



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e1d720 No.363031


The lies you spew about me show you are desperate to cover-up the truth that I have provided over the years!

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6567b3 No.363033

File: ea63d50b4fd0a49⋯.jpg (43.81 KB,512x512,1:1,yStVu3Rx9MawAxLZmxsm_4_mrt….jpg)


CORRECTION : there's no such thing as demons or angels, no such thing as God or Satan, and Jesus never existed



as opposed to the garden variety CLASSIC SCHIZOPHRENIA, like Ashley Schneider has.

nope…. the marijuana had nothing to do with the voices in your head….

They were already in your head long before you smoked the pot, and you continued hearing them for decades after you stopped smoking pot…


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6567b3 No.363034

File: 40d0210b2c254dc⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,512x512,1:1,yStVu3Rx9MawAxLZmxsm_2_uyv….jpg)



hahahahaha yeah, right "demon ears"

Shouldn't you be begging your daughter for another bottle of vodka right now?

Did you clean up your puddle of urine off the kitchen floor when she woke you up this morning?

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6567b3 No.363035

File: b3d07378a850be9⋯.jpg (33.38 KB,512x512,1:1,d8LNHExnPIbibXmYxK63_1_mbf….jpg)


Everything I'm typing are words that came out of everything I'm typing are words that came out of your own mouth

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6567b3 No.363036

File: 7a8831b9084e943⋯.jpg (61.6 KB,512x512,1:1,d8LNHExnPIbibXmYxK63_2_iv1….jpg)

You seem to think that you are your own psychotherapist

HINT: you should sue your psychologist, because he dropped out in the 10th grade and doesn't understand anything about psychology or psychiatric disorders… plus he's a child molester

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6567b3 No.363037

File: 6abebbe87561a6b⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,512x512,1:1,d8LNHExnPIbibXmYxK63_4_o1y….jpg)

I can't believe you had the audacity to actually contact your daughter again, after she finally found a stable saying trustworthy Dependable man..


She had finally found stability and someone who was able to express love towards her, unlike you

so you decided to DESTROY HER MARRIAGE

You are a complete piece of shit, dude you're the worst father I've ever seen

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6567b3 No.363038

File: a732548cf39366f⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,512x512,1:1,d8LNHExnPIbibXmYxK63_3_m6s….jpg)

Quite honestly? You should have spent the past 50 years in a Missouri penitentiary

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6567b3 No.363039

File: 68f59ef58d83687⋯.jpg (26.73 KB,512x512,1:1,iH0yWirkzGzly8Uh85CQ_2_iw5….jpg)

You think people perceive you as being some kind of knowledgeable expert, who has invaluable advice they cannot possibly live without


You have been telling people they were about to die any minute now for the past 36 years

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6567b3 No.363040

File: 2f1486079b71027⋯.jpg (39.13 KB,512x512,1:1,iH0yWirkzGzly8Uh85CQ_3_48n….jpg)

Little do you realize the way people actually perceive you

hint: it's NOT good

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6567b3 No.363041

File: dcd49ccc0f61fe8⋯.jpg (35.07 KB,512x512,1:1,iH0yWirkzGzly8Uh85CQ_4_07n….jpg)

if you think YOUR EXISTENCE is an example that other people want to model their lives after, you are even stupider than you appear

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6567b3 No.363042

File: 01a68bf0e368508⋯.jpg (29.71 KB,512x512,1:1,ClT46cpRjgwHABXVI57E_4_7mo….jpg)

AGAIN : religion and repressed inner passions are the only reason you felt obligated to marry a female

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6567b3 No.363043

File: 7a9c89652909d02⋯.jpg (29.23 KB,512x512,1:1,3soUDvsoAHLKE9OtMBIR_4_0go….jpg)

Your wife probably made some hints about your lack of sexual interest, so you felt forced into intercourse with her

She got pregnant one time, and you never mentioned sex again

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6567b3 No.363044

File: 12b273e466841cf⋯.jpg (29.16 KB,512x512,1:1,3soUDvsoAHLKE9OtMBIR_2_zyd….jpg)

I'm certain you made excuses to her, the same wait you make excuses in here.. empty worthless transparently false justifications about "saving the world"

Continued drowning the demon voices in your head with disgusting alcohol, an unloving marriage and unloving relationship with your obligatory daughter

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6567b3 No.363045

File: 811695b4a0654c3⋯.jpg (24.43 KB,512x512,1:1,3soUDvsoAHLKE9OtMBIR_3_ptv….jpg)

You had the audacity to actually manipulate your daughter into allowing you to continue destroying the quality of her life after Decades of abandonment while the remaining under the same roof

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6567b3 No.363046

File: d89774d88398fa8⋯.jpg (40.29 KB,512x512,1:1,awKWKXeeCbFiIkjJ6Xfa_2_f7m….jpg)

Your daughter would rather you had burned her with lit cigarettes then abandoning her while you sat there in the house, focused on your incessant psychotic need to feel like "people perceive you as being intelligent"

they don't

They perceive you as being psychotic and narcissistic

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6567b3 No.363047

File: b9d7eaab91de73d⋯.jpg (37.11 KB,512x512,1:1,awKWKXeeCbFiIkjJ6Xfa_4_6p6….jpg)

Somehow after 73 years of destroying other people's lives, you still managed to convince yourself that you are a shining example of biblical success


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6567b3 No.363048

File: 9318449bb105874⋯.jpg (33.28 KB,512x512,1:1,awKWKXeeCbFiIkjJ6Xfa_1_5on….jpg)

I'm certain your wife would have preferred you just punch her in the face instead of neglecting her and relegating her to nothing more than a house cleaner while you continued your alcoholic rage and idiotic conspiracy garbage

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6567b3 No.363049

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x360,16:9,d8aa61825cb8ad6a8e3c72dbdd….mp4)


an attempt to overcompensate for your lack of Life accomplishment and relevance

a never-ending need to feel as if you've managed to make people think you are more knowledgeable than them

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6567b3 No.363050

File: 765d2b570fb4e19⋯.jpg (41.58 KB,512x512,1:1,xQCyHHBOsfnh6ouXgksi_4_wc9….jpg)

just one little problem :

You're not talking to uneducated trailer park trash in here…

You never expected the world to continue moving forward, and young people becoming much much more intelligent than you before they even reached the age of 18

So your attempt to appear more intelligent than them false flat on its face every time you copy and paste something you don't understand

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6567b3 No.363051

File: cc1007828ee0ed1⋯.jpg (40.16 KB,512x512,1:1,xQCyHHBOsfnh6ouXgksi_1_anu….jpg)

It doesn'tmatter HOW MANY TIMES you repeat the term "spike proteins", because it's painfully obvious you don't even understand what it means.. so even 6th graders can instantly recognize that you are less educated than them

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2acf4c No.363052


This in and of itself is a LIE. Younger generations are addicted to posting Tik Tok videos on their iphones and other gadgets and most don't know how to read by the time they graduate high school today!!!

Refer HERE: >>>/pnd/360599


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6567b3 No.363054

File: dd69a4d8e4a80db⋯.jpg (32.09 KB,512x512,1:1,xQCyHHBOsfnh6ouXgksi_2_g7l….jpg)

You destroyed your wife's existence, in an UNLOVING, COLD MARRIAGE

you destroyed your own daughters life

and now her marriage



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6567b3 No.363055


lol YOUR….. YOU'RE……

confusing stuff, right?

According to you, those two words have been mind-boggling since 1956

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2acf4c No.363056


We would have not survived what is coming if we all didn't get out of dodge and work together as a family unit. What we did together saved our lives!!!

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6567b3 No.363057

File: 4e3f15351c0ea71⋯.jpg (163.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_12_53_10_….jpg)

the man who has remained illiterate since 1956 deflects by claiming today's youth are "uneducated"

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2acf4c No.363058


Which brings me to MY NEXT BOOK: "Beyond Strange Sounds: The Glorification Of Lies And Deceit To Exterminate And Replace God's Creation, The Human Race"

You will be able to find it passed on at local flea markets in rural Missouri, passed onto and sold by local merchants who will remain anonymous.

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6567b3 No.363059

File: 5a1bae754703fc6⋯.jpg (316.02 KB,2265x1012,2265:1012,Picsart_23_02_09_12_55_22_….jpg)

WOULD NOT HAVE = past tense

WHAT IS COMING = hypothetical future events


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6567b3 No.363060

File: 2652c8174c96a15⋯.jpg (11.25 KB,512x512,1:1,u4eU5fp92eOlLGDpWCZI_4_v6l….jpg)





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6567b3 No.363061

File: ee1f1c9e3e683d2⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,512x512,1:1,u4eU5fp92eOlLGDpWCZI_2_ntw….jpg)

lmmfgdao @ we WOULD HAVE NEVER SURVIVED an imaginary panic porn hypothetical "falling sky" that will never occur


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6567b3 No.363062

File: a2c57b1c45d8614⋯.jpg (529.18 KB,2265x1012,2265:1012,Screenshot_20230209_125429….jpg)



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2acf4c No.363063


What is coming most will never be ready for, and in all honesty we too could face total ELIMINATION no matter how hard we fight or hide.

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6567b3 No.363064

File: a1dcf3cda10ad26⋯.jpg (27.62 KB,512x512,1:1,u4eU5fp92eOlLGDpWCZI_1_02h….jpg)

HINT: your daughter knows you will die of a stroke, and she will live for another 41 years afterwards

free of your incessant warnings

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6567b3 No.363065



what you weren't when you decided to drop out of school

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2acf4c No.363066



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6567b3 No.363067

File: a232bfa76e6fc1d⋯.jpg (48.37 KB,512x512,1:1,WePWyilmPvtuBpxRCAXW_2_et9….jpg)


monkey brain

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6567b3 No.363068

File: f90f3db1ee69931⋯.jpg (32.24 KB,512x512,1:1,WePWyilmPvtuBpxRCAXW_4_3uk….jpg)


my 18 year old daughter can run circles around you in science, maths, medicine, economics, ANY SUBJECT

the world seems scary to a monkeyman

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6567b3 No.363069

lol @ "make no mistake, folks:



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6567b3 No.363070

who the fuck are you even talking to?

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2b7b72 No.363071


Military intelligence and lurkers.

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6567b3 No.363072


You're much more stupid than you are psychotic, although you are one of the most psychotic delusional people I've ever seen

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6567b3 No.363074

Your entire existence revolves around trying to convince yourself that you're important

Too bad you didn't actually putting the effort into becoming important in your life, and simply ended up feeling the need to overcompensate instead

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2b7b72 No.363075


It does not matter what the masses think, most will end up dead.

Here's What Happens When PEOPLE Get DESPERATE



MP3 FILE: https://video.brighteon.com/file/BTBucket-Prod/audio/e414f348-6f2c-4aaa-bcdc-9c01db1096ab.mp3

RELATED: >>>/pnd/361616

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6567b3 No.363086


what brand of vodka are you going to ask your daughter to pay for tonight, MASTER PLANNER?

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6567b3 No.363088

It just seems to me like if you really were an expert on preparing for the future, you wouldn't have needed to move in with your daughter..

You claimed that everybody pitches in together, but I'm sure it's not quite as balanced.. because you're supposed to be the master of preparation

You're the one who can predict the future and prepare for it

So why did you need help?

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6567b3 No.363089

I'm not being an asshole.. I actually like you a lot

I actually think you're pretty fucking cool to be honest with you

But I also think your all too often full of shit, convincing yourself that you are the only one who realizes the world has gone to hell

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6567b3 No.363090

I know just as much as you do about the demise of the human race on this planet

more, to be candid

I actually know more about it than you do, but I don't rub it in

You would be so much cooler if you stopped the song and dance and just acted like a cool dude

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6567b3 No.363091

I mean.. I'm just being real with you dude

My buddies in real life don't keep talking about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over

And I wouldn't expect someone to behave that way online either

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6567b3 No.363092


because I don't like the "Noah2.0"

I likeYOU

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5cb7d4 No.363095

The truth of the matter is I actually respect you a lot and hold you in very high regard. You might be surprised. If you only knew…..

I swear to fucking God I think you're pretty fucking cool dude

YOU are . ……. YOU are cool

But the character of The Conspiracy Theory expert who's saving the world is not cool

I mean.. of course I get it.. you're allowed to be a weirdo, that's all right.. I've got my own irritating idiosyncrasies, like my fixation on Elvis or cats or anal sex with small breasted women who have chiseled facial features

But I also have an online character, and you don't like him either

But I think you realize the real me is actually a very cool guy, and I like you a lot.. you and I could have a lot of fun getting drunk and talking about the old days…

But both of us also has an online character we play.. you are the crazy conspiracy reincarnated Noah character, which is a total pain in the ass

And I have an extremely abrasive confrontational online character that's also a total pain in the ass

But that's not really us

Jerry also has one.

Jerry is cool as fuck and I respect him a lot.. I don't think he knows how much I actually respect him

But Jerry is just like you and i, because he also has an online character that's a total pain in the ass :

Jerry's online persona is theANTI PERSONA PROTESTER PATRIOTIC word-circle-jerk one-man bing-bong Army against online personapersona

And it's also a pain in the ass

We are the three oddballs, and as everybody knows, both good and bad things happen in threes

We are the old gray experienced few.. quite literally a few, because if I'm not mistaken a "few" means three

And in real life, we would all laugh our asses off and have a great time hanging out.. you and I would talk Jerry into drinking some alcohol, Jerry and I would talk you into smoking some pot, and neither you or Jerry would successfully talk me into letting both of you take turns sucking my dick, no matter how many times you begged and pleaded..

lol just kidding

see?….. SEE?…… I just made a joke about you and Jerry being gay, because that's what buddies do in real life.. we give each other shit

It's not me natured.. I'm just giving you shit… in real life, me and my real life buddies always give each other a hard time, incessantly

I continually get insulting text messages from my best friends on a regular basis, and I got a couple last night from a dude I've known since we were 14…

He texted some shit that inferred I was stupid and probably homosexual, and it was really funny.. because he's my buddy

He's the same one who has texted me insults since texting began, and he has chastised me and put me in my place in person for decades, often scathing painfully brutally honest observations thatI needed to hear

And very often it took me a bit longer too embrace the painful truth then on other times

But my friends reserved the right to be brutally honest with me

And I reserve the right to be brutally honest with them

We also share the right to give each other hell, insult each other, ridicule and point fingers and torment each other if we want to because we're Buddies

But you would be so much cooler if you would stop the online persona occasionally and just approach the chat room thing from a real point of view that has nothing to do with breaking conspiracy news

You would be so much more palatable if you chopped it in half at least

And you would be happier

Because although you don't realize it, you are making yourself miserable, and you're not helping anybody, you're only trying to make other people miserable too

I'm guilty of the same thing

The character I play online is obviously designed around making people miserable, but I'm being brutally honest with my opinions.. it's not like I'm lying about these Millennial kids with their video games.. it's true.. their video games turn them into weirdos who watch anime and still live with Mommy at age 37, having never looked a woman in the eyes and asked her out on a date because they're too scared

But my character is extremely abrasive, like 10 grit sandpaper, and it's completely true what Jerry says about that type of energy consuming the good part of you.. sure.. of course that's true.. sometimes I find myself becoming more of my character than the real me

Jerry's guilty of becoming his condescending judgemental side as well, but he does it in the guise of "the non judgemental guru" wise sage character….

I'll make a deal with you :

I'll cut MY pain in the ass character by 50%

I'd you'll cut YOUR pain in the ass character by 50% as well

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5cb7d4 No.363096


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5cb7d4 No.363097

how's that for a deal?

you and Ieachspend 50% less time with conspiracies and confrontational

and just be DUDES

the way dudes hang out in real life

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5cb7d4 No.363098

and together, we can each be more pleasant to endure

and we will also be happier for it

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5cb7d4 No.363099

you've always been addicted to stress

I've always been addicted to making painful observations

together, you and I can make the world a better place


And we will each still have 50% of our online time doing what we are addicted to

ME ?………. i view /pnd/ as a perfect opportunity to snare unsuspecting want to be Neo-Nazi white supremacist that racist bigoted inexperienced sheltered computer geeks who came here thinking this was another version of /pol/

And reminding them that there's nothing Superior about an unemployed virgin who lives with his mother in his mid thirties who points the finger at others, accusing them of being inferior, while they sit in their mother's spare bedroom on a weekday when they could be making a living and moving forward with their lives… and I enjoy watching them squirm

YOU ?….. you like to pretend that you're the only person who has access to the internet, and play the role of a journalist, as if we don't already have the same access to the same stories as you.. and you enjoy the fact that people get turned off by it because you enjoy watching them squirm

So we could still be irritating as fuck 50% of the time

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5cb7d4 No.363134

File: 4ace5e665c7cd42⋯.jpg (188.03 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_02_09_21_40_59_….jpg)

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b03aa3 No.363157


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574b64 No.363159


OK, but I'm not a journalist and never said I was. I'm not "superior" to anyone either, never said I was. I'm simply self-educated, I'm an experienced prepper, I want others to survive what's coming including you too. I can't make anyone do anything, that's completely up to them. The way I see it is I am aware of how bad the coming tribulations will unfold, and I am obligated, by God, to warn others. It is not a guarantee a majority will listen to me, that's not the point, the point is even if I saved one soul that was the intention and obligation put before me.

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c19c23 No.363216

bumping jaw-breaking news

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2b7b72 No.363240

bumping respectable news

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12fc28 No.363316

anti-slide 21

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8913ed No.364569

factual news bumparoo

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2f766b No.365209

true news anti-slide

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