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b6409f No.361698

Everybody ready for rolling blackouts?

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681510 No.361744


no, but me and three of my friends are ready to come to your house, drink all your vodka, beat the shit out of your son-in-law, take turns having sex with your daughter, and then give you a stray cat as a belated Christmas present

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681510 No.361745

(heads up: this stray cat is special needs, so it has a problem with diarrhea and it likes to spray and Mark territory more than the average cat because of a psychological issue, being abandoned by it s father or something like that)

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681510 No.361746

But we're definitely ready.. let me know when you're ready

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681510 No.361752

by the way, you ARE aware that America is about to officially declare the end of the pandemic, right?

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681510 No.361753

the White House is preparing to officially declare the covid pandemic OVER…

it's done

your vaccination predictions fell flat

who would've guessed?

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85f459 No.361826


You and your criminal thug friends best bring guns with you, because that is what me and my family will be using for self-defense! Rifles for long-range sniping, handguns for B&E if you manage to bust down our entry-point fortifications, and as always shotguns for mob control!!! We have guns hidden in every room for any movement they need to be put to use, heaven forbid! We even have guns nearby where we sleep, with off-grid emergency lighting for when the power goes down and we don't sleep in pajamas like normal folks!! You asked if I'm ready, I've written doomsday prophesies 15+ years ago with all the info you need to know to defend your private property!!

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85f459 No.361827


The PLANNEDEMIC is only "officially over" because 1) no one cares about it anymore and 2) the government temporarily gave up on their vaccine passport agenda because too many States refused to enforce such non-sense draconian policies!! and you can add another reason 3) they got at least half the population to take the clot shot already, so they killed and maimed enough Americans within the targeted range they desired to (or almost enough and now it's completely exposed!).

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000000 No.361829


From the moment it began covid was a lie. You can't declare an end to something that never existed. Covid is a smokescreen.

There is an invisible enemy and it's not a virus. Thit SHIT ain't never gonna be over until the story breaks. There will be an upheaval in the medical profession that makes the fall of Rome look like a cartoon. If it wears a caduceus, it lies. Without exception.

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970db5 No.361831


No denying the bioweapon was actually the so-called mRNA "vaccine" they were rolling out, not some common flu virus "covid" (whether it be man-made or not, the point being it was a ruse to cover-up their depopulation mass genocide agenda long-term). Without the mandated "boosters" and vaccine passports or the ability to enforce them, they jumped ship back to full-blown economic destabilization, the supply chain sabotage we are seeing today. Same agenda in the long-run, but different cover. Whether you call it "UN Agenda 21", "Green New Deal", "New World Order", "Build Back Better" or heck why not "The Great Leap Forward" (!?) the agendas are all the same. Communistic in nature, all about centralizing power and the installation of a totalitarian state, population control, creating total dependency on government and monopolist cartels, regulation of all land & resources, etc.

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922206 No.361834

File: 67348ff9d3d6980⋯.jpg (85.6 KB,750x500,3:2,wheel_of_climate_change.jpg)

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> the White House is preparing to officially declare the covid pandemic OVER…

Leaving aside the fact that (((You)))r senile old "Leader" said it is the Supreme Court's job to make that determination… (lol)

(((They))) will NEVER let go of the power (((they))) derive from declaring "Emergencies".

It's almost like (((You))) are pretending to be unaware of the "Climate Emergency" that has already been declared, and all the power to Control "Others" that has now been claimed, and the Hell that (((they))) are enacting upon the peoples of this Earth in the name of that Declared "Emergency".

We get it. (((You))) practice the cultish ''"Climate Alarmist Religion"'. Also, (((You))) hate humans. As such, ALL (((You)))r opinions related to human activity should be disregarded.

For someone with a decent modicum of intelligence, (((You))) sure aren't very smart, are (((You)))?

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970db5 No.361835

File: e5670901f1d1b45⋯.jpg (152.52 KB,750x500,3:2,ww.jpg)


You also need to take into consideration geo-engineering technologies like HAARP which they have been advancing for over 30 years and used for weaponizing weather against unsuspecting populations, with chemtrails to poison the environment as well. All their "emergencies" are over problems they themselves have created over several decades! Same with all the economic problems we have today, all created through debt insolvency, endless fiat currency creation and market manipulations. The sole objective, "Great Reset" all the way back to the "New World Order", is depopulation and population control.

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000000 No.361837


First things first.

Hard as it may be to believe, the medical profession has been in your basekilling your dudeslong before covid. These factions in medicine have gone largely undetected and have been routinely ignored by other factions. The bad docs silence the good ones. (see also: Dr. Van Koinis suicide)

This talk of vaccines shields the guilty in medicine and allows them to evade prosecution for their shockingly numerous crimes. First things first.

If you do not adhere to this logic you will continue to get spun like tops and lied to about literally everything. People have an idea that disinformation and misinformation is limited to the political sphere. Nothing could be further from the truth.

First things first.

Covid is a distraction. A smokescreen.

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000000 No.361838


First things first.

And you can best believe that people like me who say these things, who speak this truth to power in places like this oti and irl are targeted for elimination. They can't silence us all but they will try. Yes they will.

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970db5 No.361839


Most health problems, from diabetes to cancer, can actually be cured through proper dieting, boosting the immune system with nutrition supplements and cutting down on bad habits (smoking, binge drinking, drug use, consuming fast foods & sugar, etc). Most health problems - excluding some severe cases which may have already caused too much damage - can be fixed by the actions taken from individuals. That's the truth that has been covered-up by the Big Pharma "medical" industry for many decades. They rely on sick people and to keep people sick to further their own profits. Up to 90% of all Big Pharma medical intervention CAN BE PREVENTED AND FIXED. That's what they do not let doctors inform others about. Doctors are mostly on their payroll and can be cut off from medical licenses should they tell people this truth. The medical industry is corrupted and has been for a long time. You just have to be aware of the risks trusting this establishment. Outside of some serious fatal medical condition or injury, I would not take such risks. This is also the reason they are violating HIPAA privacy laws, to keep track of people and to make blacklists (aka death panels) of undesirable people!!!

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000000 No.361841


b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b BINGO.

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000000 No.361845


Most of the good docs have aged out and gone into retirement.

The new drive through McMedicine is fully corporatized and the practitioners are employees. If something goes wrong, which it usually does in these places, you are, legally speaking, dealing with a corporation. And the multiple practitioners you have had contact with makes it nigh on impossible to hold any one of them accountable. Same calculus applies to any emergency room or hospital.


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85f459 No.361860


I know I might be preaching to the choir but most of what Big Pharma provides is similar to snake oil. They claim it will cure a medical condition, but in reality it only masks the problems while creating other potential problems, and it's a like domino effect: you go to treat one condition, and then another adverse side effect makes you take another condition and so on and so forth until you end up popping 10 to 12 pills per day. Then you wonder why 40 years later you end up being treated with chemotherapy because you did nothing to prevent or stop the root problems and it allowed cancer to take over your body. The whole thing could have been prevented by simply boosting your immune system naturally, eating a healthier diet, exercising and stopping unhealthy bad habits in the first place.

Now try telling this to the average normie and they'll likely get angry at you and seethe while they pop pills for their fucked up mental disorder.

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000000 No.361893


"Big Pharma" I hate that term.

There used to a running conversation around here, like baroom talk that I've heard many times:

prima: Do you think they'll ever find a cure for cancer?

secunda: They probably already have.

prima: Do you think they'll announce it?

secunda: No. Why would they? Sick people make money.

There are amazingly effective new treatments for cancer and other proliferative diseases. There are amazing highly educated, talented and dedicated researchers behind "Big Pharma" who make the miracles. Huxley said "one could feel nothing but admiration for such people". Big Pharma is the marketing arm of the miracle business. Their aim is to make maximum dollars. Medicine has the same goal. Politics has their view as well.

If you are not paying your healthcare expenses out of pocket to an old school doc who does not use electronic healthcare records you are at risk. Politics likes to play with demographics.

They fancy themselves as central planners. Anything that helps them raise the all cause mortality rate helps them eliminate the remnants of a once free and prosperous middle class.

The immigrants won't miss driving automobiles because they never had one back home. This is highly desirable stock for a megalomaniacal global monolith hell bent on taking the little people back to steam trains and morse code.

ATWA. The re-greening of the planet and the re-institution of illiteracy and serfdom. Regional self sufficency and an end of daily airplane delivery of fresh seafood to landlocked states thousands of miles away.

Green New Deal is their very real plan.

Epsilon semi-morons are their very real goal.

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000000 No.361964


Expect internet, cable.and dish blackouts too.

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a99bda No.361971



And as I've posted numerous times in the past, the red flag indication of a SHTF event, a real big one, will be when both the power and internet go down! At that point you best be ready to hunker down and have everything you need to live off-grid in advance, lock 'n load!!! Within 12 hours all stores will start to get ransacked and looted and within 24 hours no more supplies will be available and it's highly probable they will declare martial law!! And whatever you do, do not trust the government! If they tell people on the radio or by some emergency degree to leave your homes and go to the nearest "public shelters" DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!! You'll be taken to a FEMA camp, they have them set up in all "FEMA REGIONS" aka all throughout the country, with TONS of coffins stored for what they have planned for those stupid enough to trust them!!!!

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622915 No.365504




Doctors should be less afraid of losing their licenses, and more afraid of losing the respect of the people they purport to serve.

They should let their licenses get stripped and start treating people in private membership clubs, getting paid with crypto or gold or silver.

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