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File: 8dc780f4e8042ee⋯.jpeg (26.75 KB,916x781,916:781,image_155.jpeg)

a9f387 No.361659

German Government Admits ‘Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’

The German government has admitted that an ‘alarming number’ of vaccinated people are developing ‘AIDS-like symptoms.’

According to new data released by German authorities, Germany has experienced over 102k excess deaths in 2022, a 276% increase on excess deaths recorded in the year 2020: https://expose-news.com/2023/01/22/c19-vaccine-induced-aids-death-scandal-germany/

As the German government published data in January 2022, concerns about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine began to rise.

The data suggested that most of the individuals who had been fully vaccinated would develop full-blown vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by the end of the month.


Furthermore, the data confirmed that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated had already degraded to an average of minus 87%.

In Germany at the time, 70.53% were fully vacinaed, 2.97% were partially vaccinated and 26.5% were unvaccinated, according to reports.

So the unvaccinated had 186 cases out of 26.5% of the population. While the fully vaccinated had 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.

So the vaccinated Omicron case incidence was 57 per 1 per cent of the population (830,000 is 1% of the 83 million German population). While the unvaccinated Omicron case incidence was just 7.02 per 1 per cent of the population.

So the vaccinated were (57.0/7.02 =) 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated in Germany .


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a9f387 No.361662









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d2c7a3 No.361679

bumping respectable news

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39e7f4 No.361821

bumping unbeatable news

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39e7f4 No.361823



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12e64e No.362158

bumping rational news

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852791 No.363977

File: 4f9a521178de72c⋯.jpg (34.18 KB,447x306,149:102,sage_negated.jpg)

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856f93 No.363985

Trust the corrupt, run out of luck!

Bye Bye clot shot faggots!

Bye bye.

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3ec1cd No.364314

bumping highly respected news

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654877 No.364796

bumping popular news

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852791 No.365084

bumping exponential news

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8f73b3 No.365325

bumping confirmed news

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0b145f No.365868

anti-slide 21 21 DDSDQ



D -1 –1-


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1340d2 No.366438

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366796

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e719de No.366964

bumping censored

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789b09 No.367082

ƒíwÿî,séåi¹ðöþKÇ=dó7 H¹/oŽ™€( «˜Õ±w"ygÒ+ ÿúPÀщ« @»[¬$ka6ªå…t¯þm„

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789b09 No.367687


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000000 No.367950

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368425

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d0e7f0 No.368961

bumping well documented news

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87b571 No.369047


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000000 No.369693

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4becbb No.370152

bumping third world news

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d2b0e9 No.370888

bumping true news

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763595 No.371936

Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon



MY COMMENT: It's time for real conservatives to completely DUMP any viewership and support for TV news media including Fox News. In fact I'd recommend hitting all of them where it hurts most: CANCEL TV SERVICE ENTIRELY. (Yes I already did the same over a decade ago and it never bothered me, I get all my news from the internet plus I buy DVD sets of all my favorite old shows so there was nothing to lose and money saved long-term).















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c9a8b2 No.372320

bumping common sense news

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789b09 No.373716

bumping total news

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72a61d No.374605

anti-slide 544535

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789b09 No.375779

bumping legit rational news

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60e06d No.377048

bumping factual news

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f2161b No.378291

bumping authentic news

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789b09 No.380479

bumping highly respected news

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789b09 No.381023

bumping non-bias news

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3f8e07 No.381737

Future historians will look back on this and be appalled.

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