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File: 12e9617c1042b5a⋯.png (182.48 KB,1304x465,1304:465,Hospitals_Are_Violating_HI….png)

f540cc No.361612

Hospitals Are Violating HIPAA Privacy Laws By Sending Your Private Medical Information To Facebook

An article entitled “Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites” is one of the more shocking investigative pieces of the week to not make mainstream corporate media: https://themarkup.org/pixel-hunt/2022/06/16/facebook-is-receiving-sensitive-medical-information-from-hospital-websites

The authors document how there has been a tracking tool installed on many hospitals’ private website pages, which has been collecting patients’ health information. This includes medical conditions, prescriptions, and doctor’s appointments. This tool is then sending all that data to Facebook (and its parent company Meta).

The authors, who originally published in The Markup, found this tool was installed in 33 out of 100 of the top hospitals in the U.S. and on seven major medical systems, including “My Chart.” This means that a large percentage of hospitals have been directly sending patient data to Facebook (or Meta):

“The 33 hospitals The Markup found sending patient appointment details to Facebook collectively reported more than 26 million patient admissions and outpatient visits in 2020.”

To be clear, this is just the 33 hospitals that The Markup tested, not the hospital systems or the vast majority of hospital and doctor’s offices who use these large cloud based or networked software systems in the U.S.

In reading this, I was struck that patients should demand that their data not be entered into such systems; a movement to return to data entry systems that are not corrupted by Meta, Facebook, or Google needs to be jump-started.

As late as 2017, the government (supposedly!) worried about medical systems being hacked. But now? Where is our government in protecting patient’s rights? Looks like that was NEVER their intention!!

Clearly, “we” the people cannot rely on the US government.

Therefore, we have to protect ourselves. Our doctors and hospitals are being encouraged to buy cloud-based software solutions to “protect us.” These medical providers also need to be educated – these large cloud systems-based solutions have been corrupted. The medical providers must understand that patients should be given a choice to opt out of the system. The right to privacy extends to healthcare in its entirety.


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2cf71d No.361819

bumping reputable news

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4fb133 No.362157

anti-slide news bump

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100191 No.362250

bumping news commie jews can't handle

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12a804 No.362332

legit news bump

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62affc No.362788

Anti-feces bump 12

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5c1b5b No.364570

bumping highly intelligent news

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0355d2 No.364701

bumping blacklisted news

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f2fd24 No.365972

bumping for destruction of medical data sharing mechanisms and denial of data diversions..

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01abda No.366471

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366822

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02231e No.367782

bumping very honest news

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000000 No.367812

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368300

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368689

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000000 No.369540

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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