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File: f427a56fe0c41f5⋯.jpg (156.29 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_01_31_02_37_53_….jpg)

e4f875  No.361585

I am managing a band that consists of two brothers, Siamese twins, conjoined at the Torso…

They are Chinese, but they are extremely racist against Asians.. they look down their nose at all Asian people, worship white people, and recorded this new album simply to drum up enough money to pay for plastic surgery that will make them look like caucasians…

They hate Asians and envy caucasians so much, that they are investing the money earned from this album into facial plastic surgery, making them look white….

==THE TWO WONGS and their solo album is called "MAKE IT WHITE"…

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