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File: bb99aa4863fbc2d⋯.png (189.72 KB,1299x790,1299:790,73437.png)

bec478 No.360820

LEAKED VIDEO: Pfizer R&D Executive Admits Covid-19 Created In Wuhan Lab To Profit From Clot Shots

RELATED: >>>/pnd/360280 ; >>>/pnd/360281 ; >>>/pnd/360283 ; >>>/pnd/360287 ; >>>/pnd/360288 ; >>>/pnd/360303 ; >>>/pnd/360350 ; >>>/pnd/360366 ; >>>/pnd/360752

A high-level Pfizer employee was caught on undercover camera by Project Veritas when he inadvertently dropped several bombshells which we're confident will be subject to extreme damage control over the coming weeks: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/pfizer-executive-mutate-covid-via-directed-evolution-for-company-to-continue/

Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer's Director of R&D, Strategic Operations - and an mRNA Scientific Planner, said that the company is exploring a way to "mutate" COVID via "Directed Evolution" in order to anticipate new strains for their Covid-19 vaccine.

"One of the things we [Pfizer] are exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses," said Walker, adding that he believes Pfizer scientists are going about it slowly "because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations."

BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines

"Don't tell anyone this… There is a risk… have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolution pic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo

— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 26, 2023

Walker claims that "directed evolution" is different from Gain-of-Function research.

"Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them," he said, before saying calling the Covid-19 natural origins theory bullshit:

"You have to be very controlled to make sure that this virus [COVID] that you mutate doesn’t create something that just goes everywhere. Which, I suspect, is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. It makes no sense that this virus popped out of nowhere. It’s bullsh*t."

"You’re not supposed to do Gain-of-Function research with viruses. Regularly not. We can do these selected structure mutations to make them more potent. There is research ongoing about that. I don’t know how that is going to work. There better not be any more outbreaks because Jesus Christ," he continued.

He also explained that Big Pharma and government agencies such as the FDA are not working in the best interests of Americans.

Walker: [Big Pharma] is a revolving door for all government officials.

Veritas Journalist: Wow.

Walker: In any industry though. So, in the pharma industry, all the people who review our drugs – eventually most of them will come work for pharma companies. And in the military, defense government officials eventually work for defense companies afterwards.

Veritas Journalist: How do you feel about that revolving door?

Walker: It’s pretty good for the industry to be honest. It’s bad for everybody else in America.



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c3c916 No.360904

File: b32600c3f409f6e⋯.jpg (486.5 KB,856x1436,214:359,Screenshot_20230127_132846.jpg)



You're not even sure if that black guy in the video even has a job, let alone being a corporate executive at Pfizer.. because you never cross reference or double check anything.. you just copy and paste anything that claims to be a conspiracy

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c3c916 No.360905


Congratulations on the "just NOW finally finding out about gain of function research, 3 years after the covid bullshit, even though i was explaining Gain Of Function to you from day one" accomplishment…..

You're a quick learner

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c3c916 No.360907

File: bac5140164e1d7b⋯.jpg (862.15 KB,1080x2177,1080:2177,Screenshot_20230127_171548….jpg)


Everything is a conspiracy, right?

Quite literally.. you quite literally say EVERYTHING is a conspiracy

At what point are you finally going to stop behaving like a douchebag?

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fe17fe No.360934

bumping solid news

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3a056f No.361027

bumping censored news

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8df45d No.361065

bumping appreciated news

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f255fd No.362667

bumping corruption-busting news

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010e13 No.365521

anti-slide 2374838

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1c68fb No.365593

E423CT214FDR F

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