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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

File: 01612ede4d0c64b⋯.png (81.4 KB,1183x590,1183:590,JERRY_COMMENTS.png)

9df579 No.360759


RELATED: >>>/pnd/360291

Wow. You're behind the times if this is the first you've heard of this, Killcen!

You may wanna check this out:

28 yr Veteran of Silicon Valley on Smart Cities, Street Lights That Kill, Digital IDs and More


And this, from a couple days ago:

“Highlights” of The World Economic Forum’s Davos 2023 Conference

https://www.bitchute.com/video/qjZeNdSt5mXJ/ [Embed]

Oh heck. While you're at it, watch another couple of his…

The Digital ID System Must be Resisted!

https://www.bitchute.com/video/xpTEoGRjNsbw/ [Embed]

The Control Grid and The Death of Truth

https://www.bitchute.com/video/LmAy39Ka8fLU/ [Embed]


But yeah, we've obviously gotta deny (((them))) this. The Digital ID is what's coming next, and it is the one thing we must fight most right now. They can't do the 15-minute cities very easily without the Digital ID.

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9df579 No.360760


MY COMMENT: I cannot supply the link here nor there over the beef between 8kun & Endchan but I'll mirror this comment to both places! Brother, do yourself a favor and start thinking "low tech" and "no tech" solutions!! Have utilities that can run totally off-grid, there are still TONS of solutions out there to prepare now, while you still can!! We all know where they are trying to take us, but we can - and will - abandon their technocratic dystopia they have planned!!!! You need to make connections if you haven't already. Know your local food producers and support them!!! Buy from the farmers markets nearby!! Stash supplies!!! Stash basic necessities and goods to barter!!! Ammo and silver coins will be used for trade!!! Tools, related supplies and accessories will be used for trade!!! Eggs will be used for trade!!! Wild fish, as well fishing accessories, will be used for trade!!! Firewood will be used for trade!!! GET THAT FIAT ROLLING INTO HARD ASSETS BUDDY!!!

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36386f No.360761


BY THE WAY, yes I posted all this while being hungover this morning after drinking three-quarters of a bottle of whiskey late last night. So if I forgot to spell-check anything (I'm sure Johnny will) that's why! Alcohol too will be used for trade after SHTF, and so will tobacco!!! If I can think of all this stuff while hungover I'd assume others should be able to think of more common sense solutions. However I don't expect anything serious on this board, as it's run by spooks and trolls!!

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e5eb90 No.360767


is this board working?

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d358d3 No.360768

at least they got rid of that shitty captcha

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72e3e8 No.360769

why do I have 2 different IDs?

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f1e7c9 No.360770

File: 5e5ef3e69312fe4⋯.png (49.69 KB,859x277,859:277,Screenshot_2023_01_26_16_5….png)




all me

3 different IDs


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54abf5 No.360776


Everybody knows Jerry lost his mind a long time ago, and transformed from a pretty cool hippie dude into a delusional cult member.

And nobody takes advice from delusional cult members or schizophrenic conspiracy theorists.

So go back to end Chan

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54abf5 No.360777



Nobody gives a flying fuck about your user ID problems.. go figure it out someplace else

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54abf5 No.360778


lol you've fallen to pieces since October

the alcohol is doing wonders for you

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dc81c4 No.360811

bumping r e l i a b l e news

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dc81c4 No.360881

bumping appreciated news

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dc81c4 No.360882


>the alcohol is doing wonders for you

thank you, glad you enjoyed it

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78e3f0 No.361059

anti-slide 213421

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c50809 No.362152

bumping pragmatic news

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e91dac No.365505

bumping for more bitchute links

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51d402 No.366404

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366764

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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