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e054ad No.360669

Documents & Emails Reveal Government & Big Pharma Roles In Silencing COVID-19 Dissent

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a direct role in policing permissible speech on social media throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Confidential emails obtained by Reason show that Facebook moderators were in constant contact with the CDC, and routinely asked government health officials to vet claims relating to the virus, mitigation efforts such as masks, and vaccines.

For a broader analysis of the federal government's pandemic-era efforts to suppress free speech — violating the First Amendment — see Reason's March 2023 cover story on the ramifications of these emails. This article provides screenshots of the emails themselves: https://reason.com/2023/01/19/how-the-cdc-became-the-speech-police/

After Elon Musk took control of Twitter, he permitted several independent journalists to peruse the company's previous communications with the FBI, the CDC, the White House, and government officials elsewhere. These disclosures, which have become known as the Twitter Files, reveal that government bureaucrats put substantial pressure on Twitter to restrict alleged misinformation relating to elections, Hunter Biden, and COVID-19.

The Facebook Files, which were obtained by Reason as a result of the state of Missouri's lawsuit against the Biden administration, reveal that the CDC had substantial influence over what users were allowed to discuss on Meta's platforms: Facebook and Instagram.


The messages reveal an environment where the CDC kept tabs on Meta's moderation practices and regularly told the company what the agency wanted it to do.

For instance, in May 2021, CDC officials began routinely vetting claims about COVID-19 vaccines that had appeared on Facebook. The platform left it up to the federal government to determine which assertions were accurate.


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e054ad No.360671


Facebook's moderator notes that some of the above claims "would already be violating" — an implicit admission that the CDC's opinion on the other claims would be a deciding factor in whether the platform would restrict such content. Facebook was clearly a willing participant in this process; moderators repeatedly thanked the CDC for its "help in debunking."

Claims vetted by the CDC included whether "COVID-19 is man-made." The CDC told Facebook that it was "theoretically possible, but extremely unlikely."

For months, it was Meta policy to prohibit users from asserting that the pandemic may have originated from a lab leak. The platform revised this policy around the same time that the above email exchange took place.

By July 2021, the CDC wasn't just evaluating which claims it thought were false, but whether they could "cause harm."

Then, in November, the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency authorization for children to receive Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. Meta proudly informed the CDC that it would remove false claims—"i.e. the COVID vaccine is not safe for kids"—from Facebook and Instagram. Meta also provided the CDC with a list of new claims about vaccines and asked whether the government thought they could "contribute to vaccine refusals."

The CDC determined that this label applied to all such claims.

It's important to consider the ramifications. Meta gave the CDC de facto power to police COVID-19 misinformation on the platforms; the CDC took the position that essentially any erroneous claim could contribute to vaccine hesitancy and cause social harm. This was a recipe for a vast silencing across Facebook and Instagram, at the federal government's implicit behest.



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e054ad No.360672


A Twitter Files drop contains several notable pieces of evidence: https://twitter.com/lhfang/status/1615008625575202818?s=20

First, that lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry launched a 'massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP for new covid-related medicine," according to The Intercept's Lee Fang. As part of this effort, lobbying group BIO "wrote to the newly elected Biden admin, demanding the U.S. gov sanction any country attempting to violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines."

Of note, Pfizer and BioNTech raked in $37 billion in revenue in 2021 alone from the COVID-19 vaccine, while Moderna made $17.7 billion the same year (and has recently announced a plan to hike the price of the Covid-19 vaccine by approximately 400%).

BioNTech, which developed the Pfizer vaccine, "reached out to Twitter to request that Twitter directly censor users tweeting at them to ask for generic low cost vaccines."

According to Fang, "Twitter's reps responded quickly to the pharma request," while "A lobbyist in Europe asked the content moderation team to monitor the accounts of Pfizer, AstraZeneca & of activist hashtags like #peoplesvaccine."

Meanwhile, the "fake accounts" flagged by the pharmaceutical companies for action were real people - one of whom Fang spoke with on the phone.

"It's not clear what actions Twitter ultimately took on this particular request. Several Twitter employees noted in subsequent messages that none of this activism constituted abuse. But the company continued monitoring tweets."

"For more than two years, a global movement has been speaking out against pharmaceutical greed and demanding that everyone, everywhere has the tools to combat pandemics," said Maaza Seyoum, a campaigner for the People’s Vaccine Alliance. "Whatever nasty tricks companies and governments pull," she continued, "we cannot and will not be silenced."

Second, 'Pfizer & Moderna's lobbying group, BIO, fully funded a special content moderation campaign designed by a contractor called Public Good Projects (PGP), which worked w/Twitter to set content moderation rules around covid "misinformation."' according to Fang.

BIO funded the PGP campaign, "Stronger," to the tune of $1.275 million. Its focus? Helping Twitter 'create content moderation bots,' selecting which public health accounts would be verified, and helping to crowdsource content takedowns.

Of note, the Moderna/Pfizer-funded campaign included regular emails to Twitter officals with takedown and verification requests.

"Here's an example of those types of emails that went straight to Twitter's lobbyists and content moderators. Many focused on @zerohedge, which was suspended."

"To try and stifle digital dissent during a pandemic, when tweets and emails are some of the only forms of protest available to those locked in their homes, is deeply sinister," said Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now.



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1ee142 No.360748

bumping correct news

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5a755c No.361030

b u m p i n g





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1db80a No.361064





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ae04c5 No.361954

bumping significant exposure

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4ae661 No.362327

anti-slide factual news

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cea0c9 No.362423


Big pharma fag here

I have bribed tons of corrupt youtube admins to force brainrot on conservatives aka anti-pharma.

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58f23e No.362459


Could you bribe them to stop making 90% of the videos sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends? Thanks.

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ffa339 No.362958


ᵃᶮᶡї—ᶳᶩᴵɖᵊ ᵃᶮᶡї—ᶳᶩᴵɖᵊ


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402a2d No.363969

bumping explosive news

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7df427 No.364311

bumping astounding news

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13322e No.365203

bumping censored news

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7df427 No.366202


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d2c48b No.366318


Dissent Cannot Be Silenced.

Only muzzled and somewhat muted.

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e90c06 No.366566

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86e982 No.366675


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000000 No.366914

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.367854

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368335

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369569

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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