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File: 4945f0a6ec9752a⋯.jpeg (342.47 KB,979x1280,979:1280,1e279d54403cf90e.jpeg)

5805db No.360337

Forget the Great Reset, The Great Escape Is Here

"The coronavirus pandemic has no parallel in modern history. It is our defining moment."

Those are the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in COVID-19: The Great Reset, the 2020 book he co-authored with Thierry Malleret.

"Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal," they write in the book's introduction. "The short response is: never."

"Major economies should see the world as one community… and should coordinate the objectives, intensity, and pace of fiscal and monetary policies," said Xi in his address to the WEF.

This vision of a united globe with a coordinated economy managed by experts captures Schwab's vision of the post-COVID world. "We have to redefine the social contract," said Schwab at a 2020 WEF book launch event for The Great Reset.

These grand proclamations, the ominous book title, and Schwab's odd personal style have led many people to speculate that the "great reset" is part of a conspiracy of global financial elites and politicians to depopulate the planet so that they can more easily institute one-world government, or even that COVID was engineered to that end.

I don't buy it. Far-reaching, global conspiracies require levels of coordination and shared purpose likely to be quickly exposed and fall apart, especially in the networked age. Instead of spinning our wheels searching for a secret agenda, take a look at the one right out in the open… …

A crucial flaw in Schwab's theory is that it puts too much faith in the ability of governments to reengineer society in a way that better serves the needs and desires of all citizens. He wants a rethinking of capitalism that escapes "the tyranny of GDP growth" so that companies create "goods and services for the common good" instead of "maximizing profits."

But the phrase "common good" points to his fundamental misunderstanding of capitalism, which is nothing new: central planners were using this idea to maximize their own power at the expense of individual freedom back in the 1940s, when the Nobel Prize–winning economist F.A. Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom, which would go on to sell over two million copies.


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5805db No.360338


I'm more optimistic this time, thanks in large part to the power of technology to provide everyday citizens with an exit. Instead of the Great Reset, in which sclerotic 20th-century institutions accumulate even more power, I think we're entering The Great Escape.

This is possible because technological progress is outpacing the ability of the state to control and regulate it. Governments will have no choice but to abandon their efforts to construct physical and metaphorical walls. Technology can be designed to facilitate decentralization, in which the flow of money and information can't be controlled. Ideas emerge from the bottom up.

My hope is that after witnessing the colossal failure of governments in the face of a global crisis, many more people will be looking for a different approach.

There's evidence everywhere of the Great Escape: The U.S. population shift away from expensive, restrictive, and poorly governed states and cities spurred by the rise of remote work, the exodus from government-run schools, the growing use of cryptocurrency, the popularity of encrypted, private communication platforms and the expanding reach of independent voices in our increasingly decentralized media.

Maybe there's record-low trust in our institutions because the people running them are attempting the impossible: planning the future for billions of people.

"Humiliating to human pride as it may be," Hayek wrote in the Constitution of Liberty, "we must recognize that the advance and even the preservation of civilization are dependent upon a maximum of opportunity for accidents to happen." Policy makers could and should be more focused on securing the freedom that allows such decentralized experimentation and accidental progress to occur.

The fear of a Great Escape—of losing control—is understandable because there are systemic risks that could destroy human civilization, including future natural or man-made pandemics, runaway inflation, and ecological disaster.

"Small boats may not survive a storm, but a giant ship is strong enough to brave a storm," said Xi in his WEF address this January.

But if we're all stuck in the same large ship in the same storm, we're all going down with it when the winds finally get bad enough.

Concentrated power itself presents an existential risk: A bad intervention applied to economies of the entire world at once can bring down the entire system. But the distributed power and humble trial-and-error of markets and decentralized governance brings progress in fits and starts with less risk of total ruin.

What Schwab, Xi, and central planners around the world miss is that when securing the rights of the individual comes first, the rest tend to follow.


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6d8855 No.360345

legit news anti-slide

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331de8 No.360356

File: 77f91166d05ab9e⋯.jpg (68.25 KB,556x612,139:153,sAR0N4aozoDNU0kTmBtMXpAWvE….jpg)

>he wants a rethinking of capitalism that escapes "the tyranny of GDP growth" so that companies create "goods and services for the common good" instead of "maximizing profits"

would you believe… fascist governments of old already managed to accomplish that…

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6d8855 No.360359


GDP growth isn't the problem, the problem is debt insolvency ie governments overspending, spending way over the amount of revenue they receive in taxes as well the total value of the nation's GDP. That's tyranny. That's what is fucking future generations and creating an economic crisis. Government spends Trillions $$$ on wars and attempted regime changes offshore, but we can't have a strong domestic manufacturing and industrial base here at home? That to me is utterly insane. Our leaders know nothing about economics. Nor do the WEF ideologues.

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44b0f3 No.363865


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44b0f3 No.363867


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e5173c No.363981

anti-slide bumparoo ----—111119397397387168264683152457126547621574652148219872937681269378440`876487635784986709834-9`7-¶5894=56934-69=4097=-0569-871095729305349056418-021457=098`=20958=9038215-0987345670934817598723-9587=2`1568=3cq4-1089=50cewr94urtcmq80134gctygouewbgcdslgsborueigouq34956t21co3iy7r08273y549-238yr08n7x210857yh23-98ryux=d0a9uf=q0ew9ir=1924=-58u=m

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8840de No.364118

File: 95f177a6f70b4dc⋯.png (43.62 KB,276x334,138:167,feelsbadman.png)


I thought the same thing about the internet. I thought it would cause 3rd parties to rise, and shake the world up in a good way. Unfortunately, the conglomerates consolidated power within years of mass adoption, and they now control it all. The government doesn't do anything because it's bought and paid for. We doomed.

Technology and computers are going to take us to a place we could never even imagine, literally, see it as another phase of humanity, and while at first may be nice once they take power it is game over. Think of the internet as the new electricity. Yeah, electricity is great and all, it can light bulbs, but look at what has came out of it. The radio, TV, computers, etc. The internet is great, or bad, but there will be much greater things to come out of the internet.

Eventually you will have a computer built into in a contact lens. You will be connected to the internet for every single thing you do. You walk in a room and want to turn the lights on? Think about it. You're driving your car? Think about it. You're in a crowded bar? You can find every single person's "Online Idenity" through your contact lens, you can even send messages through your lens. Everything about you will be stored in that lens, and it can even do VR if you want it to, or don't want it to.

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726e75 No.364213


You are correct, but the fact remains: it has to be voluntarily adopted! If you do not accept this technology and refuse to use it, it cannot control you. It's the same thing with this internet, I can literally unplug it anytime I want to, or hell even outright cancel the service if I wanted to. YOU STILL HAVE THE OPTION TO ADOPT OR REFUSE IT. Just like me rejecting all "smartphones" that's my choice and I never gave in. I still use a flip phone and always will, or go back to using a landline, but it's my option to do so. IF the internet ever becomes too invasive I'll simply cancel service completely, just like I did with television service after it was corrupted and subverted.

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1c6220 No.365979

bumping for the imminent end of globalism

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56b1ff No.366477

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366829

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.367817

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368305

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369545

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c0964 No.370694

real news anti-slide

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3db9fc No.370946

Ä¿ðRŒøKÃ-qᯂÞ™&/åìߏ—Ïuû­3.õŠ?áÿ ·_lü/øw£ü?ð¾“

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4e1eb7 No.371865

bumping actual news

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3ecae7 No.373023

bumping highly respected news

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d3b672 No.374597

anti-slide 42142`1

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67f57b No.375770

bumping trustworthy news

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3ecae7 No.376439

bumping responsible intelligent news

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04a66c No.377397

bumping proven news

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46f15c No.378328

bumping alternative news

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67f57b No.380499

bumping interesting news

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