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23ee6b No.360305

Government's COVID-19 Censorship On Twitter Led To More Death Says Former White House Adviser

RELATED: >>>/pnd/360280 ; >>>/pnd/360281 ; >>>/pnd/360283 ; >>>/pnd/360287 ; >>>/pnd/360288 ; >>>/pnd/360303

When discussing censorship, there are often “vague implications” on the effects of that restriction. But by censoring medical science and health policy, “you are killing people,” Dr. Scott Atlas firmly stated in an interview that aired on Newsmakers by NTD and The Epoch Times on Dec. 28.

“Censorship of the correct science and medical information, during this pandemic, absolutely killed people. It prevented people from making intelligent decisions. It prevented people from making the appropriate use of caution,” Atlas alleged of Twitter censoring doctors such as himself.

Furthermore, Atlas charged, Twitter’s censorship was particularly “harmful” and “shocking” because the United States was founded on freedom.

“This kind of censorship was, in my view, unheard of in the United States,” Atlas stated.

“It’s reminiscent of everything that we, as a free society and democracy, abhor about countries that are authoritarian, like China, the former USSR and now Russia, North Korea.

“This is the kind of censorship that occurs in those countries. And now it’s occurring in our country.”

According to Atlas, censorship at the government’s behest isn’t limited to social media and is far more insidious than first imagined.

“It’s not simply blocking information. It’s also—being less overt about it—it’s limiting the public’s access to information. It’s impugning people who are speaking correct information,” Atlas said.


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23ee6b No.360306


Consequently, when other health authority figures, such as Atlas, advanced conflicting information, the above authorities enlisted help from the media to squash that dissent.

“Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc., went to their friends in the media and undermined people like me. Who, in fact, were saying what was correct, what has been validated as being correct this entire time.

“But the reality is, yes, the censorship of science kills people. And it killed people during this pandemic. There’s no doubt about that,” Atlas stated.

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports, 63 percent of “Likely U.S. Voters” want Congress to investigate the FBI’s involvement with social media companies like Twitter.

Unfortunately, Atlas stated, he’s skeptical about any investigation “led by government officials.” Moreover, he doesn’t think a Congressional investigation is enough to fully uncover the collaboration between Big Tech and the government.

“Government investigations are usually political in nature. And even if they aren’t political, they will be perceived as having been political. And once something is perceived as political, you’ve lost a significant percentage of the public in terms of credibility,” Atlas explained.

Still, while Atlas doesn’t believe a Congressional investigation is enough, he thinks investigations are necessary to bring the truth about the government working with social media to light.


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23ee6b No.360307


Users have suspected Twitter of engaging in “shadowbanning” and suppressing the visibility of user accounts for years, even though the social media giant has adamantly denied the practice.

Using the information provided by Twitter under direction from new Chief Executive Elon Musk, journalist Bari Weiss, released a Twitter thread confirming these suspicions. Twitter secretly suppressed accounts, operated a “search blacklist,” and blocked certain content from trending, Weiss’ thread confirms. In response, Musk tweeted that Twitter plans to release software that will provide users with more clarity regarding shadowbanning.

Victims of Twitter’s practices include Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford professor of medicine and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD). Weiss’s thread and The Twitter Files confirm what we’ve long suspected. Seeking to prop up Anthony Fauci and the lockdown policies he promoted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Twitter (and other Big Tech companies) intentionally blacklisted, censored, suppressed, and targeted the GBD and its signers.

Within Twitter, the Strategic Response Team – Global Escalation Team, or SRT-GET, worked on hundreds of cases daily, actively filtering the visibility of select accounts.

In addition to Weiss, Twitter’s new leadership granted journalist Matt Taibbi access to its files. Below, Taibbi illustrates how Twitter deleted tweets at the behest of the Biden Presidential campaign.

Still unfolding in this investigation is the role of government officials in pressuring Twitter to engage in censorship over the COVID-19 pandemic. As revealed by a lawsuit earlier this year, internal company Slack messages show that Andy Slavitt, a former official on Joe Biden’s pandemic task force, met with Twitter officials and pressured them to restrict the account of COVID gadfly Alex Berenson. Slavitt also , delivered an ominous warning to executives at Facebook that the company would find itself in the White House’s crosshairs if it did not step up its efforts to restrict what the task force deemed to be “COVID misinformation.”


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23ee6b No.360308


Matt Taibbi, who released the original Twitter files, has dropped a continuation of his deep dive into the censorship regime under the company’s old leadership.

Past drops have shown us that the FBI was intimately involved in policing free speech on the platform, including having 80 agents assigned to deciding what was or wasn’t “disinformation.” Lines of communication were set up so that agents could tell Twitter’s decision-makers what to censor. The relationship was so intimate that the FBI even reimbursed the company millions of dollars for their cooperation.

But according to Taibbi, the FBI wasn’t the only government agency influencing the social media giant.

A chief end result was that thousands of official “reports” flowed to Twitter from all over, through the FITF and the FBI’s San Francisco field office.

OGA, or “Other Government Organization,” can be a euphemism for CIA, according to multiple former intelligence officials and contractors. Chuckles one: “They think it's mysterious, but it's just conspicuous."

It was an open secret at Twitter that one of its executives was ex-CIA, which is why (Elvis Chan) referred to that executive’s “former employer.”

Twitter was holding conference calls with FBI agents and CIA operatives. Taibbi was able to use the names and statements in the emails to ascertain that “OGA” (other government agency) actually stands for the US spy agency. Remember, the CIA isn’t supposed to operate on domestic soil, and I’m pretty sure a company operated out of San Francisco qualifies as that. But hey, when have rules applied throughout any of this saga?

All of this government interference at Twitter was carried out under the guise of a “foreign interference task force” (FITF in the emails). Yet, as Taibbi notes, most of the reports being forwarded contained information that originated domestically from American citizens, meaning the CIA was involved in quashing speech on US soil. Twitter, as it did with its relationship with the FBI, was dutiful to follow any “recommendations.” The company’s obedience was a constant in the correspondence, with its executives making themselves dependent on the government-to-private sector pipeline that had been set up.


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ee40d6 No.360313

anti-slide bumparoo

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1271ff No.360316

File: 1ccc1b01d39fb48⋯.png (124.62 KB,820x619,820:619,16193_le_happy_merchant_fr….png)






ask me how i know just to be fair.

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78296c No.360344

anti-slide bump

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39fe8a No.360403

b b 54

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c8def9 No.363005

bumping rational news

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52e68c No.363595

real news bumparoo

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afba40 No.365954

bumping for death to social media and idiotic dumphonery

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e80bba No.366452

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000000 No.366804

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52e68c No.367789

Democrats Think Government Should Decide Who Is A Journalist And That's Pretty Anti-American

RELATED: >>>/pnd/363454 ; >>>/pnd/284338

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger are testifying before the House Judiciary Committee's Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government today. Both journalists were involved in the 'Twitter Files' disclosures, in which we learned that the government was directly involved in censoring disfavorable speech.

"Our findings are shocking," writes Shellenberger at his blog. "A highly-organized network of U.S. government agencies and government contractors has been creating blacklists and pressuring social media companies to censor Americans, often without them knowing it."

Ahead of the appearance, Taibbi released his prepared remarks. He also dropped a new and related Twitter Files mega-thread on 'THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX' which will be submitted to the Congressional record which, according to Taibbi, 'contains some surprises.'

But Twitter was more like a partner to government. With other tech firms it held a regular “industry meeting” with FBI and DHS, and developed a formal system for receiving thousands of content reports from every corner of government: HHS, Treasury, NSA, even local police.

Emails from the FBI, DHS and other agencies often came with spreadsheets of hundreds or thousands of account names for review. Often, these would be deleted soon after.

Then we saw "disinfo" lists where evidence was even less clear. This list of 378 “Iranian State Linked Accounts” includes an Iraq vet once arrested for blogging about the war, a former Chicago Sun-Times reporter and Truthout, a site that publishes Noam Chomsky.

We came to think of this grouping – state agencies like DHS, FBI, or the Global Engagement Center (GEC), along with “NGOs that aren’t academic” and an unexpectedly aggressive partner, commercial news media – as the Censorship-Industrial Complex.

Who’s in the Censorship-Industrial Complex? Twitter in 2020 helpfully compiled a list for a working group set up in 2020. The National Endowment for Democracy, the Atlantic Council’s DFRLab, and Hamilton 68’s creator, the Alliance for Securing Democracy, are key.

As one might expect, the Judiciary hearing on the "weaponization" of federal agencies, featuring Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger as witnesses was full of fireworks, facts, and ad hominem friction.

Out of the gate, Ranking Member Democratic Del. Stacey E. Plaskett labeled the two "so-called journalists" as dangerous and a "threat" to former Twitter employees.

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, had a simple response to her accusations:

“It’s crazy what you were just saying.”

“You don’t want people to see what happened,” Jordan continued.

As Glenn Greenwald chimed in from Twitter: "To Democrats, "journalist" means: one who mindlessly and loyally endorses DNC talking points."



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000000 No.367799

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000000 No.368287

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000000 No.368678

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000000 No.369529

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