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Every six months when I log in, I remain flabbergasted that my admin permissions have not been revoked. I miss old fullchan!

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76ef9f No.360303

Twitter Leaks Reveal Big Tech Companies Secretly Hire FBI, CIA, NSA & DHS Employees For Narrative Management

1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming

Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: 17 CIA, 37 FBI, 23 NSA and 38 DHS.

2. All, but a few, of the former intelligence agents were hired, by Facebook after the 2016 Presidential Election & after the FBI established their social media-focused task force FTIF.

3. As @mtaibbi detailed in #TwitterFiles Part 6, we know there was massive coordination of censorship between the FBI & Twitter during 2020-2022.

Who is controlling “misinfo” censorship at Facebook?

Is there similar coordination between Facebook & the Intelligence community?

4. The following is a list (obtained through PUBLICLY available LinkedIn profiles) of former CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS that are currently working at Facebook, at least 10 work in the Trust & Safety (Misinfo) department. Many of the LinkedIn profiles are private so those will not be posted.

5. Aaron Berman (He/Him) leads the Misinformation Policy team at Facebook.

According to Aaron’s public LinkedIn profile, he worked for the CIA for 17 years: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aarondberman/

6. Aaron states that his experience at the CIA included writing President’s Daily Brief, leading briefings for Cabinet members, senior NSC officials & members of Congress. Image

7. On Twitter, Aaron is followed by Yoel Roth & admits he is friends with Trust & Safety people at Twitter.

Was Facebook coordinating with Twitter on info-sharing to censor posts they deem as ‘misinfo’? https://archive.vn/7r2vX

Read the rest and what kind of information they have censored:



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0c218d No.363325


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7ee9fb No.363353


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984c5c No.363422


I mean I guess that's relevant, but anybody who has worked in any real capacity in that sector knows first hand about collaborating with the millitary industrial complex and how everything they fund and help inform needs a cover story, and would have multiple uses by anybody on the planet even if the MIC didn't arleady have it lined up for their own purposes.

Now, of course it was Eisenhower who warned the nation about the "military-industrial complex" growing out of control in his parting speech, but if you haven't ever watched the entirety of JFK's famous speech where he mentioned occult forces, it's really worth entertaining. He's no perfect guy buy a very long shot, but it's nice to think that once in a while we get a president and a team that can at least command some respect here and there.


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7ee9fb No.363600

bumping eye-popping news

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4f6b1d No.364567

bumping fresh news

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0cd65a No.365207

bumping censored news

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