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1f20a6  No.359370


A man who described himself as “Dr. Sean Brooks, PhD, Oxford,” gave a series of incendiary about COVID-19 vaccines at an Ohio school board meeting IN EARLY 2021. Video clips of Brooks talking at the meeting have been shared widely on social media and elsewhere on the internet by anti-vaccine advocates.

He told parents and board members that people who take the vaccine will end up dead and sterile.

All cause mortality has skyrocketed around the world, many countries witnessing nearly a 20% increase leaving doctors 'baffled' of course.

In Europe, statistics provided by EuroMOMO, a European mortality monitoring organization, show that there have been more excess deaths recorded in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021, and that the greatest increase in deaths has occurred in children and young people.


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3d7420  No.359371

There's still too many people.

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8b2aaf  No.359372


It's all a bunch of horse shit. Every time someone has a cough, you dumb faggots blame it on the vaccines. Football player drops on the field? VACCINE! Never mind that no other player has dropped, even though they're literally ALL vaccinated. That ONE guy having a heart attack is all you have as proof.

Fox News people? All vaxxed, 0 sudden deaths. I'd pay all the money to see Tucker Carlson drop dead on air, but no … he's fine … and vaxxed.

You people are fucking retarded and nobody will ever believe you.

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1b495c  No.359396

File: ecff8226ae441a7⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 448x298, 224:149, hello_fellow_whites.jpg)

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