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File: 999139c4b148ea1⋯.webm (5.05 MB, 972x720, 27:20, rav_touitou_subtitles.webm)

79a50d  No.358835

French Rabbi Touitou explains how they use Islam to get revenge on Europe.

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352fab  No.358847

All jews are parasites and bastards

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a41410  No.358913


fuck Europe….

they don't have a Hollywood

they don't have a NYC

they don't even bathe

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a41410  No.358914


since Jews are MUCH MUCH more intelligent than white people, I'd say he's probably doing the right thing

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a41410  No.358915


Thank you for demonstrating your lack of real life knowledge and experience

They're probably isn't any clearer statement needed to demonstrate you simply haven't even lived life yet

Obviously you have no money, because it's readily apparent that you know nothing about business whatsoever

And it's equally as apparent that you've never interacted with a Jewish person in your entire life, which is a no-brainer since you have been a sheltered little sissy boy, sheltered and coddled by your mother ever since you first started getting ridiculed by the normal children at school

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a41410  No.358916


Unlike you, I actually lived life up close and face to face, never being coddled by Mommy, never been sheltered and isolated, having never played a goddamn video game in my life

That's why I got so much pussy and you're still a virgin

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79a50d  No.359012

File: ecff8226ae441a7⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 448x298, 224:149, hello_fellow_whites.jpg)

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5319f9  No.359018

Poor Neptune cant shut the fuck up

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474c22  No.359027


>Rabbi Touitou dreams of a white genocide

So do I, but the nice thing is that white people genocide themselves. Instead of breeding, you cry on the internet about how your waifu won't love you back. Literally every single incel is a white guy.

White people also cry the loudest about identity politics while simultaneously cry about their identity being erased. The disconnect is amazing to watch. Like a dumpster fire on top of a tire fire on top of a train wreck.

Genociding white people is easy. Just sit back and watch them do it to themselves.

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78f1e7  No.359070


You didnt get sheltered by mom because mom didnt want you. Also calling people a virgin on the internet is stupid, ive gotten some good pussy in my life but im sure a dumbass like you would call everyone who disagrees with you an incel because you can do nothing but strawman people. Jews suck.

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