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File: 98085ecf7318c37⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1461x1055, 1461:1055, 1669949013101663.png)

51eda1  No.357387 [Last 50 Posts]

Share ideas relating to the metapolitics of Fascism and National Socialism. Metapolitics is a branch of philosophy that relates to the values underlying political systems, not the systems themselves. Posts should be well reasoned and contained in a paragraph or two, accompanied by an image file and followed by comments from other members. No other image files should be uploaded. t (.) me/ xoCqq_pn5JcwZDJh

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8a1e41  No.357388



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8a1e41  No.357389

lol @ you being so stupid and Out of Touch, that you think we need you to define the word metaphysics for us



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1ad7cc  No.357390

Nobody gives a fuck about your idiotic political opinions or questions


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8a1e41  No.357391

Nobody cares about your opinions of yourself

You are your own tiny insignificant little one man fan club


There are 4 billion women on planet Earth, but you can't find even one woman willing to have sex with you

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8a1e41  No.357392



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1ad7cc  No.357393



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a32aba  No.357394


You defined metaphysics because you assume you are smarter than other people

But you're not smart enough to get a girl

Obviously you're not intelligent enough to figure out how to get a girl, and that's one of the easiest things a man can do

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a32aba  No.357395

It's another weekend, and you're not getting any pussy. No woman finds you attractive or interesting or cool

Even the lowest class scumbag nigger or white trash trailer park fuck face idiot can still get some pussy

So obviously women consider them a better choice than you

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a32aba  No.357396


The reason women don't like you is because you're a fucking loser

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a32aba  No.357397

You're not sexually attracted to women

You would much rather surround yourself with other males who would never learn how to interact with females either

Basically this is your online gay bar

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a32aba  No.357398

Nobody gives a flying fuck about Kanye West or you

Go find a real life gay bar and simply get it over with

Your mother was expecting grandchildren one day

At this point, she's already accepted the fact that her son is a homosexual

YOU = the only one who doesn't seem to realize you're a homosexual

So why don't you stop the games and just go to a fucking gay bar and start sucking dick?

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a32aba  No.357399


Time to pack up your little online fagshow and find someplace more appropriate…..

Like maybe on your knees in a truck stop Men's Room stall?

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a32aba  No.357400



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a32aba  No.357401

The Kanye West Alex Jones interview made me think of one pertinent question :



What is it about you in particular that turns women off?

You can't even find a desperate morbidly obese hideous woman willing to give you a shot

WHY ?…..

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a32aba  No.357402


Did you actually think you're stupid political perspectives were going to hide the fact that you don't get any pussy?

are you SO FUCKING STUPID, that you thought this would distract us from your laughable lack of a sexual and emotional life companion?

If your idiotic political perspectives mattered, you might have a woman in bed with you occasionally


You make women's skin crawl


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a32aba  No.357403


Notice that I never talk about stupid boring political garbage like this

And I get my dick sucked at least once a day

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a32aba  No.357404


And also notice how you spend all of your time playing video games or pretending to be a Neo-Nazi online

And you jack off more than any 13-year-old boy at summer camp

You jack off like a pathetic weasel

You masturbate so much that it's embarrassing to be a human being

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a32aba  No.357405

Fuck you and your stupid political thoughts and questions


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a32aba  No.357406

You're such a cowardly little bitch that you ALLOWED 4CHAN TO BAN YOU

You have no balls

You were too afraid to stand up to them

You're a coward


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a32aba  No.357407

File: cce130c98679eb5⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1496x1080, 187:135, Picsart_22_12_03_21_07_12_….png)

What kind of little bitch sits there and ALLOWS 4chan to ban them without fighting back like a man?


that's what kind of man

A little sissy ass bitch

A weak sniveling welcome mat

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a32aba  No.357408


Hey, Henry Kissinger..

Why don't you tell me the last time you got a blowjob?

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a32aba  No.357409


Are you even aware that men are supposed to be sexually attracted to females?

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a32aba  No.357410


There's obviously something about you that women don't like


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51eda1  No.357411


Not metaphysics, metapolitics.

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a32aba  No.357412

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a32aba  No.357413

You must have thought you came to some kind of political Forum here


This is the "guys who get pussy" board

So if you don't have a girlfriend or a wife get the fuck off my board

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a32aba  No.357414

File: a3c6c83858c1df6⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ywCs7YUjt2QGITzB2V2D_2_992….jpg)

File: 5d6d01026bac492⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 512x512, 1:1, JFsq9HQAVgcx376asou7_4_7yr….jpg)

File: 1332bc4959b92e1⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 512x512, 1:1, COFqaqa6gikb7kS7TSde_3_d2p….jpg)

File: bf5811e31fab2bd⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 512x512, 1:1, bounEQHwddTv58XITbce_2_c9c….jpg)

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a32aba  No.357415

I entered the prompt KANYE WEST HAS NO TALENT

And one of the results was a picture of a monkey

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a32aba  No.357416


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f65ee7  No.357422



"metapolitics" sounds like the name of a fucking gay bar to me

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1ad7cc  No.357423

It's actually possible NOT to be a boring douche bucket

You should really try it sometime

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1ad7cc  No.357424

If you've ever tried talking with a beautiful young woman about your idiotic political perspectives, then you know exactly why women won't fuck you

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8a1e41  No.357425

they'd rather have sex with HotWheels

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dc1809  No.357426

Women would rather be seen with a spinal bifida birth defect midget in a wheelchair then a meta-political philosophy bore

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8a1e41  No.357427

None of your political perspectives matter. You're never going to change anything. Why don't you just try being normal? Why don't you just shut the fuck up occasionally?

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8a1e41  No.357428

Why don't you stop pretending like your opinions mean anything? When are you going to grow up?

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8a1e41  No.357429

You spent all these years accomplishing nothing with your empty life….

A few high scores on a childish video game at best….

you managed to remember a couple cheat codes for Nintendo…

And now all the sudden you're going to make a difference with your stupid predictable perspectives?

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cdc527  No.357430

Why don't you start at the beginning and learn how to interact with girls the way an average 7-year-old boy has already surpassed you?

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1ad7cc  No.357431

Because your ONLY chance at eventually reproducing revolves around your ability to behave like a normal human being

Not a chat room culture douche bucket

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2b4775  No.357432

So exactly how long do you intend on continue playing the role of the parity of yourself?

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a6f63f  No.357433

Your entire generation makes me nauseated

It's like you all came from Planet Fagfart

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51eda1  No.357435


You sound like a Jew to me

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b4c2d6  No.357437


how would YOU know what a jew sounds like?

did you see it in a videogame?

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0b027f  No.357463


hey, little himmler…..

tell me about your girlfriend

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75bcf3  No.357464


because women are SUPER TURNED ON by chatroom culture faggots

especially "you sound like a jew" geniuses like you

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01431a  No.357465


so OF COURSE you've got at least one beautiful brilliant woman sucking your dick…..


so tell us about her

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971fac  No.357466


or would you rather tell us about your metahomosexuality?

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bceb3d  No.357467


or would you rather tell us about your metahomosexuality?

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72fc92  No.357468

let's just be honest, lazy mooch….

no woman will be seen standing

anywhere near you

because if one if their friends saw them…. .

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bf6306  No.357469


maybe it would be easier for you to tell us the named of the last 15 girls you've had sex with?

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caaa66  No.357470



how about the last FIVE?

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6ec1c2  No.357471


no ?……..


how about ONE?

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96f2be  No.357472


Then maybe you should just continue pretending like you're better than somebody else

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f0a47d  No.357473


apparently, out of 4 billion women, you haven't been able to find even one who agrees with your high opinions of yourself

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da6016  No.357474


But I'm sure you can impress a 4 year old

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371b6d  No.357475


Because 4-year-old boys don't realize women are the ones who decide the value of a man

And you could impress a 4-year-old Boy by showing him your long history of success with video games

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e3ece8  No.357476

File: 951ddf506639988⋯.png (430.59 KB, 633x648, 211:216, Screenshot_20221203_113806….png)


But now we know the source of your low self-esteem

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3d4d16  No.357477


Who are you going to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve this year?

Your mother again?

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87acff  No.357478

File: 084a9a20ac70937⋯.png (944.73 KB, 1080x1106, 540:553, Picsart_22_12_04_15_29_12_….png)


lol @ you jacking yourself off every day

unable to find another human who finds you worthy

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7b1edf  No.357479

your generation are all mutated weirdos who will never reproduce

thank god

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7b1edf  No.357480

your generation are all mutated weirdos who will never reproduce

thank god

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046e28  No.357517


I'd like to share an idea :

My idea isyou're a fucking DOUCHEBUCKET

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ad3081  No.357518


Thanks for sharing

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b078cf  No.357519


Shut the fuck up

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7af394  No.357811

daily holocaust celebration thread

Celebrating with a good non-kosher hamburger. (GAS BBQ).

How do you guys celebrate the great blessing of the 1940s ?

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e430b2  No.357819

File: c52fff728cdca9a⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 810x900, 9:10, Fi_RvtAWAAAHn66.jpg)

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364de3  No.357825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






I AM ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee






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