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File: 3e804129261dd32⋯.jpeg (25.73 KB, 994x276, 497:138, F2A2A113_CA49_4152_B458_D….jpeg)

004c67  No.357260

>go to college party

>fat black girl keeps following me

>she’s drunk

>I’m not interested

>I drink some more

>become interested

>take her back to my dorm

>begin reproductive activities

>she shits all over my dick

>she runs into bathroom

>cleans up and leaves

>in the morning she tells everyone I raped her and everyone believes her

>pic related

Just say “I heard you shitted on peters dick”


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24f4ff  No.357261

how about NO?

I think I'd rather just find out who you are, then focus any possible harassment towards YOU

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cad3a2  No.357283




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f3d145  No.357284


Q: how are you able to determine where the marbles of feces ended and your tiny little stump of a penis began?

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c5b717  No.357285


it's not surprising that you'd fantasize about black women

after all, you are a KANYE WEST WANNABE

the only difference between you and Kanye ishe actually USED TO be successful in even one insignificant aspect of his worthless existence

you ?……

just look at you… the unemployed chatroom bum who fantasizes about sex with females

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ca0ce6  No.357286


in fact, I had a Madison Avenue PR Firm develop a new "public image" for you :

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ca0ce6  No.357287

File: daee33cce57e177⋯.png (488.85 KB, 1009x509, 1009:509, Screenshot_20221202_131352….png)

well….. maybe not Madison "Avenue"

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ca0ce6  No.357288


they think you should update your image to something more contemporary :

something more "ghetto", like antisemitism

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ca0ce6  No.357289

File: 62fecdb13faab21⋯.png (255.93 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_02_13_19_20_….png)


they think you should just call yourself"GOT"

the same way "YE" is shirt for "KANYE"

"GOT" is short for "FAGGOT"

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ca0ce6  No.357290

File: bc761a50212b8fa⋯.png (487.15 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_02_13_25_23_….png)


notice that they added the feces, going along with your fantasy of eventually becoming a heterosexual…

yet, the focus groups thought this new public image was STILL too effeminate.

and although Hitler had a famously tiny little penis (and was also a homosexual) the PR Firm thought maybe adding a little facial hair would hint at a hypothetical masculinity on your part

it's worth a shot, GOT

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