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62.66044, 143.66586

File: 7c9af1898dd6ac6⋯.jpg (241.72 KB, 809x1080, 809:1080, Tiger_parents.jpg)

File: 9121c63955e8589⋯.png (1.96 MB, 951x1027, 951:1027, Based_Parents.png)

42e792  No.355572

Bryan's parents are tiger parents. They push education above all else. They believe the stuff coming from Kiwi Farms and Something Awful through JustARandommer and Analog Devolved, perpetuating the BatteryIncluded/Koncorde narrative.

Bryan's mother seem to be sensitive against typing on computers. She doesn't want Bryan to visit these "nonsense" / "funny" sites.

Bryan's father seem to be against "free work"

This is why the alt-right, including those going Nazbol (far left socialist), praised them "based."

These are progressive parents based on what they defined as "realism" and protagonists.



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cc0492  No.355573



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bb9fd8  No.355596

File: 0c6b87a51d5747e⋯.jpg (300.53 KB, 1080x1442, 540:721, Picsart_22_10_03_09_43_21_….jpg)


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bb9fd8  No.355597


Speak for yourself. I find this riveting

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bb9fd8  No.355599

File: 2d0253794d31688⋯.jpg (300.6 KB, 1080x1442, 540:721, Picsart_22_10_03_09_55_11_….jpg)


I'm confused. I always thought you were supposed to make the dumplings first.

Perhaps I'm just distracted because I'm so Furious right now…

I'm so angry about Jerry accidentally creating a typo yesterday…

Hopefully I'll be able to resolve this anger issue, and pay more attention to chicken and dumplings.

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fd93c9  No.355607

File: c5cca5d6809959c⋯.jpg (24.41 KB, 790x310, 79:31, JN_Go_Slow.jpg)


> accidentally creating a typo yesterday

> accidentally

Full House of Maybe Not.

>>>/freedom zine/18596


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fd93c9  No.355608

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9639b8  No.355626


It's not surprising that somebody who doesn't have the balls to admit how gullible and easily manipulated he was over the landslide lost by Donald Trump would also be the exact same coward who pretends he intentionally created a typo…

really now………

I've been doing this for decades, and of course you're aware I've literally seen thousands of people through the exact same thing….

As if you intentionally created a typo LOL

At this point you're using the psychology of a four-year-old

The fact that you are lying about intentionally creating the type of proves how embarrassed you were by it

You are performing in Amateur hour territory now….

There's nothing exactly sophisticated about being embarrassed and lying about intentionally creating a typo.

Poor little baby boom boom

He was embarrassed

So he said it was intentional LOL wow

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fd93c9  No.355629


Are you talking about yourself, or Biden?

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c001e2  No.355631


i think he's referring to his own embarrassment at his own behavior, and about how easily controlled he is by what he is led to obsess on.

>inb4 trump

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