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d016ec  No.355315



Europe warns about mobile network outages because of power shortages???


Now THAT is BS. There is no conceivable way any cell system which can talk to a phone that has at most 4 watts and usually 300 milliwatts under normal circumstances needs more than a 400 watt solar panel that should now cost at most $400. This is just BUNK that paves the alley of stupidity with a way to fool the masses into accepting outages that are nothing but a way to control the flow of information "when needed". Cell towers have battery banks that keep them going for 3 days with no power available to boot. And THAT is going to go out? That's more than silly, it is downright stupid.

BEWARE: At least some forms of the flu shot will be MRNA from now on: https://fucktime.com/we/suck/as/liars/mrna-flu-shot-2022/

Look at the sleazy approach TIME takes with that article. They are calling the total failure MRNA shots a "remarkable success" when anyone who knows anything at all or can think at all knows full well they were an absolute failure AND catastrophe. What a sickening white wash by the once reputable (40 years ago) TIME.

MY COMMENT: I don't take ANY of their vaccines anymore so of-course I won't trust these mass murderers! Time is the same magazine that called The Ropers one of the "worst American spin-off sitcoms" in history, which was total BS! So I'll fuck their link up for this OP!

RUMOR: It appears IAN was used by FEMA to raid people's homes while they were "evacuated"

Hurrican IAN damage? The hoax is on. READ THIS HEADLINE and then look at the actual photos. Aside from storm surge, literally nothing happened, "entire trees" get ripped out starting at 65 MPH for the weak ones, and 90 MPH for the strong ones. If the winds really were 155 mph, not a single tree should be standing. This Daily Mail report is a classic example of "dumbing down", if there's that much storm surge and the structures are still there, there were no 155 MPH winds to go with it: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11260497/Shocking-photos-sheer-scale-destruction-wrought-Hurricane-Ian.html

They are lying about IAN and counting on people to be too stupid to see it. Why? So FEMA has an excuse to be VERY NAUGHTY.

So far all the damage photos show what was destroyed in the storm surge zone, and boats that were washed ashore. That will happen with ANY hurricane or even a strong tropical storm, according to the wind maps IAN was only category 1.

ANY hurricane that makes landfall in a populated area will do what IAN did, even a cat 1. That is the price of putting your home right on the shore. The only serious damage photo I have seen from IAN outside the surge zone was a trailer park, which will stand up to what?? Maybe I'll change my mind if more gets shown, but when it comes to hurricanes, if the shoreline is in the photo, the photo does not count because storm surge is a reality.

THE BIG story with IAN is that it is rumored FEMA conducted home raids while the owners were evacuated. If that is the case, that is the story of IAN. They can show all the damage photos they want, but FEMA would have known if IAN was truly dangerous, and if it was, they would have been out of there too, NOT RAIDING HOMES.

There is no way out of it. IAN was NOT a serious storm, it was an excuse for FEMA to be as evil as it was during Katrina. FEMA home raids when everyone is evacuated?? How cute and trustworthy!! A new type of weather warfare!!

Be ready for horror stories about "how bad Ian was" because if FEMA is doing this, they are going to need awesome cover. How many levees will they blow? Well, considering there are none to be blown, the story line is going to HAVE TO BE huge!!

MY COMMENT: This could be true, which is why you should NEVER trust government or their declared "emergencies", they'll likely start stealing people's food stockup as well!! Can't have preppers with guns and food in a communist country, can you!? I just hope if they are doing this they get their asses shot at!

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46bab2  No.355327

From what I've seen most of the damage was all along the shore line, there was hardly ANY damage 10+ miles away, just flooding from the tropical rain, and even near the beaches that were most hit some houses were still standing because they were actually built with proper hurricane fortification. If you live near beaches and rivers you should have that in mind when building your home, and go the extra mile. Not doing so puts your home at risk of severe damage. I don't understand what normies are thinking building unfortified homes nearside the ocean.

When the media lies, they LIE BIG.

Every Drudge headline is pushing an agenda today. Too bad Matt Drudge sold that site to the commies. It's CFP from now on baby.

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94dffe  No.355345





c l





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e80ec6  No.355584

legit true actual true real factual rational absolute legit true actual true real factual rational absolute legit true actual true real factual rational absolute legit true actual true real factual rational absolute legit true actual true real factual rational absolute legit true actual true real factual rational absolute news

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238441  No.355593


>BEWARE: At least some forms of the flu shot will be MRNA from now on: https//f*cktime.com/we/suck/as/liars/mrna-flu-shot-2022/

Kiss your gametes and oocytes GOODBYE!!!!!!

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8064f0  No.355644

real deal news

n o d o u b t


f t o

u i v

l m e

l e r




t r u e r e d & b l u e n e w s

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