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File: 0da9d8d4a1855cb⋯.jpeg (68.03 KB, 466x600, 233:300, CE76BFBE_789B_44A7_8185_E….jpeg)

d9cbff  No.355232

I was there at the first battle of retard hill I was part of the 51st gamer battalion I was at the facility when I heard the yell of those damned furries coming over the hill. It was horrible they shelled us and shot at us with all they had tearing us limb from limb. there was a man not much younger than I who was missing his legs and his eye hanging out of his socket and he was screaming for his mother. I shot him. It hurt me

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311b98  No.355234

We must not underestimate the low intelligence of Americans, where over 50% of adults believe in Creationism (pseudoscience) rather than evolution theory(science).

Mr. Trump, a narcissistic personality disorder & diet cola addict, is just a symbol of Americans who are arrogant, selfish, rude, unwise, smug, defiant, optimistic, ingenuous, uneducated, impulsive, and shortsighted.

His supporters, who have low objective self-awareness and are easily deceived by conspiracy theories and fake and have a poor judgment of character, are also victims of inadequate low-level education.

What they need is NOT punishment, exclusion, criticism or neglect, i.e., HATRED, BUT correction, rehabilitation, inclusion, treatment of delusional personality disorder by psychotherapy/counseling, i.e., LOVE.

Thanks to the political amateur Trump administration, the American education system has proved to be still immature. Now is the time to save America and make America great again for real.

"Emotions Self-Responsibility Theory"

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4b5278  No.355246

File: 4284230f29c76a9⋯.png (329.06 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, Johnny_is_Ultra_MAGA.png)


> We must not underestimate the low intelligence of TDS Sufferers


> btw, NOBODODY Likes President Donald J. Trump as much as they like rubbing Trump in the faces of TDS freaks! That would include Trump, and the MAJORITY of Americans.

Of course we are actually capable of having a thought in our heads that does not revolve around President Donald J. Trumo!


And no, (You) weren't there, OP.

(You) probably weren't even born yet.

Nonetheless, the slog continues, yet all advances are in decline. The morale among the troops is as low as it has ever been. We have been divided and conquered, fromWITHIN. We are dispersed to the four winds, and have lost all sense of direction.

In order to be effective against our common enemy (the Centralized Globalist CONTROLLERS), we must come together and UNITE with common purpose; but nobody seems to want to do that any more. It's every man for himself. This is how we will perish. Not at (((Their))) hands, but divided we shall fall; and EVERYBODY knows it, yet we still keep laying the Blame on each "Other", just like (((They))) want us to keep doing!

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ca4c32  No.355249


If it gets as bad as I think it's going to get, trust me, you are not going to want to be on the internet anymore because everything will be fully censored and monitored just like in China, social credit score and all. FEMA camps readied if you speak out. If you desire any freedom you are going to have to rely on yourself, family and small community around you, as in black market bartering between trusted people off-grid! I'm preaching to the choir I know, but expect it and be ready to go into fail-safe off-grid mode at any time! I've been saying this for over 15 years and I mean every word I've warned about to this day.

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342abc  No.355253


Good post.


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e49b24  No.355501


not nearly as much as we enjoy rubing it in your face THAT YOU LOST

again : you're a LOSER

You simply didn't have what it took for a second term…

Because it was all a white trash pipe dream

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e49b24  No.355502

We have been divided and conquered, fromWITHON

The exact same technique we've used for decades to topple other governments and Conquer Nations…

Only this time it was done by Russia, with Trump as the communist sympathizer, and gullible fools like YOU who were manipulated into voting for an uneducated mouthbreathing Russian Asset convinced your gullibility was PATRIOTISM….


you were the puppet

and now you're the MAGA PUNCHING BAG

who made threats of civil war

because "MUH ELECTION"

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20d5d2  No.355507

I made you mad when

I misspelledRUBBING

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