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62.66044, 143.66586

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2a2a0d  No.355193

They call you "Generation Z" (Z being the last letter of the alphabet) for a reason. Humans are now being culled and depopulated by criminal mad men. Those that took the clot shot are dying at a rapid pace and it is all getting covered up and swept under the rug. You are the last human generation, they are working hard to destroy your ability to procreate and have children. Next up is human-engineering labs run by governments and they will decide the perfect obedient slave model to integrate society with. And at that point it is over, humanity lost, nothing will ever be worth living or dying for. Freedom, critical thinking, natural procreation and families will be eliminated. Only hive mind retards who will be programmed to mindlessly obey orders and work slave labor will be the next 'human' generations to come (their DNA completely reprogrammed without God's protections). Nothing will ever be worth living or dying for.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/354846 ; >>>/pnd/354496 ; >>>/pnd/347756 ; >>>/pnd/353096 ; >>>/pnd/340280 ; >>>/pnd/313006

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21cf21  No.355239

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3b1a53  No.355479

bumping forbidden news

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6d273d  No.355583

b u m p i n g






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675da2  No.355602

d n

e e

t w

a b s

i u

c m

e p

r i

p n

p g


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