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2ab20f  No.355155

They call you "Generation Z" (Z being the last letter of the alphabet) for a reason. Humans are now being culled and depopulated by criminal mad men. Those that took the clot shot are dying at a rapid pace and it is all getting covered up and swept under the rug. You are the last human generation, they are working hard to destroy your ability to procreate and have children. Next up is human-engineering labs run by governments and they will decide the perfect obedient slave model to integrate society with. And at that point it is over, humanity lost, nothing will ever be worth living or dying for. Freedom, critical thinking, natural procreation and families will be eliminated. Only hive mind retards who will be programmed to mindlessly obey orders and work slave labor will be the next 'human' generations to come (their DNA completely reprogrammed without God's protections). Nothing will ever be worth living or dying for.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/354846 ; >>>/pnd/354496 ; >>>/pnd/347756 ; >>>/pnd/353096 ; >>>/pnd/340280 ; >>>/pnd/313006

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d9aac0  No.355161

Reminder this is their goal rest assured.

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7bb007  No.355164


Science can do anything! Twice the crazy and only half the calories!

But um, don't try to tell it to the normans. They are so deep in the black hole of corporate mainstream media that they can't distinguish reality.

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2bc13a  No.355171


Not a day goes by anymore that I don't think nuclear apocalypse back to the stone age and a fresh new start may possibly be absolutely necessary. These control freaks have gone mad with their science and this planet is better off without them.

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3ca58e  No.355175


>gets shit wrecked in original thread

>omg shit better make another and hope the other vanishes D: D: D: D: D:


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0d13a4  No.355179


Continuity of Government provisioning is created to ensure in the event of "nuclear apocalypse", that these "control freaks" and their god "science" shall emerge as the master planners of the new order.

They will not be eliminated from, as you say, "the planet".

Short of a divine cataclysmic impact event, or a series of them, sent by the finger of God himself and acknowledged by all remaining nations publicly, there is no power left on this Earth which may hinder or thwart any dominion they wish to assert in the name of science.

Any "nuclear apocalypse" will only serve hasten their plans to usher in a new world order, a new biologically engineered humanity, and what they propose as the final and perfected "earth age".

The age of science.

The age of Aquarius and the Fifth Dimension featuring Marilyn McCoo can fuck right off with their lovey dovey nostalgia bullshit.

It is a world view I could not have imagined could exist, until they turned on the internet and I started reading books.

The book of Ecclesiastes states: with much knowledge comes much sorrow.

Not a day goes by where I don't remember that verse.

Ecclesiastes 1:18

“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”

–King James Version (KJV)

Not even one day.

Whiskey time.

Willie Nelson is gonna sing "Whiskey River" and I'm gonna call myself happy for a couple of hours :)


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0d13a4  No.355181


The whiskey will make me slightly maudlin and I'll probably drunk post something like "I love you guys".

It's true without the whiskey, but whusky makes it easier to say it.

Which makes people think "he's drunk and doesn't mean it".

So I'm saying it now before I get lit :)

Because I don't joke about love *_*

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dad3ef  No.355183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



f'ckn love you guys!

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45c364  No.355189


Nope, I just created another to spite you, and will do it again.

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bc168a  No.355580

b u m p i n g

c r e d i b l e


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e153ce  No.355642



v e r y c


m m o n n e w s

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