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4eb6d2  No.35415[Last 50 Posts]

The stupidity of the British Public. mainly Spurred by the Chavs, Pakis, and the elite.

Let's not kid ourselves, Brexit was not about the EU. Brexit was about scapegoating fellow Europeans because the ethnically English didn't wan't to be "racist" and tell the niggers and pakis to fuck off. or they were too dumb.

why did the chavs vote for it? Because they are the retarded scum of our society. Who are completely useless. Imagine the white trash of america for you foreigners. "IF" they work. They work jobs that could be completly automised that require no qualifications or intellect. Most simply live off benefits ( welfare ). They refuse to work or simply are too stupid and lazy. Farm jobs or construction that would employ them turn to desperate poles and bulgarians since they will work hard for the shit wages. and in turn pay for their benefits . they scapegoat Europeans for their shortcomings because it's not seen as "racist". This is the mind of the british. Complete cucks who bend over for anything that isn't white

Why did pakis vote for it? Because Europeans who are mainly from the east are considered a competitive immigration group. Those who who are qualified will work and build themselves up. Many McDonalds or retail shops have Europeans from many countries working their with degrees and proper qualifications. They work their meanwhile they learn enough English and when in between getting a job in the professional sector. By occasion for instance, i was at a McDonald and i was conversing with a young Spanish man who was a qualified architect who moved to get a job as an architect but the firm closed shortly after where he was working at. ( i can speak fluent Spanish because i'm not ignorant ).

the Pakis see other Europeans as competition because they want to own and control their ghettos. Want to live of benefits and bring their whole families from Pakistan. instead of having a Spanish or polish neighbor.

This is the mind of the current " Englishman" they bend over for any paki or nigger and want to kick out Europeans who share our values, are similar to us. Who come here to work and contribute to our society. Absolute fucking cucks. I'm disgraced to be an Englishman. Yes the EU isn't great. No problem supposedly leaving it. However, the problem isn't the Europeans. It is the pakis and niggers. And we have to keep them. because they are all afraid to be called racist. i would have much rather. kicked out every paki and nigger and kept the polish and spanish and french.

Now i, i don't have much idea why the elite are concerned with leaving the European union. but i guess it's a question of money and profits. therefore they eliminate much competition from abroad. And they would have a larger share of controll over the populace. they want power. Much like how British public lick the monarchies ass in a cultist way. Where they like authority from them. "God save the queen" where they pay taxes for them to do jack shit. and have control over the public and country. fuck any retarded who respects those or even acknowledges their existence. they should all be hanged. That bitch Diana and fucked up this country in outlandish ways.

But as a case study. Sir jim ratcliffe. the owner of a uk chemicals company. And the country's richest man voted for brexit and then moved to Monaco. there is a lot of fuckery. too long to examine.

Now the approach that this country should have taken is the approach of gema o'deharty. Of Ireland proposed. here she is explaining her proposals. Which entails of kicking out every african and paki. Since the bullshit of multiculturalism is a farce and Trojan horse of replacement of the indigenous people which serves no benefit. Notice. She isn't a cuck. or Muslim and nigger licking english person scapegoating and vilifying Europeans. But rather is straight to the point and and doesn't give a shit of being called racist and what not. She like me. Would much rather kick those shitheads out who shouldn't even exist in lour country's and keep the Europeans who don't interfere or pose a threat to our culture and existence and contribute to our country. At least some of the Irish have some backbone and aren't all pompous faggots like my countrymen.


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4eb6d2  No.35416


And also to any other point. What the fuck does this country produce? My grandfather who wasn't wealthy but working class. ate mostly potato and carrots and sometimes had a chicken on sundays growing up Ergo the famous "Sunday roast" . Before they entered the EU.

now leaving the same menu is up. And this country wants to trade with south american country's. and japan. Who will at least take 2 weeks on freight ships for food and other shit to arrive. That is completely fucking retarded. If a ship makes it. Any fresh fruit or vegetables or meat, is already fucked up and rotten. All this country will get is tins of cat food. and if they don't make it. Potatoes and carrots are back up on the menu. in short. The trade deals are awful. Tariffs and taxes will be through the roof.

honestly. Fuck this country. I'm soon going to Mary and start a family with a spanish girl. And therefore live away from this dystopian nightmare that this country has become. I will be surrounded by white people without a currynigger in sight. in peaceful neighborhoods enjoying life. While you fuckheads watch your daughter date a nigger and pakis run around a children's playground stabbing kids in the name of "allah"

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e16fc7  No.35421

Seething EUcuck detected

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4eb6d2  No.35425


i don't cuck for the EU As i said. it isn't great. pretty shit in actuality. But leaving the EU was not about trade or the EU. but rather scapegoating Europeans due to English chavs being retards and muslim lovers. and the pakis for their own self interests.

in actuality their is nothing to gain. only to lose.

And you are either a paki or chav shill.

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b87af0  No.35426

>There aren't any qualified people to work!

>So we must import them and undercut the native working class because I don't want to pay human wages!!!

<Hang yourself

This is the same argument that Pro-Mexican importers have

and it's just as stupid.

There are so many unemployed English it is impossible for there not to be enough, all you're doing is subsidizing shittier wages and working conditions for other Englishmen.

What we need is an economic reform, not more immigrants.

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4eb6d2  No.35430


Do you lack any reading comprehension?

There is no undercutting. When there is no one filling out those jobs. The chavs and pakis are largely on benefits without any qualifications. they are dead weight relying on the system being leeches.

How are you going to hire people as architects when they haven;t studied to be architects and don't wan't to work.

We could kick out all the pakis who do absolutely nothing and fill out this country. With qualified europeans who want to work and contribute. Simply put a paki on benefits vs a frenchman who is a architect.

And you can't compare selective migration from europe vs the Mexican problem in the US who hop boarders and essentialy pakis that suck the system dry and aren't professionals

The many unemployed British are chavs who don't want to work. And if they aren't. Space would be freed up in the country by kicking out all the useless pakis and niggers.

We don't need infinite migration. We need to remove the shit that resides in our country. And replace them with europeans. who will contribute. Why the hell do we need muslims and niggers who largely do nothing.

Only liberal boomers choose the pakis and niggers as their pets for the bullshit virtue signalling.

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d45bf3  No.35431

File: 39faefb35955944⋯.png (1.25 MB, 840x8573, 840:8573, Brexit article from Nick G….png)

File: ccfbe37e01ff22b⋯.png (88.26 KB, 764x1180, 191:295, cliff_notes_kyptonite_for_….png)

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4eb6d2  No.35438


Fucking hell. At least some one gets it. I seem the be in the complete minority to understand that brexit was essentially a scam. And that would further decay this country.

This a straight and eloquent red pill on the brexit situation.

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d45bf3  No.35443


Brexit is Trump for England. It's a jew paint job.

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4eb6d2  No.35452

File: 6e7e97b7ce7e2d2⋯.png (394.09 KB, 827x1266, 827:1266, 6e7e97b7ce7e2d2b1283158d85….png)


Certainly seems that way. i personally don't have much idea how deep this goes. But the article above certainly shares a side of the story if true.

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4eb6d2  No.35456

File: 10ce0034e15d4e3⋯.png (823.69 KB, 976x1057, 976:1057, 10ce0034e15d4e3f5260957926….png)


I personally don't consider myself intelligent. just educated and knowledgeable in some faculties. I can't decipher what exactly is going on. but what i can understand is that it is a complete scam that fooled the British public. Which at this point must be comprised of deluded halfwits. And the aim seems to further decay the uk. Either way. the globohomo elites still have complete control. And i imagine if the elite were pro EU they simply would of had a re vote claiming the deciding percentage was too low.

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d45bf3  No.35461


The present situation we find ourselves in is really an outgrowth of events dating back to the late 19th century. The rapid decline of the Ottoman Empire, Mackinder's geopolitical outlook and its implementation, Prussian socialism, the Great War and the Fascist movements it spurred as a reaction to capitalist war, the Balfour Declaration, the original America First movement [and its institutional awareness of fronts like the Masons and Know-Nothings], the Kerensky interim government and the revolutions that failed before the October one, the Black Hundreds, the doctor's plot, the Suez Crisis, the Czech spring and Soviet anti-zionist purges, the Sino-Soviet split, the Trans-Siberian Pipeline, Brady bonds in the USSR, the Solidarity Movement, the Yugoslav War, and the end of Boris Yeltsin.

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4eb6d2  No.35471


What does this essentially mean? i guess the Elite have always had been working at this starting centuries back . Dating back to the cucked shit they used to do in the past. like helping establish isreal.

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d45bf3  No.35484


>What does this essentially mean?

It's a very rough timeline of key events in the modern building and implementation of the Anglo-Zionist world order. Initial attempts, windows of opportunity, strategic attacks and set backs, establishment of perceived permanent adversaries [who are likely different and for different reasons than mainstream Anglosphere conservatism and surface-level conspiratorial Anglosphere conservatism will tell you they are].

Investigating and researching these events individually will give anons a broader understanding of exactly what "our" irredeemable elites are working towards and what mechanisms they lean on to achieve it.

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4eb6d2  No.35490


>Investigating and researching these events individually will give anons a broader understanding of exactly what "our" irredeemable elites are working towards and what mechanisms they lean on to achieve it.

Could you give a rough, concise explanation from your understanding. as to what they are working towards?

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d45bf3  No.35496


A world owned entirely by private hands – (((theirs))). Free of dignity, absent of knowledge [except for themselves], raceless, sexless, rootless, and penniless.

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4eb6d2  No.35506


I feared this answer. It is totally depressing. And we are evidently currently experiencing the decline.

And there seems to be absolutely nothing to be done in order to oppose and fight back. Since their plan which has been effective since the beginning has rendered and left us with a populace to ignorant, lazy, stupid and without a backbone to do anything about it.

I guess the only thing left to do is to embrace the decay, enjoy what we have in life. and head out before it really gets bad.

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c90d28  No.35516


And? If you aren't going to organize armed militias to kill the enemies of your country and violently overthrow the government, then your complains and worries are useless.

>working their with degrees and proper qualifications

Pieces of papers from a jewish system telling what is someone's supposed knowledge is a meaningless document. Qualifications are measured by actions/literal work. Not by documents.

>This is the mind of the current " Englishman"…Absolute fucking cucks…because they are all afraid to be called racist.

You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. What most of your countrymen really think is the same as every single leftist and soy-infused subhuman thinks:

-They want to live of welfare and to have no competition at all.

-They want to be able to waste their lives in effortless and blind consumerism.

-They want literal nannies (old women, and women in general) to take care of anything else while they partake in said blind and effortless consumerism.

You can't change that mindset, since it only develops in the weak minds. You can only kill those thinking like that, and rebuild society with only the strong of mind being allowed to live.

You can't accomplish anything or achieve any victory if you still worship women as equals, instead of treating them as mere objects as they are, and shutting them up or straight up killing some of them if they even dare to speak their "minds".

Do you want a change for the better? start organizing means to violently take out every single one of those "people" cited above, who are complacent with everything shitty that is happening to Europe. Only after that you will be able to do anything against the shitskins invading your lands.

Take power by force. Kill anyone opposing you, including most of the women, until the rest of them starts blindly obeying you out of sheer fear. That is how you organize a society.

If you won't do exactly that, you will always fail and your enemies will take over your countries one by one.


Spain is a leftist country, so they will inevitably become the same as England, sooner or later. The only way to prevent this is, again, violent uprising against all who control the country.


>How are you going to hire people as architects when they haven;t studied to be architects and don't want to work.

By creating programs that incentive them to learn and to work. If you can't do that, then let society collapse, as it is the better option than immigration.

Nobody will have any will to work if he can be fired for calling a paki a shitskin.


>Either way. the globohomo elites still have complete control.

It is the JEWS. Always name the jews. The jews are the first and foremost ones that you must kill in order to even begin planning on retaking your country.

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4eb6d2  No.35530


All what you say is very valid.

>They want to live of welfare and to have no competition at all

this is another reason as to why i believe all pakis voted for brexit. Since the other europeans would pose a threat.

>Do you want a change for the better? start organizing means to violently take out every single one of those "people" cited above

You know, i did ponder years ago as if this was the only method. however i'm isolated with as who you label leftists and subhumans.

There is no one to organise with. And even then, it would require some sort of sponsor to have the arms To accomplish such a feat. Since we would always be outnumbered. to those who think alike. We are in a check mate like position. the only group who i can recall that espouses such rhetoric would be the IRA . however, they seem rather insignificant and completely out of their depth. And it seems we will have to watch this nation and the rest of European nations decay further.

I mean we have to face it. theres nothing we can really do. Since the majority of the populace love and embrace this decay. And the length that people will tread to oppose such a fate is to talk on Japanese styled image boards.

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4eb6d2  No.35531


And people may say i'm a shill here to black pill. But the evidence suggests that this is the truth. But i hope i am wrong. Since i hate what the jews have aligned our fate to be.

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1f2bab  No.35532


>(((fellow Europeans)))

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1f5b46  No.35533

File: f3c2fae122046cb⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 612x680, 9:10, Capture.JPG)


>Brexit was about scapegoating fellow Europeans because the ethnically English didn't wan't to be "racist" and tell the niggers and pakis to fuck off.

Quite the opposite, m8.

Brexit was about the English being willing to enter into a FINANCIAL agreement with the rest of Europe, but being completely unwilling to enter into a SOCIAL agreement obligating us to support and welcome the very dregs of society which caused the poor countries of Europe to become poor in the first place. They sucked us in with the financial plan, and then changed it up to be a social one. Classic bait and switch. If your sorry ass can't suck it up and pull out as well, then too bad for you…enjoy all those terrorist psychotic shitskins living off your paycheck and killing your families working 3 jobs just to make ends meet.

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4eb6d2  No.35537


I don't know what other word to use. And i have seen it so many times from those Jewish larpers who like to be chameleons.

But ask yourself? why would a jew be against brexit? since all it does is further decay this country and leave only pakis and niggers in the country. Jews love demographic replacement of europeans via non europeans.

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d45bf3  No.35541


Compared to Europe, England has very few resources and a very low quality labor pool with little serious productive capacity. What England does have is proximity to the means of counterfeit and a special relationship with the kikenigger US military, of which it is seeking integration for an upcoming racial conflict with the EU-Russia.

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4eb6d2  No.35542


Perhaps what you say is of partial truth however.

however it is nowhere as horrendous in comparison to what brexit will have in store for Britain. If you believe and say the EU fooled the UK. you will be absolutly shocked as to what you will discover in the near future.

>enjoy all those terrorist psychotic shitskins living off your paycheck and killing your families working 3 jobs just to make ends meet.

The shitskins will remain since this disgrace of a country gave them all British passports. Please don't be deluded.

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1f5b46  No.35544


Samefag here, offering up a retard version for those who missed it.

The issue here is the distinction between a FINANCIAL agreement, and a SOCIAL agreement. The EU was begun as the European ECONOMIC Union. Which was awesome.But then they started attaching all these SOCIAL contingencies and requirements. It became NOT an ECONOMIC union, but a SOCIALIST union. It is communism, and it is undeniable. We want NOTHING to do with it, and God bless Ireland I hope they don't end up killing each other over it, but we are far better off out of it!

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d45bf3  No.35551


Two world wars deep, we know just how much the English hate socialism. You don't need to tell us.

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1f5b46  No.35552


Yes, I realize the shitskins are here to stay.

We do have to live with our mistakes.

But I disagree that our prospects are limited. You underestimate the benefits of an ECONOMIC relationship with the west, for starters.

It is not our labor pool which the west is interested in. Nor is it military. It is our capacity as a tax shelter which appeals to US business, particularly in the area of pharma, which is convenient because we have a large Paki/Indian population with experience in this area.

The Yanks want their little blue pills, and they wan them cheap. We can give them that. In exchange, they can give us what we want. Without SOCIAL strings attached like the EU had.

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4eb6d2  No.35553

The above article by nick summarises the situation pretty well. As i said The EU isn't great or anything. I'm not for it. But the method of exit from it was wrong. It doesn't fix anything. We are infact and will be in a much worse situation than before. We needed the financial agreement. As the anon above stated. We have very few resources. and we have only been good because of counterfeit economy. before the EU, Life in the uk was of a seriously poor standard. The social agreement. Was a negative. however it didn't outweigh the financial agreement that we needed. And that could have been amended to perhaps have an exception from this.

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d45bf3  No.35556


The US isn't the West. The EU, or rather the people who make up the vast majority of the population of the EU, are the West. With very little tweaking, the EU is exactly the kind of civilizational tool Europe can use for common defense against the nigger hordes of the Anglosphere and its vile jewish society.

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4eb6d2  No.35561


> We do have to live with our mistakes.

Complete cuck mindset. and gema o deharty would completly disagree.

And you are implying that the uk is going to survive of being a tax shelter.

They won't be able to give us shit and it's a ridiculous ioea. It's half the globe away which will in turn make everything way more expensive for the common man regulating everyone to being poor. Simply not logistically or economically viable.

It's a pipe dream.

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e16c29  No.35586


take away the benefits, move out the shitskins, offer the jobs.




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e16c29  No.35588


The EU is quite literally a consolidation of power into the hands of a selected minority. It is, by pure definition, THE JEW. It is counter to everything White.

You have no power here. Go shill your shit on reddit.

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d45bf3  No.35590


If the EU was anywhere near as jewish as you claim it is, it wouldn't be treated as it is by the US and Britain. It wouldn't be to this day be occupied by the US military. The Soviets fucked off, but the US is still there. Of course, this is the part of the conversation where the shill gets circular because it doesn't want to directly address the US being the central vehicle of jewish power.

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2aea8e  No.35621

File: f39a6e6c44959f8⋯.png (93.78 KB, 300x180, 5:3, Sir_james_goldsmith_photo.png)

File: 0a56c1aedc0a344⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 330x439, 330:439, 330px-Zac_Goldsmith_MP_-_o….jpg)

'In 1994 he was elected to represent a French constituency as a Member of the European Parliament. He founded the short-lived Eurosceptic Referendum Party in the United Kingdom, and was one of the key power-brokers in British political circles that initiated party political opposition to the country's membership of the European Union.

Goldsmith was allegedly the inspiration for the fictional character of the corporate raider "Sir Larry Wildman" in the 1987 American film Wall Street.[3]

Margaret Thatcher said of him: "Jimmy Goldsmith was one of the most powerful and dynamic personalities that this generation has seen. He was enormously generous, and fiercely loyal to the causes he espoused".[4]'

'His father Frank Goldsmith changed the family name from the German Goldschmidt to the English Goldsmith. The Goldschmidts, neighbours and rivals to the Rothschild family, were a wealthy, Frankfurt-based, Jewish family, who had been influential figures in international merchant banking since the 16th Century. James's great-grandfather was Benedikt Hayum Goldschmidt, founder of the Bank B.H. Goldschmidt [de] and consul to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. James's grandfather Adolphe Benedict Goldschmidt (1838–1918), a multi-millionaire, moved to London in 1895.[5] His father had had to flee France with his family when Nazi Germany overran the country in 1940, only just managing to escape on the last over-loaded ship from the French port of exit, leaving behind their hotels and much of their property. His father and grandfather had lived in great style, and there was little left of the family's previous fortune by the time Goldsmith started out in business.[citation needed]

Born in Paris,[5] Goldsmith was the son of luxury hotel tycoon and former Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) Major Frank Goldsmith and his French wife Marcelle Mouiller,[6] and younger brother of environmental campaigner Edward Goldsmith.'

Jame's son

Goldsmith was made Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment and International Development on 27 July 2019 and has attended Cabinet as Minister of State since 10 September 2019.[14] He appeared on LBC's list of the 'Top 100 Most Influential Conservatives of 2019', at number 98.[15] He was defeated again at the 2019 general election by Olney.[16] After the election, Boris Johnson awarded Goldsmith with a life peerage, making him a member of the House of Lords and allowing him to retain his ministerial position.[17][18]

'Goldsmith is a long-standing Eurosceptic. In the aftermath of the agreement on British membership achieved by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, Goldsmith announced his support for leaving the European Union.[144] In March 2019, Goldsmith was one of 265 Tory MPs that backed a no-deal Brexit being left on the table.[145]'

Zac - daughter killed just before the GE that would determine the course of Brexit - mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/millionaire-ben-goldsmiths-heartbreaking-tribute-21263933. Made a Lord.

Two factions of Jews fighting each other for control - Glodsmitchs v Rothschild aka Trump, kushner and bin salman v ………..?

My opinion is that (((they))) had met a bump in the road during their creation of the United States of Europe, and Brexit is the pause which will allow them to fix it - possibly to do withUkraine and Russia. Ukraine is the Key to the Brexit question.

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2aea8e  No.35623


What would your response have been had the results been otherwise?

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4eb6d2  No.35637


it would be better not to do anything, than dig this country further into the grave. instead of ordering europeans to fuck off. it should have been all the non whites. england would have been a much better country from the get go. then we could go about fixing other problems. but it would have been one massive step in the right direction. instead of one massive step back.

for gods sake i hate non whites not, white people.

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2aea8e  No.35642


You sound Polish , so i take your bitterness. We now have an opportunity to solve our OWN problems and not have to worry about yours!

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3716fa  No.35643


see the part where I explained that consolidation of power into a select few unelected individuals = jew.

fight me on that.

literally. Put your gloves on. I'll fuck you up!

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e718d3  No.35656

We're not out yet, we have at least a year of more EU bullshit to put up with. Then we're going to get beyond reamed by the Conservatives with draconian internet legislation and censorship, just as an appetizer. Then the real heart of Brexit, complete stop to European immigration under the guise of that's why we voted to leave in the first place. No more Poles or French but now many more Pakistanis, Indians, Jamaicans. The plan doesn't end regardless if we're in the EU or not.

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a57b8d  No.35692


>The plan doesn't end regardless if we're in the EU or not.

yeah so we should have just cucked out to the EU and saved the trouble of fighting a hostile takeover by a foreign body of unelected officials.

Fuck off m8.

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4724db  No.35771

File: 1d9204a779be57a⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, f974875b06388153c34d1ed396….jpg)

you sound like the most ill-informed person on the internet. Also, there's no such word as 'automised'

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000000  No.35812

Your perpetual misuse of pronouns alone indicates English is not your native language. Fuck off, nigger.

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4eb6d2  No.36341


i can assure you i'm not polish. But i'm talking to a shill anyway. i don't like polish, i'm not fond of them tbh. however at least they don't behave like curry niggers.

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4eb6d2  No.36352


I wrote this in like 10 minutes. when i write at a fast pace.,my punctuation and grammar take a toll.

Also i was never really good in English. never knew why.

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000000  No.36397


Anon, only British Aryan Eugenic-Nationalism will save the UK. Genetics and Demographics are the foundation of Society.

https: //shamik.ooo/nya/518273?last=100#p550984

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e718d3  No.36518


Where did I say that? Voting to leave was a good idea, but it won't change the immigration and demographic trends. In fact they will be worse now because they as could literally half the immigration from lets say 300K to 150K, but there is barely any Europeans among them. Do you really think the globalist plot that goes back at least a century will end because of a vote? To them, this is a temporary setback, if we even leave of course. They can do some kind of false flag to keep us in or delay it, repeat. Or go all out and start off a big war.

We're going to be made an example of, punished by our traitorous elite in the form of worse censorship and hate crime shite than the EU, more immigration, even worse propaganda. They will weaken our economy more than they have already done. I'm glad we voted leave but I was never delusional to what would happen later.

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445d83  No.36543



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5f4519  No.36553

cock betwixt my arse

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000000  No.36646

As part of the EU, the UK didn't have a chance to take back their goverment and fight the shitskin invasion. Now they do. We'll see if it happens though.

OP sounds like a butthurt boomer.

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d45bf3  No.36683


You've got this exactly backwards. The EU is trending closer to Russia. The UK is moving closer to the United States. These are racially motivated drifts, even if no one is coming out and saying it. A Germany fully aligned with Russia because of mutual interests over energy and industrial is one that has no need for US troops on its soil and in fact is an outright enemy of the zionist entity on the Potomac. US troops are in Germany to disrupt exactly this.

The UK is leaving the EU because the EU has greater present and future potential for genuine National Socialism. The UK/US/Canada/ANZAC is the niggerized bloc hell bent on genocide of the EU/Russia.

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4eb6d2  No.37068

Perhaps. But the uk needed the EU for trade. Since joining the EU the standard of living in the uk rised drastically. Now it will fall back to where it was before.

We could have kept the trade and altered the migration. And could have become an ethnostate much like isreal.

Honestly, i see no good from this. If we couldn't tell the non europens to fuck off all this time. i don't see it happening in the future.

Look at how the british public treat Tommy Robinson in contrast to sadiq khan.

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403bc0  No.37134


Germany and Russia are huge rivals. I would refer you to a country called the Ukraine, why do you think Russia took back the Crimea? It was precisely because many Ukranians wanted to join the EU. Without their naval bases in the black sea Russia is completely fucked.

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d45bf3  No.37168


They're such huge rivals that Germany is building an expanded pipeline to literally bypass the Trans-Siberian pipeline in US-occupied Ukraine. So fucking tired of remedial posters.

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f2677f  No.37195


>Since joining the EU the standard of living in the uk rised drastically. Now it will fall back to where it was before

Good maybe sandniggers will stop trying to invade it

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403bc0  No.37209


I don't know if that disproves anything, China and the United States are rivals, they still negotiate trade deals. Germany is a member of NATO and has tried to make the Ukraine a member of the EU, they certainly have economic ties but I don't think that means there is a pact.

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d45bf3  No.37360


>I don't know if that disproves anything

The US lets you know with sanctions. These narratives keep getting cooked up by conservative retards desperate to prove everyone else is the jew tool but their 56% shithole country.

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3bf5dd  No.37370


Huge rivals but also major economic partners, just like with China. With Russia supplying continental Europe with roughly 1/4 of its energy resources the Russians and EU entities are going to inevitably draw closer together, especially as the fuckery of the USA meddling in the middle east and imposing sanctions all over is actually going to by proxy fuck up shit for the Europeans, it only re-emphasizes why those Russian relations are so important. Yes they are rivals, but basically at this point Russia and the EU are business partners and frenemies in that way, just like the mutually beneficial but strained relation Russia has with China. It's more about needing each other than liking each other.

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403bc0  No.37927


Yes, there are ((special interests)) and national interests, many so called allies spy on each other, the only real bond is between ethnic groups anyway.

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340b30  No.38011


>EU has greater present and future potential for genuine National Socialism

>Germany is realigning from one jewish controlled paradigm to another

>this will bring them national socialism somehow

Is the board being raided or is cuckchan just shitting things up like usual?


Oh ho ho! But have we forgotten about how the Syrian conflict is related to the fact that the EU actually wanted to divert a pipeline so they wouldn't have to rely on Russian energy? Weird right? This offensive move on the part of EU/NATO is totally a sign that Europe, especially Germany, is moving closer politically to Russia!

TL;DR This kike wants you to to believe Germany and Russia will be buddy buddy states because Europe is reliant on Russian energy despite constantly trying to cuck Russia.


>56% shill meme

>implying untrue implications

All countries are kikes save it for a few. The EU lets you know with it's media using Russia as the boogeyman all the time and supporting "Moderates" in Syria. Not that it matters because both sides are jews.

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6bde26  No.38015

File: 973a2eb7db97e90⋯.png (80.1 KB, 500x564, 125:141, 973a2eb7db97e9003d321e6e1b….png)

simple as cuck

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cbaffc  No.38028


But their motive isn't actually the one Farage, Rees-Mogg, etc. are selling. Those guys are very clear they want increased African immigration.

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e718d3  No.39175


They wanted less or no immigration overall. Don't make this a white v non-white issue. Mass immigration of whites, while always preferable to non-whites, still introduces similar problems of multiculturalism. Immigration has been the issue for years now in the UK and it certainly won Brexit, as well as the medias poor handling of the coverage. Less jobs, less money, more benefit sponges etc. and that's not even going into the crime stats.

Before some of you sperg out, I love whites. That doesn't mean Europe is a giant melting pot of all Europeans, its the opposite. We're many distinct peoples and immigration between us can hurt us. Dilute our language, cultures etc.

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cbaffc  No.39219


The capital interests of the Anglosphere behind Brexit only want more brown people.

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372fb3  No.40929



Do chavs even exist anymore, they used to be a thing in the norf in the 00's but these days it seems like there are deanos, roadmen, ethnics, etc. instead.

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78a6b8  No.41973

File: 4d3727b17037e4c⋯.png (1.64 MB, 988x1110, 494:555, 1571829649703.png)


>We need to remove the shit that resides in our country.


>And replace them with europeans.


>who will contribute.

No doubt. But why is this a consideration?

>Why the hell do we need muslims and niggers

We don't

>who largely do nothing.


I voted for Brexit because the EU was offered to the British as a trading partner. Nothing more. Free trade. It was not a centralised dictatorship that wanted its own army. Everything wrong with Britain is because of the spineless British and their belief in a system that does them no favours, and a corrupt system that favours GDP over it's people. Please let me know what efforts have been offered to boost a falling population other than immigration?

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f52c17  No.41980

I think Brexit could be good, but I'm with EUCucks otherwise. Too bad you can't have both. I just said in another thread that Muslims are ingrates. /pol/ hates the Jew, but they have something worse than the Jew in the typical Muslim refugee. They suffer from the same sense of superior and their own form of "manifest destiny" that believes life owes them something (and demands it from host countries), and will even rape and steal without a shred of guilt. Because they were owed all of it. The idea that Jews or EU are your enemies in comparison to this is fucking ridiculous. This a monster who will demand everything, has zero shame, and will not relent until he has taken everything - and even then, he'll expect you to kiss his feet for that too.

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064fd4  No.79650

i wrote this in lke 5 minutes.

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6b68cb  No.84626


no fucking way that man is 16.

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dfc615  No.84814



as if

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fc22f2  No.84833


Bot bump for a shill thread. What a shock.

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e2cbcb  No.84929


you wish it was a shill thread anglonigger

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