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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 6f335d469d4389c⋯.jpg (937.01 KB, 2880x1800, 8:5, uknat.jpg)

4ea8b3  No.3517[Last 50 Posts]

Music that kicks your rational mind to the curb and lets the Conqueror come out.

My quintessential song is, and so should yours be, The British Grenadiers. It's imperial. It's unapologetic. It's legendary.

What do you listen to, PudeNDa?


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b4a9a1  No.3544

File: 9489143498527c5⋯.jpeg (10.84 KB, 360x270, 4:3, smilex.jpeg)

File: ab173edb2593a9e⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB, 360x270, 4:3, smile.jpeg)

/pol/ boyband when ( ° ʖ °)


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b4a9a1  No.3548


fuck habben with my lenny

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dee63c  No.3593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not a britbong. Nor do I owe allegiance to a corrupted crown.


Only thing I hate is when they don't link the model. Now I gotta go lurk bowlroll and hope I can find him…

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30ebca  No.5124

File: 5fb08aed7192acc⋯.webm (15.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, europa.webm)


>music that kicks your mind to the curb and let the conqueror come out

webm related

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d9d4a2  No.5150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9d4a2  No.5152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53ef1f  No.5171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2c0d7c  No.5247

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add75f  No.5310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53ef1f  No.5343


That guy must have serious stockholm syndrome to make nigger music like that.

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53ef1f  No.5344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0639bb  No.5715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom ain't free

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a3d1fd  No.5807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7bec5  No.5810


Getting close. Most ManoWar is based but I'd pick Slayer: Angel of Death - don't want to give .05 shekels to YT for the embed, tho.

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f7bec5  No.5811


RUSH… geez… I don't know about Canadian metal other than Queensryche… oh wait, Wiki claims they're American. My mistake. 0/10 for Canadian metal unless the dog you're having sex with knows more about metal than I do.

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3564db  No.5813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have some German power metal. The album is "Infested by Anger" and is sure to strike a chord.


Look at this evening

We all assembled

For the battle

And we have no fear inside

Proud we are waiting until dawn

Now the moon is full

Hate has bound us all

Kill in the morning light

Fighting with my brothers side by side

My heart my soul

My hand my steel

My sword

My shield's an iron wheel

My pain my blood

My fate my death

My oath

I fight till my last breath

Slowly the sun will rise

We are prepared

To give our blood, our lives

And if we die today

Our names will live on come what may

Now we defend the right

Hate will let us fight

Kill the enemy

I can't wait to bring them agony

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a3d1fd  No.6055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Canadian Metal

Don't forget to say your prayers

Cause someone from above is watching you

You gotta know what to do

Saddened souls just go about

Someday a savior will guide them out to heaven

Or maybe to hell

Run, fight

For what you believe

One day you will be

Children of Heaven

You lived your life without the sword

And now the blade is coming down on you

No mercy from death

In this void there is a light

But still the darkness rules this endless night

Run, hide

Into the light

It's coming to take you away

Children of hell

Children of heaven

Get on your knees

Start to pray


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e91ddf  No.6074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac5577  No.6855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>There's going to be blood for the blood that you spill. Blood for the blood of your forced will.

Oh Sleeper bolsters my confidence in the coming war against the Jewish Muslim coalition that is destroying our nations.

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ac5577  No.6856

File: 327dae13760e861⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1200x648, 50:27, Jewish_Muslim_Coalition.png)


The banner under which the our enemies march

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7c75db  No.6857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac5577  No.6862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One more.

>If this world is for man than I am a beast, I do not fit in.

>I’ll embrace my claws and devour the land.

>We serve not some distant kingdom; We defend not brick nor stone.

>We are the countless keeps, Our blood is the mortar.

>Our king is one of pulse over throne.

>We are the moving wall,

>The armored march,

>The archers, the medics, the fire-born resistance.

>Immortal, we’ll take them one on one-thousand.

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0b4ec2  No.6869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0b4ec2  No.6872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0b4ec2  No.6877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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decefc  No.6900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0b4ec2  No.6938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These holy dubs demand reverence, my Brethren. HAIL VICTORY

"Do you hear the clarion call? it's calling out to one and all, who is right and who is wrong? Who's side is God really on?"

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0b4ec2  No.6939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not to be rude, Dear Brother, because I love you and would die for you. However, this music you have posted does not fit with my conception of holiness. Rather, it seems to be too angry. You must free yourself from anger if WE are to succeed. I encourage you to investigate this sort of music, link related.

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ac5577  No.7023


What, do you imagine, would God's wrath be like if it were devoid of anger?

I don't listen to music but for every once in a while. And when I do, it's Oh Sleeper.

I absolutely love Jesus and I'm as grateful for Oh Sleeper as is a man dying of thirst is for a cup of water.

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e5f742  No.7026



Rush are prog lad

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0b4ec2  No.7077


Fair point

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1f8809  No.7080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a23083  No.7081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I remember some anon mentioning how Manowar are kikes, anyone got more info on that?

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f5df5a  No.7341



Ah,yes another man of culture i see.

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ac5577  No.7642

File: 953a7f92ead0c86⋯.jpg (145.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bhjbvefuu438i9390oiretg.jpg)


checked and submitted

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c7ab53  No.7808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do they know of Europe?

Only Europe know

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b641c0  No.10588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Both Albums are awesome (3 technically but one's just a repeat of the first recorded live), this is just the one i play the most because it's near perfect for running.

Fuck, i missed this place. :')

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000000  No.11083


Fuck. I come back to watch this every few days and the chills never go. Thank you for this.

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54bea1  No.11087


why don't you just download?

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858afb  No.11089

File: 83aeed702018a80⋯.mp4 (15.29 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The_Love_between_The_Führe….mp4)

file is too big for this other video linked here, best motivational nazi germany vid ever


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858afb  No.11091

File: c1b5f1f90bd3a70⋯.mp4 (12.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sir_Oswald_Mosley_Speech__….mp4)



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858afb  No.11092

File: 1d350affd44dc46⋯.webm (8.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, (Alerta_Judiada)_Léon_De….webm)

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eb1550  No.11106

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858afb  No.11107

File: b11c3c0036675de⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hail-the-Golden-Dawn.mp4)

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684150  No.11366

File: a03041a7ffc80b1⋯.png (1021.79 KB, 1186x790, 593:395, mein neger.png)

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cf0400  No.11643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This should help immensely in the upcoming battle.

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656339  No.15517

dnbradio.com lately.

drumnbass in general.

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ff7b8c  No.15523

File: 12796f229c943b4⋯.jpeg (130.4 KB, 1280x1272, 160:159, serveimage (21).jpeg)


Not all music has to kick your rational mind to the kerb, Anon.

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fe7e6f  No.15783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Something very primal about this song. It fascinates me.

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1c76ee  No.15824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ff342  No.16098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1994 back from the grave

I'm an open wound

I can feel lt In my gut

I lie face down In my excrement and try to belly up

Unilke a fish I can't swim against the tide

So i keep my head above water and try to thumb a ride

Yet only the strong survive and the weak shall fall

The rest will pray to the likes of a concrete wall

Destroy the role that fits like a hand in glove


lf i were a broken back and you were a brace

would you let me lay down and die here or put me back in place

Like the lamb, too submissive and nice

you were easy prey for the wolf pack who made you pay the price

Yet only the strong survive and the weak shall fall

the rest will pray to the likes of a concrete wall

destroy the role that fits like a hand in glove

and make war not love

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9ba91f  No.16160

oh DINK DINK o DINK DINK o DINK DINK o la la la!

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e3c3fa  No.17320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sure lots of you have seen this by now. For those who haven't, lots of interesting symbolism about the history and collapse of Europe imo

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f124d5  No.17583

So much garbage music in this thread -_-


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cb1282  No.17721


Some Québecois nationalist traditionnalists songs

The History of a fictive Latour familly:


Our songs for the new years that we call Rigodon. Thee Rigodon is an tradition from Britanny and Normandy. It dates back from royal France. Now in France there is no more of this:


Other songs about our lovely big house inawoods:


Songs about starting an old ski-doo in winter:



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cb1282  No.17725

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cb1282  No.17733


Some old french for you guys. Show this to some frenchmen from fracne they wont understand anything.


Good ol Québec those songs are.



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739478  No.20694


hell yeah, I found this band months ago on a /pol/ music thread. so good

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fcd509  No.20720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9d9dcc  No.20772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder that the Irish are not real whites, if they will side with Gaddafi over the UK they deserve to be destroyed.

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9d9dcc  No.20774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embed got fucked

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800d1e  No.21073

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000000  No.47183


I listen to Deep House and other EDM. I don't need music to make me Alpha. I'm already there, and nothing could change it.

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000000  No.47184


>they will side with Gaddafi over the UK they deserve to be destroyed.

This is precisely why they are based. They reject the JewK and find allies wherever they are. Just like Hitler.

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fcc5da  No.47352



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42e85c  No.55791

<iframe id='ivplayer' width='640' height='360' src='https://www.invidio.us/embed/q3a1pwTtc-Y' style='border:none;'></iframe>

Not heavy like the other stuff in this thread, but motivates me none the less, makes me want to re-conquer the white western world so that its culture once again flourishes and the entire world recognizes its superiority at the mere sight of culture like this.

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42e85c  No.55793



whoops, embed code no work ey?

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42e85c  No.55795


lolwut the shit? invidious can't be embedded anymore? well thats pretty gay.

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5456eb  No.55925

File: 5f80a9d327f0993⋯.webm (3.96 MB, 400x230, 40:23, Georgians singing.webm)

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7aec2f  No.55956

I know you niggers need new members to further a political movement but can we for the love of God cut back on cuckchanners, holy shit they can't even embed, are these seriously the people you want on /pnd/?

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d228ab  No.79109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c6cd75  No.79121


Sorry to tell you this but they're leftists.

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5b7568  No.79176

File: 3d52feff01bfd8a⋯.jpg (48.52 KB, 604x413, 604:413, Abhitlern_Wehrmacht.jpg)


This is great stuff.

Thank you, anon.

This is the type of music I've been listening to for almost a decade now. Highly appreciated.

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abefcd  No.79659

File: 2db1473608e0b47⋯.webm (15.75 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, lion_europa_small.webm)

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abefcd  No.79664

File: aed84eb24e72bf9⋯.webm (3.61 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 4th.webm)

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abefcd  No.79675

File: d4df13de0987ba4⋯.mp4 (11.45 MB, 320x240, 4:3, xurious_fight_for_western_….mp4)

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144809  No.82109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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05cd4f  No.82164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ddf3fe  No.84694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f07d6c  No.88999

The non hard rock part of this song is amazing, about the unabomber.


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9476f7  No.89012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the rest of my motivational/race war playlist:


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9476f7  No.89016

File: bd478ca7e8466a1⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 785.88 KB, 922x678, 461:339, hitler_blindfold.png)

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ea6bbd  No.91147

Prokofiev - Dance of the Knights

<iframe width="508" height="381" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bBsKplb2E6Q" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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00a0ba  No.92255

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e411e9  No.94727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tries code injection


Come on Ivan. You can do better.

Embed: Walvater Wotan


Wir wollen euren Jesus nicht - das alte Judenschwein

Denn zu Kreuze kriechen kann nichts für Arier sein

Die Bibel und das Kruzifix - die soll der Geier holen

Wir wollen eure Pfaffen nicht und euren Schweinepapst aus Polen

Walvater Wotan soll unser Herrgott sein

Walvater Wotan wird Germanien befrei'n

Einst gab es die Inquisition, ist doch allen wohlbekannt

Deutsche Frauen als Hexen zu tausenden verbrannt

Doch heut' da macht ihr auf menschlich und wollt den Frieden schaffen

Sprüh's an jede Kirchentür - "Frieden schaffen, ohne Pfaffen!"

Walvater Wotan soll unser Herrgott sein

Walvater Wotan wird Germanien befrei'n

Odins Raben wachen und sehen eure Taten

Und seine Wölfe kriegen demnächst manch fetten Braten

Ein Blitz aus Donars Hammer schlägt in der Kirche ein

Nun bet' zu deinem Judengott - er hört dich nicht, du Christenschwein

Walvater Wotan soll unser Herrgott sein

Walvater Wotan wird Germanien befrei'n



We don't want your Jesus - the old Jew pig

Because crawling before the cross can't be anything for Aryans

The Bible and the crucifix - the vulture is supposed to fetch

We don't want your priests and your pig pope from Poland

Walvater (father of those who died on the battlefield; a name of Woden) Wotan shall be our God

Walvater Wotan will free Germania

Once there was the Inquisition, is well known to everyone

German women burned as witches by the thousands

But today you are the humane and want to create peace

Spray it on every church door - "Create peace without priests!"

Walvater Wotan shall be our God

Walvater Wotan will free Germania

Odin's Ravens watch and see your deeds

And his wolves will soon get some fat roasts

A lightning bolt from Donar's hammer strikes the church

Now bet' to your Jew god - he doesn't hear you, you Christian pig

Walvater Wotan shall be our God

Walvater Wotan will free Germania


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4b649d  No.95324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Black Magick SS

My nigga

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ab15a2  No.97405

Anybody have a download link for a collection of Serbian war music?


oh shit a new black magic album. sweet

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