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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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6e590e  No.346937

These vets got to see the world on the taxpayers dime, and they got to shoot dune-bunnies too?

And now they want extra health care for bads lung and shit?

Fuck em!

Nobody ordered them to go and do this shit.

Fox News pundit Ben Domenech got in a Twitter fight with a veteran whose military service he demeaned as being paid “to travel across the world and murder brown people.”

Domenech’s outrage began with a Fox News opinion piece written by Lucas Kunce, an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran and U.S. Senate candidate in Missouri as a Democrat. Kunce’s piece argues Republicans “turned their backs on veterans like me” by blocking passage of the PACT Act, the bill aimed to provide expanded medical coverage for veterans and 9/11 first responders suffering medical complications from their exposure to toxic burn pit chemicals.


theonedunebunny dontshootitself

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f09727  No.347020


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