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File: ec3b9f06378bf6d⋯.jpeg (244 KB, 763x1024, 763:1024, 6712D2C1-3921-49C9-9D64-2….jpeg)

af591e  No.33827

When our lad walked up to the front of the masjid, the shitskin at the door said “hello brother!” What did he mean by this? A heavily armed man walks up to a mosque and the muslims say “hello brother!”??? Seems like they were expecting something

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30bac2  No.33832


Muslims do that. All men are called brothers and women called sisters. Also, use one of the other threads, idiot.

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bde5cf  No.33835


No they don't. Try being non-muslim and walking into a mosque and see if that happens. You're lucky if the pigfuckers don't give you the stinkeye.

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30bac2  No.33838


Since a Muslim cannot be identified by sight, the assumption is that everyone is Muslim until shown otherwise. The person at the door greeted Tarrant as though he were Muslim because it is a sin in Islam to not greet a Muslim as your brother.

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b7559c  No.33846

File: 54e340035d7cc4c⋯.png (536.97 KB, 986x514, 493:257, Kebab_Remover.png)


This is also why they say someone has "reverted" to Islam, rather than converted. The theory is that we are all born Muslim, but we are led away by the sinful outside world.

It's really annoying and somebody should do something about it. Oh, wait. Somebody already has, kek.

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83d4fa  No.33854

He wasn't talking to Tarrant. He was talking to the other guy who had just walked in. There were two guys in the doorway. You don't say hello to a guy wearing full tactical with multiple weapons slung from his body. Fake news.

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85ae64  No.33872

File: 5e9398f0040bdd6⋯.png (978.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, serveimage.png)


He was acknowledging and celebrating diversity by greeting another male human being from a different race and culture as his equal i.e 'brother'


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30bac2  No.33874


>Somebody already has, kek

No, Tarrant really didn't accomplish anything except a global call to Muslims to arm themselves when going to mosque.


>You don't say hello to a guy wearing full tactical

Why not? I do.

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39a5bc  No.33888


>be goatfucking terrorist

>live in country where guns are outlawed

>be at your terrorist meeting place

>heavily armed man walks up

>assume heavily armed man is fellow terrorist

>say hello brother

>get shot and die

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66503c  No.33903


It's also possible he was talking to another roach and didn't notice or address Tarrant at all

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6c6dfe  No.33935


What did this guy mean when he said "Israel had the right to exist" and never once criticized Jews in his (((manifesto)))?

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aa51e9  No.33959

File: 1cb3be85945f3f1⋯.webm (6.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1cb3be85945f3f1b2377b36c6….webm)

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4bd2fe  No.34009


ja ja

but if you watch the entire movie, you will see that he is a just another angry jew

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b7559c  No.34057

File: 3c38688d891d538⋯.jpg (60.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Cuntface_and_His_Gay_Boyfr….jpg)


>No, Tarrant really didn't accomplish anything except a global call to Muslims to arm themselves when going to mosque.

What matters is not the action, but the reaction, anon. Get the target good and paranoid, and sooner or later there will be a little oopsie that leads to more gunfire.

And while we're at it: good. I hope Muslims around the world are spooked. Fuck knows their antics have given the kikes everything they need to strip us of free speech, assembly, privacy, and so on. Fuck them They should be scared shitless.

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3d4944  No.34195

File: b3b4b075e636951⋯.png (522.44 KB, 600x717, 200:239, ClipboardImage.png)

>oy vey goyim keep talking about our kosher gun grabbing acceleration psyop

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9e985e  No.34885

File: 5ef3c3977ddc146⋯.jpg (4.37 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ISRAELI GAS MASK (ADULT) W….jpg)


what movie is this? I need to watch it.

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3aeccd  No.34929


>oy vey don't do anything with your guns goyim, else they will take your guns!

>please continue to do nothing goyim!

>please ignore the fact that the gun grab was a failure!

I'll bite: What's the point of having the guns, if anyone that is going to use them is "spoppy mossad man" anyway?

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9e2d22  No.34930


>doesn’t know what accelerationism is

>tricked into supporting things jews want

This is your problem.

>what’s the point of having guns

There is no point. No one is going to use them.

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3aeccd  No.34946

File: 090a5afc5d5d686⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 701x384, 701:384, 1580357396259.jpg)


>acts smug and cunty, not addressing any points

>implies accelerating is bad, provides no alternatives

>just give up goyim

Try harder

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fdba91  No.34954


>What did this guy mean when he said "Israel had the right to exist"

Pretty sure he never said that faggot

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bc275d  No.35046


>no point in owning guns

You are full of it, regurgitating the same fucking lies of the commie wannabe gun grabbers shit out, along with the corporate media, on a daily basis. Americans use guns for self defense purposes all the time. Enormous amounts of attempted burglaries have been thwarted, attempted home break-ins have been prevented, potential rape has been mitigated by women who own firearms, attempted assaults have been stifled…. for some reason you seem to think the government is the only threat Americans face and its far from the truth. And the sad part is, the more third world scum that comes into the country, the more we will be needing these arms than ever before.

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bc275d  No.35051


People DO use guns all the time. You most obviously have never been a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Guns are used every day in America by average people who curb crimes against themselves, families and their property. Crime exists, violent crimes happen all the time against innocent people, and it's typically the ones who are armed that are able to fight back and defend themselves, loved ones, or others.

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9e2d22  No.35111


>acts smug


>not addressing

There’s ONE word here that matters and you don’t know the definition of the word. You’re too stupid to be commenting on this subject.

>do what jews want

>what jews want is good

>it is never bad to support jews

You don’t belong here.

>strawman because he got caught in his spam and is too much of a coward to admit he got the word wrong

Just kill yourself. You’re not human.


>you are full of it

Explain why it matters to have guns when you refuse to use them.

>you’re lying because…

>you’re a gun grabber because…

You don’t have justification for your claims.

>for self defense purposes

No one is fighting white genocide. No one is defending themselves, their families, or their nation against the people who publicly admit their job is to kill them. No one does a damn thing about the destruction of the Constitution. The only thing you care about is low level, personal bullshit. Meanwhile the white population of the US is decreasing NUMERICALLY now, not just as a percentage.

>the more we will be needing

And not using.

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3aeccd  No.35162


Okay faggot, enlighten me how the kikes would benefit off accelerationism?

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1c4944  No.35172


>Explain why it matters to have guns when you refuse to use them.

Read my comment, all the way through. Americans use guns in self-defense all the time, during attempted robberies or attempted rape or attempted assault. There are certain pro-gun websites that keep tabs on local incidents where self defensive took place by gun owners if you wish to do some research.

And I never called you a gun grabber, you must not read very well. I said you spew the same propaganda as wannabe gun grabbers.

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1c4944  No.35177


>Meanwhile the white population of the US is decreasing NUMERICALLY now, not just as a percentage.

This doesn't have anything to do with guns, it has to do with too much porn and other subversion in our culture. It also has to do with a massive *government-enforced* student loan racket that robs younger generations blind.

But lets get guns in on this issue anyway just for fun…. You have the nerve to call yourself a White Nationalist and yet say we should not be able to own arms to defend ourselves? There are many incidents where white people have been saved because of having guns for self defense.

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4ff652  No.35190


>Meanwhile the white population of the US is decreasing NUMERICALLY now, not just as a percentage.

Want to solve that? Marry a woman, have more children.

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9e2d22  No.35225


>how do jews benefit by people doing exactly what jews want

Fellate a shotgun.


>all the way

Yes, I already read and directly replied to the point you're bringing up again. I refuted it as not being relevant to the topic of discussion.

>And I never called you a gun grabber

>I said you spew the same propaganda as wannabe gun grabbers.

That's… the same thing. And no, I didn't.


>This doesn't have anything to do with guns


>it has to do with too much porn and other subversion in our culture


>It also has to do with a massive *government-enforced* student loan racket that robs younger generations blind.


>You have the nerve to call yourself a White Nationalist and yet say we should not be able to own arms


>to defend ourselves

1. You don't believe that white genocide exists.

2. You don't comprehend what immigration is.

3. You don't know what a nation is, nor its etymology.

4. You are incapable of comprehending the discussion at hand, because you're repeating neocon civnat bullshit as though it matters in any capacity. We're not talking about self defense, either on a personal or a cultural level. We're talking about guns. Conceptually. You don't use them for their purpose; defending your nation–your race–from genocide. They've already been taken from you and you did nothing about it. Fuck off.

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01b1ea  No.35266


He was saying hello brother to the man next to him. He didn't even spot Tarrant, he wasn't even looking in the right direction.

You could have also asked this in the latest Tarrant thread.

90% of posters are (((shills))) ITT, trying to recycle/revive Tarrant. This boat has long sailed. Move on with your next mass shooter.

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3aeccd  No.35271

File: d08a1d4a8ed7e3e⋯.png (149.9 KB, 612x792, 17:22, CHs4TgwWIAAhpDF.png)


>kikes want Whites to actually fight back, destabilize the system to the point it collapses

>still can't explain why it's a bad idea

So "OY VEY DO NOTHING GOYIM" as always with you glownigger kikes?

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3d4944  No.35592


I use guns practically every day.

I don't use them to accelerate gun control as written in his kosher manifesto.

I also don't use them to accelerate kike agendas.

All he achieved in jew zealand was to remove semi-autos from being easily available to people. It impacted more than a few gun owners I know there. Great job, tar-kike.

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3d4944  No.35593


I use guns practically every day.

I don't use them to accelerate gun control as written in his kosher manifesto.

Tarrant ACTIVELY did that to accelerate gun control. Read his writing you fucking brainlets.

I also don't use them to accelerate kike agendas.

All he achieved in jew zealand was to remove semi-autos from being easily available to people. It impacted more than a few gun owners I know there. Great job, tar-kike.

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30d70a  No.35606

Where did all the Tarrant memetards disappear to? I guess exposing Breivik as an anti whit "nazi" hater and exposing the number of times Breivik attacked "nazi's" in his manifesto was too much to take for the faggot shills. And yet their "saint" Tarrant was meant to have been inspired by the faggot it's too much for them to take.

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3d4944  No.35612


Why bump this shit?

They started waning because myself and others started shitting on their threads and other anons who also got sick of the psyop and saw it for what it was, joined in.

>the psyop that shut down fullchan

And you wonder why small brains and shills cheer for it. Not saying /pol/ was very good in the last few months but damn, it certainly caused some disruption.

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3d4944  No.35613

>Why bump this shit?

<forgets to sage also


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3aeccd  No.35626


>Tarrant ACTIVELY did that to accelerate gun control. Read his writing you fucking brainlets.

The point of accelerationism is to provoke a response from the system which would destabilize it and accelerate its collapse.

>I use guns practically every day.

If you aren't going to use it when they try to take it from you, you don't need it.



Pro-Tarrant people stopped, because the kikes like you stopped spamming "spoppy job muhsad" threads and getting your schizoid Mossad-CGI-mannequin-actor theories BTFOd constantly.


>And yet their "saint" Tarrant was meant to have been inspired by the faggot it's too much for them to take.

It's clear he was inspired by his direct action.


>Not saying /pol/ was very good in the last few months but damn, it certainly caused some disruption.

Yes, because of the shooters, not because of your impotent whining.

In conclusion, everything you do against kikes, you can expect a backslash from kikes, if you don't get one then what you did is ineffective and pro-kike. Opticscucks kys.

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9c4c1a  No.35627

I literally got banned from /pol/ fod being too defiantly honest in the face of the niggerslaves who say things like shitskin. I came over here, and voila, more hypercompliant retards submissively hateful. You people have no self-respect anywhere, lol.

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66503c  No.35639


So then what is the solution to white genocide, if nobody ever does anything useful with their guns and anybody who does something with them is automatically doing what jews want, unless you're just the blackpill copypasta shitzo?

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0aa1f6  No.35641


>solution to white genocide

𝖯𝗈𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗌, duh.

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3aeccd  No.35687


>𝖯𝗈𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗌, duh.

Oy vey… I mean Oh G-d I mean Oh shucks!

But that's exactly what g-ds chosen I mean Jews I mean kikes want to justify taking any action against them I mean us, which we I mean they totally need to do!

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16f9f3  No.35772

Does anyone still have the video of his crusade in action?

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9e2d22  No.35802


You’re not one of us and never will be. Kill yourself for being nonwhite.


>do things that don’t work


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8138f3  No.35815

Wonder if I’ll have the same ID posting now… Eh, whatever. I only post on chans because I disdain glory, not because I have anything to hide. The people who run these sites have submitted their integrity to stalking anyways, broken into the will of criminals.

Pretty comical, actually… I catfished a crimelord years ago and it turns out channer types are whipped dogs obedient when the opportunity to break all integrity arises. You lot hate “the left” because they have the integrity towards which you maintain only pretenses, hehe. Leftists are in line with actual western civilization!

Unlike you broken losers with your will to worship those who shit on the antiracist achievements of your ancestors, I uphold the honesty and compassion that made western civilization possible. The exclusivist thinkers in the Middle East itself created a society of terrorists, and here you lot worship… a terrorist!

A man who broke so much he literally couldn’t bear to live anymore is your saint. I think he was a muslim purging a decadent, accepting population. If it was just suicide-by-muslim though, that’s still pretty pathetic.

Look, it’s the exclusivity-inclined people who made the middle east such hot garbage that we should be skeptical of their migrants. In the middle east, people who say women should be treated better in society end up literally dead. We have a modern, peaceful society largely because we don’t do that. We keep ourselves under control instead of submitting to broken hatreds and becoming slaves to irrational hostilities. We value truth above dominance - and have learned that as the value that can dominate dominance itself when sorely tested. Be of the west, not of the terrorism-worshippers; be a free man, not a nigger-soul.

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421c89  No.35824


The only way to ‘be a free man’ is to be responsible for all your actions. That means no (((government))) you leftists are part of the problem.

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8138f3  No.35827

I still don’t read threads btw. It’s probably all trash from liars who fancy themselves manipulators, often including my contributions. Who would read this garbage, eh? Hehehe.

But I got kicked off of 4chan for being unacceptably free-willed in reminding people what they were really in submission to there.

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976bdc  No.35909


You have made this exact same QTDDTOT thread back when Tarrant was relevant.


That's only because he actually thought the police would be on his side, and none of you faggot bitch niggerfaggot kike cowards actually did anything. Nobody followed his lead, and thus we've all continued to spiral to death.







Right on cue, Jamal and friends are here to push the proven-to-be-false narrative and herd anons toward just voting and posting memes.

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66503c  No.36555


Well then? What does work?

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000000  No.43872


The whole shitskin thing is a subtle push to get whitey to love the jews because most of the ones he will ever see look white to him. Just when whitey is finally waking up to the Jew, the thing to do is to focus the betas on the non-whites that they live in fear of. They trot out Jews like Trump and Stephen Miller to throw a few crumbs, and presto! Whitey is back on team Jew, happer than ever.

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