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The holocaust never happened

File: a62cb5ee708dd6f⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 650x365, 130:73, serveimage.jpg)

babdc5  No.3281

The kike plague upon the world will end soon. Stand fast and enjoy the end of the satanist deceivers.


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5b6320  No.3284

File: b87f374f8287c26⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 360x220, 18:11, b87f374f8287c26fb7551292d9….jpg)

In 10 years there will be no more society though so who cares

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babdc5  No.3285


America doesn't count. That country is doomed as well.


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4432b7  No.3293

Is the Vietnam War guy supposed to be a prophet now? LMAO

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f31280  No.5862


I hope you like the chinese.

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ac0985  No.5916

File: 6e49e11034ece1d⋯.jpg (258.02 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 1491988144889.jpg)


Here is a guess that one might make that would explain why this is a reasonable thing for Kissinger to claim.

The wars the US is waging in the Middle East comes down to control over oil. It was foreseeable in 2012 that the US would achieve energy independence shortly after Obama left office - which is something that came true.

The US does not strictly need the oil in the Middle East. However, lots of oil reserves is a good thing to have - if we grab "enough oil that it won't matter for a century or two," then it is reasonable to guess that we'll figure out a better renewable/nuclear/anything but oil energy source before our oil reserves run dry.

Israel stops mattering to the US "very soon." Israel loses its golem "very soon," and Israel cannot support itself.

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ac0985  No.5924

File: dbc84701763d46e⋯.jpg (1006.62 KB, 992x1403, 992:1403, 1480568024719.jpg)


A few more things to note:

1) We have a fragile energy infrastructure. This is something that is mentioned all the time in civil war threads. Although such a thing would be very easy to attack in the case of a civil war, I would claim that attacking power plants may actually be a bad idea for us and our future goals - energy independence is incredibly important, and in the event of success it makes it hard to not continue the war in the middle east. With no oil-friendly allies like Israel or Saudi Arabia, things look sort of bleak. In the event of a civil war, target power LINES, not power PLANTS - quick repair is important for maintaining stability, and power lines can be repaired reasonably quickly.

To summarize, please do not attack the power infrastructure to the point where excessive repairs would be needed. We need those to keep Israel out of our interests.

2) /pol/ and 8kun are allowed to continue existing because antisemitism is beneficial to US's later interests - the US does not want to squish us.

This is going to sound extremely paranoid, but Q matters - not because Q is right or anything, but because Q is a US Government psyop (this is obvious). Ask yourself: why the fuck would a psyop targeted at boomers bring people to fucking 8chan/8kun of all places? Q could have easily done something to move himself to (almost) ANY other platform. Q chose the place with /pol/ and the nazis. Even when it would have benefited QBoomers to move, Q stuck on 8chan/8kun. That makes absolutely zero fucking sense if Q is just some attention whore, and it makes zero fucking sense if Q is Jim somehow - Q would have set up a temporary platform for the Q boomers just like Mark set up a temporary platform for /v/ in either of those cases!

It makes sense, however, if you think that perhaps Q wanted to move a lot of Boomers to 8kun - the place basically adjacent to a huge amount of literal fucking Nazis. The place where there are constant threads that are VERY FUCKING SIMILAR TO THE BOOMER BAIT Q POSTS about how the holocaust didn't happen. You have a bunch of people who want to go investigate the spooky Q happenings - a lot of those people are going to go right fucking next door and check out /pol/ and learn the holocaust is a lie! It's something that literally ANYONE could have foreseen, and it's something that can be triggered "basically whenever." A government operative could reasonably make a bunch of threads saying "it has come time to educate the Qtards about the holocaust," and you'd do all the work for them! You'd do it because it's in your interests, and you'd do it because you hate the kikes.

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9405d3  No.6042


Wow an actual post not from a glownigger or a retarded commie.

Yes, the infrastructure thing is incredibly important. It could take decades for the US to recover from civil war. Cheap sources of cash which would be used to repair that infrastructure will dry up overnight. The longer any civil war drags on, the weaker the country will be and the longer it's going to take to recover.

Oh, and I agree that Q matters and that the results are desirable (i.e. moving a potentially receptive set of Boomers into spaces adjacent to /pol/). I really don't think it's any kind of psyop though. I think it's just some attention-hungry namefag, like moarfaggot but with a white iq and without aids.

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560f59  No.6052


>I hope you like the chinese.

chinks are openly racist, so at least there's that

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0bb3f7  No.6060

File: bc6f06eeb642b5f⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 600x536, 75:67, laughing-whores.jpg)

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602b68  No.6091


>It's just some kike who wants them here instead of there.

We all know the jews are split in the question of whether they should all move to israel.

>the HOLY land

>but also a piece of shit desert land with no host to parasite in

IMAO they either get the fuck outa here or we'll kill them.

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835518  No.6152


lol (((kissinger))) the same kike that thought africa would be a nuclear power by now. that kike is an inbred, low iq faggot. sage this shit

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acfc26  No.7364


I certainly do hope Israel is over, but even if it is, that is far from the end of the Jewish plague. They are in every nation, in every government. Every rat's nest in a home must be eradicated, or they will simply spread again.

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69b0fa  No.7450

>In a recent article, NY Post columnist Cindy Adams stated in no uncertain terms that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger predicted the end of the nation of Israel in 10 years. Ms. Adams also took the Democratic Party to task for their anti-Israeli behavior at their convention and criticized Obama for refusing to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. In 102 powerful words, Cindy Adams managed to question Obama’s support for the Jewish state and raised frightening possibilities for the future of Israel:

I think its just psychology to cause christ cucks and their jewish masters to panic and activate the tribalism.

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c6d0e4  No.7453

I very much doubt Israel will stop existing and agree with >>7450

This is just a build up to a brand new Save Israel gofundme or something. Or, more likely given the nature of the jews, a Save Israel tax. Raise taxes by 2% for all Americans, plus an additional 1% sales tax, all the money will go to Israel. Not like it matters. It was never their home nation anyways. A jew's natural habitat is subverting more industrious counties

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f59b4e  No.7457


卐Politically Incorrect 2.0卐


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7b2d53  No.7608

File: ab4ec40b6c7b4a3⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ol_benji_at_it_again.mp4)

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c80ea3  No.7671

They'll relocate somewhere else, either they make that haven on the end of Russia, or end up buying land from the argentine government falling into bankrupcy.

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000000  No.43918

Khamenei gave them 25 years. It will stop existing only when whitey stops joining the US military. Zoomers aren't into Israel, so I would bet on a draft (and so does Ron Paul).

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e6f631  No.43982


How many who join the military do so to protect Israel? All of them or nearly all of them, join to fight for their country. They don't know better that they're really fighting for Israeli interests.

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cf005a  No.43995


>All of them or nearly all of them, join to fight for their country

False. Most grunts join because they need the fucking money. The backbone of the US military is now the nog/wog/spic from a gud chrishjan upbringing. A few naive whitey dogooders such as you claim do exist, but they are by no means "most" any more.

"Their country" sheeiit.

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7aba98  No.44274


> It could take decades for the US to recover from civil war

And? If this gives us an advantage over a group that has a huge technological advantage and aims at exterminating whites, why not exploit it? Going back to the 1800s for a few decades would hardly be the worse we'd have to face. Better that than extermination.

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5dd0ee  No.44313


>don't do too much damage so the System can easily repair it

>Q is for boomers who are well known to gather on the chans

>antisemitism only exists because (((US))) says ok, it serves kikes in the end

>fuckfuckingfuckfucking and more fuckfucking

glowniggers at their best

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e07689  No.44329

The one good thing about Israel is that their degenerate mentality is linked to having been cursed exiles for centuries. An exile has no love of land or wants to live up to ancestors who came before them that built that land. Their sense of heritage is less defined. and they created a new heritage for themselves built on a "globalist" mentality. Rather than one tied to land. Once they gained influence and power, they just tried to push that globalist mentality on others. They actively denigrated others with a love of their own lands or heritage, and created marketing and entertainment apparatuses (like Hollywood) that made people forget their own families and ancestors.

Ironically, keeping land in Israel may in fact be what finally gets them to drop globalist values and start acting normally again.

But if you want to make them exiles again, then they can't have the power and influence they have. It's this combination of the two that's been so detrimental to the entire planet. Not one or the other.

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e5c15d  No.44332


Jews are the World Eaters and have almost devoured all future potential life on this planet with their ruthless materialism. It's only natural that the parasite that destroys the host must also destroy himself

The only satisfaction we can gain at this point in time is to see Israel destroyed and every one of them driven to the sea.

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1d2f01  No.45407


>Q is a US Government psyop

Yes, of the Republic of Deseret in another timeline when Mormons dominate. They also have IBM Q.

IBM isn't what you think it is, Dave.


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1d2f01  No.45409


I'm having Shaw Cable installed very soon.

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000000  No.45435


Total destruction is better than allowing a single enemy to escape.



And even extermination, as long as everyone else is killed and no one is left alive is preferable.


The goal is to genocide jews. Not this cuckery about deporting/exiling them.

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31df25  No.45492


I get a feeling even if that were true it would not be enough to satisfy some people.

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0b5578  No.45497


>oy vey goyim Q-LARP is good

>by getting people to believe lies, that will totally help them learn the truth

Reminder that this paid shilling thread has been left up for two months.

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8a8cd4  No.45505

Kissinger was a genius, but also a Zionist. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to rally support for Israel via grandiose exaggeration. I'm not a big fan of Israel, but they make a nice bulwark against a new Caliphate. Worst case scenario they're a speedbump, like the Byzantines (forgive me for comparing Jews to Romans, despite the context). These are things Kissinger would have understood, and surely many more beyond my knowledge, though admittedly it's hard for me to trust his opinion given his affiliation. If you care about Europe, I don't see why you wouldn't want Israel hanging there as an attractive bug zapper for radical Islam (AKA Islam).

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cf6b5e  No.45544

Kissenger is a degenerate beneficiary of nepotism. No genius thar.

And anyone saying any of the ZOG wars for kike hegemony are about "oil"…. my eyes just unfocus and i move on from such dupes.

They've got a bunch of headquarters and outposts now, essentially running their shabbos scum in most countries.

That shit will still be there in two years. hopefully more of them will be there, instead of in our lands, ruining things even harder.

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87dfcc  No.45559


>I'm not a big fan of Israel, but they make a nice bulwark against a new Caliphate.

The Israelis run the Caliphate. Look up Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. The house of Saud are crypto Jews. They hold Mecca. You are using incomplete information to form your view of things.

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d052eb  No.45567

File: a1c6a7bd6b63552⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 720x477, 80:53, Thrown Into Hellfire.jpg)

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8a8cd4  No.45580


Thanks for the breadcrumbs, I'll check it out.

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2a8c74  No.51766


>The wars the US is waging in the Middle East comes down to control over oil. It was foreseeable in 2012 that the US would achieve energy independence shortly after Obama left office - which is something that came tru

The tech to make it irrelevant has existed since time immemorial; the entrenchment of usurious banking has made that transition hazardous until now.


>Kissinger was a genius, but also a Zionist

And strangely Nixon's confidant to the point of being responsible for his Presidential Library "X" designated time capsule letter [every president from Eisenhower to Johnson has one, with varying dates for release] – and this is the guy who was wise to the undeclared foreign agent issue. Hopefully their declaration as a 'nationality' and not just a religion will facilitate addressing that.

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909e7e  No.51790


Which country do you think is largely keeping them afloat, especially in their most profitable industry of high-tech?

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560f59  No.51879


> Israel will not exist in 2 years.

tbh we're all gone in a year or two, so bye bye I guess

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6717be  No.83765

The jew always bites more than they can chew.

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d27068  No.102780

File: e03aab0605a5888⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 300x300, 1:1, judeo_pomegranate.jpg)

Judeo-Pomegranate supply chains in crisis. Payment systems under attack by dual-citizens and foreign nationals.

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