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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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d52698  No.317351

In the hyper-masculine right-wing internet community known as the “manosphere,” few figures loom larger than Jesse Lee Peterson.

The Los Angeles-based pastor and online radio host has become a star in conservative media in part for his demands that men and women return to his unorthodox version of traditional gender norms.

Peterson has also emerged as one of the right’s most vocal anti-gay figures. He’s claimed that people who march in gay pride parades are the children of Satan, and that “radical homosexuals are evil.” He’s become a regular sparring partner for progressive YouTube personalities, telling online commentator “Destiny” in 2020 that he didn’t understand why his debating partner was openly bisexual.

“I don’t understand the purpose of putting that out there,” Peterson said. “People are going to judge you, they’re going to look down on you.”

Now several of Peterson’s one-time friends allege that the pastor’s own personal life is rife with gay sexual relationships.

Two of Peter’s former male associates came out in June with on-the-record interviews saying they engaged in sexual activities with him, while other men say he propositioned them. These allegations about the pastor—who in public is staunchly heterosexual—have ripped like an earthquake through the manosphere, prompting some of Peterson’s allies to abandon him and prompting one manosphere conference to ban him.



theonefag dontseeitself

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0ab85b  No.317385


Well welcome to average America!!

[Too bad you live too close to coastal cities you don't realize the rest of America looks down on faggots and similar low life.]

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