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1c4cbc  No.312405 [Last 50 Posts]

this place is poop

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b6e86b  No.312442


Not only is 'poop' a child's term, but it's also SOLID… firm…

This place is runny and loose

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34f68f  No.312443

David Icke Warning From 1998 Has Come To Pass: https://www.infowars.com/posts/david-icke-warning-from-1998-has-come-to-pass/

New DHS Bioweapons BSL-3/BSL-4 Labratory Working On Deadly Pathogens To Kill Off Animal Food Supplies: https://shepherdsheart.life/blogs/news/dhs-new-lab-reveals-graphic-images-of-insect-vector-death-squads

Updated list of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

Communist Biden Regime Very Eager For Another Plandemic To Crush America Further Into The Ground: https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/biden-we-need-more-money-to-plan-for-the-second-pandemic-theres-going-to-be-another-pandemic

Ukraine's government will likely benefit from demise of industrial influence (so will all other governments): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/6/22/will-the-war-with-russia-rein-in-ukraines-oligarchs

Sri Lanka is quite literally collapsing. People are starving, without gas or electricity, etc. Now they are rioting and the military are gunning people down. Wouldn’t be surprised if that reality spreads to the US, UK and all Western countries in the next few years: https://strangesounds.org/2022/06/sri-lanka-is-collapsing-people-are-starving-no-gas-no-electricity-and-now-the-army-starts-shooting-at-them.html

Fertilizer giant CF Industries shutters UK production plant due to rising energy costs, seeks financial restructuring: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-21-cfindustries-shutters-uk-production-plant-financial-restructuring.html

FIVE refineries have shut down in the United States in just the past TWO years, reducing the nation’s refining capacity by about 5 percent and eliminating more than 1 million barrels of fuel per day from the market, leaving the remaining facilities straining to meet demand: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/06/20/refineries-profit-gas-prices/

Western Move to Choke Russia’s Oil Exports Boomerangs Against The West (As Planned): https://dnyuz.com/2022/06/21/western-move-to-choke-russias-oil-exports-boomerangs-for-now/

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As China's Top Oil Supplier (As Planned): https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/russia-overtakes-saudi-arabia-chinas-top-oil-supplier

Trump Warns Of War As America Faces Gasoline Apocalypse (As Planned): https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3956.htm

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34f68f  No.312444

The 2025 Deagel military intelligence forecast has been rescued and can be found here: https://www.ahava528.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Deagel-Analysis-updated.pdf // https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast-resurrected/

The 2025 Deagel forecast predicted America will be destroyed. China, Russia and India will remain stable superpowers with the Western World very much depopulated with crashed GDP rates).

Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 1): https://www.bitchute.com/video/NdZiJ72Gxvlj/

Finland warns Russia it is ready to fight them and US declares NATO's 'ironclad' support for Lithuania as Moscow's fury grows over Kaliningrad blockade: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10941373/US-warns-Russia-support-Lithuania-ironclad-Moscow-threatened-country.html

Lithuania will be ready if Russia disconnects it from the Regional Electricity Network as retaliation to exclude the railway missions of certain Russian goods in the Russian Kaliningrad pocket. "We are ready and prepared for hostile actions by Russia (in response), such as disconnecting from the Brell system or other actions," Naoussa said today in an interview: https://warnews247.gr/tybana-polemou-sti-valtiki-lithouania-tha-efarmosoume-ki-alles-kyroseis-sto-kaliningkrant/

Europe should be ready in case Russian gas is completely cut off warns the International Energy Agency: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/iea-europe-should-prepare-complete-russian-gas-shutdown

Putin colonel Vadim Zimin who carried Russian president’s nuclear codes found dead at home: https://www.fox3now.com/putin-colonel-vadim-zimin-who-carried-russian-presidents-nuclear-codes-found-dead-at-home/

President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are currently working on setting up a new global reserve currency. “The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” he said at the BRICS business forum: https://www.rt.com/business/557627-brics-developing-global-reserve-currency/

US Government Wants To Create More Price Inflation: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/biden-economic-adviser-asserts-more-government-spending-will-solve-inflation-crisis

(Economics 101: More Debt + Less GDP = Devalued Currency. A devalued currency results in price inflation: your dollar will be worth less so the cost of goods go up!)

The Ukraine war response is fast becoming Biden’s second blunder: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-ukraine-war-response-is-fast-becoming-biden-s-second-blunder/ar-AAYKASm

Russian strikes on a shipbuilding plant in the Ukrainian port of Nikolaev have killed as many as 500 troops, Moscow's defense ministry claimed during a daily press briefing on Wednesday. The soldiers – who belonged to the Ukrainian Army’s 59th Mechanized Brigade – are believed to have been taking cover at the Okean Shipyard: https://www.rt.com/russia/557614-nikolaev-plant-russian-strike/

In the southern regions of Ukraine, the country’s defense forces have eliminated 20 Russian invaders, destroyed several units of military equipment, and two ammunition depots over the past day: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3513064-ukraine-army-downs-two-enemy-missiles-launched-at-odesa-region-eliminates-20-invaders-in-countrys-south.html

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34f68f  No.312445


Ukraine has been granted official European Union candidate status, after being endorsed by the bloc's 27 leaders during a summit in Brussels: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/06/23/approved-eu-countries-endorse-ukraine-and-moldova-as-official-candidates-to-join-bloc

Global nuclear spending surges as superpower tensions rise: https://insiderpaper.com/world-nuclear-powers-are-increasing-investment-in-their-arsenals-report/

There is an official narrative, and the official narrative is they’ve got to stop inflation… Let’s look very simply at what happened. They voted on the direct reset. Then they injected $5 trillion into the economy that went to the insiders. Then they used Covid to shut down the economy run by the outsiders. Now, the outsiders want to open another business, and they are going to radically raise the cost of capital to the outsiders. What’s going to happen is that $5 trillion is going to buy more assets more cheaply. To me, this is part of centralizing the control of the economy. They are asserting very significant central control. This is not a turndown – this is a takedown: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/its-not-turndownits-takedown-austin-fitts

Russia Pays Off Sovereign Debt… In Rubles: https://thepressunited.com/updates/russia-pays-sovereign-debt-in-rubles/

According to the Kremlin press service, a China-hosted meeting will focus on political, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. Ways to reduce the role of the US dollar in financial transactions between member states will be another focus of attention. The Russian president stated earlier that together with other BRICS nations, Moscow was working on alternative mechanisms of payment. Putin emphasized that Russia’s financial messaging system was open for banks from other BRICS countries to join: https://tass.com/economy/1470055

The European Union has made big pledges to go green, but the energy crisis is making its plans exceedingly difficult to achieve. To combat soaring natural gas prices, Austria, Holland, and Germany are firing up coal plants that were supposed to be retired: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Can-Europe-Actually-Afford-To-Kick-Fossil-Fuels.html

Due to the fear that Russia may cut off natural gas supply going into the harsh winter months, Europe has begun what is being referred to as a “bitter and reluctant return to coal.” But even before this turn of events, the EU had already been ramping up coal imports from other countries to prepare for an exit from Russian energy markets. In fact, EU countries have been importing coal in record numbers from South Africa: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-EU-Is-Buying-More-South-African-Coal-Than-Ever.html

The US supply of diesel engine oil faces a near-total wipeout in the next 8 weeks due to a supply chain shortage of chemical additives used to make diesel engine oil. To our knowledge, no one in the corporate media has covered this issue, and even across the alt media, traction for this story has so far been minimal: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-23-diesel-engine-oil-additive-manufacturers-that-have-declared-force-majeure.html

▲ MY COMMENT: Very simple. Within a few months trucks won't be able to haul more goods to the stores. That means mass shortages of EVERYTHING. That means complete economic collapse. A "Great Reset" as they called it will happen. That means unrest, it means riots, and it may mean the government goes full-bore despotic and totalitarian too. Suspended elections. Martial Law. The whole nine yards, with a lot of chaos, anger, defection, resentment and likely death! Check the 2025 Deagel military intelligence forecast for America and much of the Western World, they were 100% SPOT ON BULLSEYE: https://nobulart.com/deagel-2025-forecast-resurrected/

▲ JIM STONE REPLIES: Mexico is LOADED with 20W50 oil. It is all anyone buys. It is available in all grades. If the US government is going to sabotage trucking by making oil unavailable, what's stopping the trucks from going down to Mexico to buy 20W50 and diluting it down to 15W40 with other lighter oils? Absolutely nothing. What's to stop truckers from going down to Mexico and having their trucks serviced in Mex? If you could push an oil change off to a 60,000 mile interval, what's the big deal with going into Mexico for an oil change? And if you really had to What would stop a trucker from skipping oil changes completely, and instead changing only the filter and topping the level off?? NOTHING. Obviously that would not be good for the truck, but it would still go at least 500,000 miles, it just would not make it to 2 million.

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34f68f  No.312446



The Russian military has captured two French-made CAESAR self-propelled howitzers from Kiev forces, French lawyer and politician Regis de Castelnau revealed on June 22: https://southfront.org/russian-army-captured-two-french-caesar-howitzers-from-kiev-forces/

The military positions of the 28th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed south of the village of Luparevo in the Mykolaiv region. The village is located on the left banc of the Bug estuary, 30 kilometers south of the city of Mykolaiv. Luparevo is one of the hottest front lines in southern Ukrainian regions: https://southfront.org/in-video-21-ukrainian-positions-destroyed-in-mykolaiv-region/

Russian analysts speak of a "historic day" as their Russian and allied forces entered the city of Zolote, occupying one settlement after another, reaching the suburb of Lysichansk, just 9km from the city center. The Russians are talking about 2,000 trapped Ukrainians in the "pocket" Zolotte-Gorsky and about 4-5,000 in Lysichansk. Ukrainian armed formations suffered severe human resources losses. The survivors fled north, leaving weapons and ammunition in their positions. According to preliminary data, the losses of Ukrainian fighters amount to about 800 dead and injured. The number of prisoners is large: https://warnews247.gr/ektakto-istoriki-imera-gia-tin-rosia-o-rosikos-stratos-bike-stin-zolote-kai-patise-lisichansk-7-000-oukranoi-egklovismenoi/

Ukraine General Staff claims otherwise. Ukraine's Armed Forces stopped an enemy assault on the southern outskirts of Lysychansk, inflicting losses on the enemy and forcing them to retreat. "Ukrainian troops stopped the offensive toward the southern outskirts of Lysychansk, inflicted losses on the enemy and forced them to retreat. Russian invaders are involving reserves to resume the offensive. The Ukrainian defenders also stopped the enemy's offensive near Borivske," the General Staff said: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3513700-ukraine-army-repels-attack-near-lysychansk-enemy-suffers-losses.html

Capture of Severodonetsk shows Russians’ strategy – war of attrition in materiel and manpower terms – works: https://asiatimes.com/2022/06/ukraine-the-situation-june-22-2022/

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34f68f  No.312448



If you don't like it here, then why bother coming here in the first place? Coming here when you hate this place so much makes it all the more suspicious. Are you just here to talk shit, troll users or sniff IP traffic? Or are you here thinking this place was another /pol/ "hive mind" filled with glow nigger propagandists like 4cuckistan?

By all means if you hate it here you are welcome to scram!

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b6e86b  No.312449



buy your daughter an $18,000 guitar this Christmas

Or an $18,000 ANYTHING

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b6e86b  No.312450


that's how we grew up….

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b6e86b  No.312451


…..unless you're not good enough to buy her an $18,000 guitar

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b6e86b  No.312452


It's not like I'm saying that "you're not as good as me"……

that's NOT my point….

What I'm actually trying to say is "I'M BETTER THAN YOU"

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b6e86b  No.312453


I'm not saying you're around compared to me …

You probably think that's what I'm trying to say… I'm not…

What I'm trying to say is '"I'M MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU":

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b6e86b  No.312454




imma try it again

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b6e86b  No.312456


I'm not saying you're "stupid*" compared to me …

You probably think that's what I'm trying to say… I'm not…

What I'm trying to say is "I'M MORE INTELLIGENT THAN YOU"

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b6e86b  No.312457



now what is your daughter going to do ifa customer gets her pregnant?

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b0a34e  No.312466

This place is a banana republic.

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6f9cf0  No.320779



She’s brain dead, a diversity hire

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a700d4  No.321630



That is the same drug they use as a punishment for pedos

chemical castration.

it has permanent effects.

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98abcc  No.322210

The Real Toria Brooke / @wqnderwqman

06/19/2022 19:09:04

Truth Social: 108506653920433623

NEW —Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff says this week the Jan. 6 committee will show evidence of @realDonaldTrump involvement in the fake elector plot. (NBC News)

What about Schiff illegally letting Stephen Colbert employees into the Capitol on Thursday, June 16, 2022?


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43dcdb  No.322219

To work toward the highest aspirations of humanity does not require a construct of society or corporation… as society and corporation are represented today of course, the distorted representation/substitute of culture and exchange.

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efaee5  No.322507


that laser is hot make them feel it.

At least Ohio police are doing the job they are paid to do, hope it spreads far and wide.

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aabbc5  No.323091


Short black haired older woman was his dance instructor over the years, incl, Sat. Night Fever.

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ea2582  No.323145


ok cool

so i am very comfy

I would say 11/10

how about u anon

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4dad83  No.323233


IT is quicksaved all the time, second after second

human after human wakes up and shows mercy to the world(humankind) like for a little child for stupid mistakes

awakening is global

the gift of breath and hearbeat would be taken from us all if not people like you

there will come a time that they will beg (you) for mercy


saved, thank you

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0361e4  No.323521

Alex Newman says Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth including America. Things are not going as smoothly into their so-called reset as they had envisioned. Newman explains, “The Deep State is in a ‘do or die’ moment right now. They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this. If they try to retreat, there is no retreat. People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go for broke and try to impose the whole agenda and damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead or they are going to be in big trouble. They are going to be prosecuted. Right this moment, there are conversations in state attorney generals’ offices all across the country, and this is a problem. People are demanding prosecution. . . . Right now, the elites, or predator class, realize if they don’t move forward very quickly, they are going to lose everything. They could possibly end up facing true accountability. I think we are in a very dangerous situation now. When people get into a position like that, they don’t have a whole lot of options. Either they cancel the election or they cheat like crazy or they just collapse everything. The way things are going right now with inflation out of control, the food crisis and famine just around the corner, of course, that they engineered, and the monkey pox and bird flu, they have all there crises lined up. . . . You realize they have a lot of options still to play. I suspect there will be some very interesting developments between now and the mid-term elections. If we had honest elections, they would be totally creamed. They would be toast, and they know that.”

Newman thinks the next move by the Deep State may be a combination of crises that could include the collapse of the buying power of the U.S. dollar and a food crisis that is already a lock in the not-so-distant future. Newman warns, “What’s going on in Russia and Ukraine, we cannot count out. There is a very real prospect of that expanding. . . . Desperate people do desperate things. This is just like with an animal that has been backed into a corner. When you get an animal in that situation, they are really left with few options other than attack and do something dangerous, and I think that is where we are at. They recognize that they need crises to advance their agenda. They need to terrify the population. . . . and it has to be done in a way that their finger prints are not on this, and instead of people turning on each other, they will start looking for them.”

Newman says, “The country can be turned around and it needs to be turned around, but it’s going to take work . . . and maybe intervention by the Good Lord.” Newman closes by saying, “There is no silver bullet.”


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15c606  No.324002


I'm not so sure Anon, I have had colds before. This is different. 5 days so far of hot/cold flashes, bones aching, back of eyeballs aching, hollow/empty feeling in stomach even if your full, every once in a while it feels like someone put a medicine ball on your chest. You feel fine and all of the sudden you feel exhausted. And all these symptoms come and go randomly and intermittently

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1f0dd2  No.324486



And why not? Like they would forgive for it? Those kind of things tend to be broadcasted to everyone.

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db0259  No.324588


lox is fucking awesome.

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1ec246  No.324806


Well well well Greg Abbott (Texas)

Larry Flint (Black Rock)

CCP Money .

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4ffedb  No.324807

Jim, Ron, Austin Steinbart, Babyfist & Qanon Shaman all connected.










Archive 1: https://archive.ph/752pY

Archive 2: https://archive.ph/Gt6jL

Archive 3: https://web.archive.org/web/20220618044544/https://8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html

Archive 4: https://archive.st/archive/2022/6/8kun.top/hcql/8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html#19148.html

MJ12/Ingersol Larpwood Archive


It appears Austin Steinbart is "Sgt. B"



Baron of Arizona aka Austin Steinbart


QAnon Shaman

Shaman Starseed



Janon Twitter mentioning FastJack


B is for Baron


Austin Steinbart/Baron of Arizona/Sgt B - Arizona

Jacob Chansley/Jake Angelli/Qanon Shaman/Starseed Shaman - Arizona

Jim Watkins - Arizona

Ron Watkins - Arizona

Babyfist/Laughing_Man - Arizona/Colorado

Phoenix Enigma/ Corey Daniels - Arizona

Defango - spends a LOT of time in Arizona

Andre Merlecru - Arizona

Isaac Kappy Suicide - Arizona

Weird how this entire website is all about


Jake Angelli

Austin Steinbart

Weird how they are all connected to Jim

Weird how so many posts on the site have the same flavor of shit that BabyFist, Doge post

Weird how there is a big ass header that says "B is for Baron"

Weird how Jim told us it was Babyfist that made the B post Qs board

Weird how Jim now tries to act like it was someone else

Weird how Jim did a podcast with these people 3 days before the B post was made

Weird how in META 3 days ago when questioned on who he was Jim said "Kappy of course" referring to Isaac Kappy who was murdered in AZ

Weird how they all live in Arizona

Weird how Jim would hang out with them in a hotel room after the breach

Weird how Doge, Babyfist and Sgt. B were all caught sharing IP addresses

Weird how all of them appeared at the same time Ingersol Larpwood operation on Q research happened

Weird how it all coincided with Fake Q posts popping up on Q research that are still being pushed today

Weird how the lady that had her kids taken away associated with "QANON" was named Cynthia ABCUG

Weird how if you change G to numbers you get 7 or ABCU7

Weird how Babyfist was the board owner of the board /ABCU8/

Weird how Jim Watkins was photographed with QAnon Shaman Aka "Jake Angelli" aka "Jacob Chansley"

Austin Steinbart released from Jail 04/16/2021

Doge first appearance 05/29/2021

B post on /Dcomms/ 05/29/2021

Doge & Babyfist were posting from Same IP address


He gets out of jail, re-establishes contacts, sets up the plan to grift. Goes right back at it.




Austin and Babyfist caught literally having a astroturf conversation in the "JIM AMA" bread.




Austin and Babyfist caught literally having a astroturf conversation in the "JIM AMA" bread. Pretending they are not working together but as pointed out

Sharing IP address -> >>312443

Running Deepdigs -> >>312443

Colluding with Jim on /Squirrel/ -> >>312456

Inviting anons to a discord (just like buffalo groomers) -> >>312443

Flint, Babyfist, Doge all in comms with each other -> >>323145

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0ca5cf  No.325799


plus kushner is HARDCORE j3oo

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fd0421  No.325934


Right right

Think at

Think IRS

ORGANIZATION, the implications

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fa8da5  No.326124


Take three rock challenge.

obtain three rocks (you can have a more full set, but we only need three. red, green, white (key))

Ask if Q is Jim y/n=? I got a yes, but that's in the NOW moment and, I didn't ask the last name.

Really this method is just as valid as any other method.

Here' s the thing though.

The content of these 4 messages are less that worthless. I mean really two questions when the person awol is supposed to have answers. (subjective opinion)

I never followed Q but, people can do their thing. Meanwhile keep in mind that piece of shit mike rothschild has proxy that attacks the threads here.

Is Mike Rothschild posting as the anti Jew larp y/n= I got NO.

then I heard people talking about TOR and the idea proxy hit me

Is the anti-jew larp a PROXY of Mike Rothschild y/n= Yes.

Just some tips from an anon an some ROCK DROPS CONFIRMED

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e15cfa  No.327516


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vermont U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, 81, will undergo emergency hip surgery after falling Wednesday night, depriving his fellow Democrats of any majority in the chamber until he returns.

Leahy, who is third in line to the U.S. presidency given his role as Senate president pro tempore, broke his hip at his house in the northern Virginia suburbs outside Washington, his office said on Thursday, adding that he is expected to make a full recovery.

"Having been born blind in one eye, the Senator has had a lifelong struggle with reduced depth perception. He has taken some remarkable dingers over the years but this one finally caught up with him," his office said in a statement.

While Leahy has said he will not seek re-election in the Nov. 8 midterm elections, his vote is critical in the 50-50 split Senate where Democratic U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote.

Leahy also chairs the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which oversees federal spending, at a time when President Joe Biden is still pressing his Build Back Better economic plan.

Democrats are seeking to maintain their hold on the chamber in November, and the seat Leahy has held since 1974 is still seen as leaning Democratic.

Despite his eyesight, the Vermont Democrat has also staked out territory in Hollywood, appearing in five "Batman" movies.

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8ba057  No.327771

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bbd30c  No.327785


nobody cares stooopid, shut up

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781757  No.327853


By golly, I can't remember the last time I responded to a shill. But for ol' times sake.



what? just because they didn't ID with an SS number, that's what counts in your book?


up until 1987 because of Roe v Wade there was some unintended side effects.

For all of history it was assumed that babies could feel pain. Duh right? Well after roe v wade, to help the rolling make sense, all the sudden the entirety of the medical industry stopped using anesthesia on infants, and in many cases any child under the age of 2 yrs old.

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9c58c9  No.328194


noice mysterious ways indeed

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224056  No.328341

Don’t watch TV with your cell phone.


Don’t congregate with others with your cell phone.


Don’t drive a car with cell phone.


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f36e50  No.328381


Names and addresses

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f5a58e  No.328858

JOE BIDEN: Inflation may be high, but "every country in the world is getting a big bite and piece of this inflation worse than we are."


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af7897  No.328867

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3eb6dd  No.328896

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207573  No.329278


Excellent anon

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359109  No.329435


Beer and parade. Promises were made.

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eaa94b  No.329763

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bc759f  No.330113

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90688d  No.330309

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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83feec  No.330833


>machines are not boyfriend material

Or girlfren material either.


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d21272  No.330835

WATCH LIVE: U.S. House of Representatives expected to vote on new gun laws

Nancy talking about keeping children safe.


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2b04dc  No.330942

Commission of Inquiry hears little done to stop paedophile James Geoffrey Griffin despite report of child abuse material on laptop

A person who bought a laptop from Launceston nurse James Geoffrey Griffin found child exploitation material on it and told police almost two decades before Griffin was finally charged over child sexual abuse, Tasmania's Commission of Inquiry has heard.

Key points:

In 2001, the buyer of James Griffin's laptop told police "I do not want to think he is working in a kids ward in Tasmania unsupervised, given what I have found"

Griffin had already started at the Launceston General Hospital a month earlier, and in September 2001 moved to the paediatric ward

In 2009, a police search of Griffin's house found a "large number of photos of young girls", with the matter "filed for intelligence" and no notification made to his employer

The inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's responses into child sexual abuse is holding hearings in Launceston for two weeks, focusing on the health system and the Launceston General Hospital (LGH), where Griffin worked as a nurse on the children's ward.

WARNING: This article contains content that some readers may find distressing.

In her opening address, counsel assisting the commission Elizabeth Bennett SC told the hearing that the case of James Griffin was one of "notoriety, rumour and fear", and that he had had contact with children through his work as a nurse, a volunteer ambulance officer, netball volunteer, on the Spirit of Tasmania and at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre.

"We acknowledge that some people have chosen not to speak to the commission and we respect their decision and acknowledge that parts of the story may remain untold."

Ms Bennett told the commission that Griffin sold his laptop to someone in the late 1990s, who then connected it to the internet in 2000 and found child exploitation material and links to child pornography websites.

She said that person made a complaint to Tasmania Police in September 2000, but counsel had been "unable to determine the outcome of that complaint".


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b63a11  No.331482

is there any way to track section 8 housing growth? any digs been done on this?

where are all these illegal immigrants living? they're not still under the bridge are they? kek

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afd10f  No.331595

James O'Keefe, [6/26/2022 8:41 PM]

[Forwarded from Project Veritas Action]

Over 400K views already on Twitter

#SecretSleepers going viral


TWEET IT NOW: https://ctt.ec/4FO25

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f524d4  No.332666

1st pic turned pretty neat


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fe2107  No.332727


Anons just had the best week since October 2020 and you’re here blackpilling Kek

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8e6fd9  No.333024


Q said to read the Bible, maybe you should do that

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a42c88  No.333176

Can't you paid fomenters just leave us peace loving Qtards alone?

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7147c6  No.333200

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463d23  No.333614


seems likely

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310223  No.333898

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36e393  No.333962



Good meme

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c4a768  No.334000

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c00813  No.334341



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e14d80  No.334575



the cabal wouldn't have a ff at a 4th of July parade and then have the shooter go missing for a time so that the police can gather descriptions of a patsy from FBI/C_A plants.

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5e2eeb  No.334928


She better get a lifetime stock of them Newports.

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faa7ab  No.335265

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6a40fc  No.335611


1 44 & 1 88

The source is with us today

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03ae6f  No.335625


no homo?


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ca898d  No.336134


So they said.

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989bbd  No.336183


>condition impossible


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41ec32  No.336296


Occam's Razor.. makes sense to me

but who is the "we"? that's what i want to know

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112f59  No.336542

Fucking retards.

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2e7856  No.336739

burn mofo burn

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631659  No.336807



Any sexualized visual representation of a real child or minor, on ANY board, must be deleted and the user must be permanently banned from all boards. This, of course, includes actual child pornography.

Ban reason: "Dost violation", "Dost" or "Dost failure"; if child pornography, "CP" should cover it.

Ban length: PERMANENT




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7c5d8b  No.337265


Ask the people channeling the Ayyys

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76e0f8  No.337818


No worries. If there's no takers next bread and I'm around, I might offer.

No harm, no foul.

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e2be38  No.338183

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9bc58e  No.338298

DIGITALSTORM is beyond.. script masters.

Bad time to be a democrat in America.

Everything had been breached.

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4af41f  No.339333


she looks moar masculine

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825340  No.339381

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4ef6d6  No.339399

GasBuddy has be tracking the price of gas for ten years. This graph show the price of gas was at 2.20 on December 15, 2020; and is today at 5.04.


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1dc249  No.339787



Prayers asked for Dr. zelenko

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8a9658  No.340734

Let's have an AMA and make sure the BV Dart is here to delete anything that looks bad on Jim, and make sure doge/austin is here to gaslight for Jim.


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110b51  No.341111


>1 post is better than your 6 posts pretending not to be OSS


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9a7c46  No.341629


He loves that little Filipino boy almost as much as he loves America. Kek

To be fair, I never see any gay agenda shit on gateway pundit and gateway pundit covered the wrongfully dubbed "don't say gay" bill positively.


Still, Jim loves plowing Filipino boy ass.


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83e3e2  No.341927

Biden administration boosts biofuel blending requirements amid skyrocketing gas prices

Sommer Brokaw - Saturday

June 4 (UPI) – The Biden Administration has boosted biofuel blending requirements to the largest amount on record to support the renewable fuel alternative to oil amid skyrocketing gas prices.

The Environmental Protection Agency announced the new requirements on Friday for how much biofuel, such as corn-based ethanol, the oil industry must blend into the fuel supply.



27-Jul-2019 5:54:54 PM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch

Archived links:




Was the corn ripe for harvesting?

It is now.

[     93           dk]



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51b639  No.342085

The average American is WAY too tired for this “plan”.


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a7b79b  No.342695




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6de0b9  No.342814


oops forgot caps, pdf




>This document is distributed for informational use only; it does not constitute legal advice and should not be used as such.

© 2006 AkinGumpStrauss Hauer & Feld LLP







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59ddf3  No.343379


>Tuesday Morning Melania Edition

#Storm Is On The Way!

17 characters



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3ea26a  No.343382

LoL last bread… "the AC makes people more susceptible to heat." So fucking dumb, only a dumb blonde fake news reporter can make that shit up.


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e5b04e  No.343423




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84e7bc  No.343551


Oddly enough that sounded like it hurt.


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8a9658  No.343876


Honestly, it would fit in with my Omarosa head canon, and how she ran around recording everyone who was opposing the Trump administration from the inside.


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3021b4  No.344583


Known Quantities are Useful Planning Factors.


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0ae7ea  No.344823


Show us your dick to prove you aren't Hunter Biden…


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2758e8  No.345572


I gave 6 years of my life to serve this nation and more as a contractor. I am your sword. Tell me where I need to strike and I will strike.


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7b59b3  No.345894


>Because many States will keep abortion legal turning it into a new tourism trade much like casino gambling was and marijuana dispensaries have become.

They’ll visit these places then they’ll move there. Let them consolidate till they fill one small state.


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