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and shitslinging
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File: 3f5ca543f57a995⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.5 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, longfacenigger.webm)

ab11bf  No.3043[Last 50 Posts]

Post webms of niggers getting killed. I need some happiness in my life right now.

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2a81b7  No.3046

File: 7dbf95331ce9832⋯.jpg (576.83 KB, 2048x1295, 2048:1295, nig made good.jpg)

File: 5e93b93bc08914e⋯.jpg (163.52 KB, 620x702, 310:351, goodified nig.jpg)

File: c0ce3b346bdadb1⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 976x1393, 976:1393, goodified.jpg)

File: 6ea94bb92854fa2⋯.jpg (480.36 KB, 1659x1000, 1659:1000, Made good.jpg)

I don't have a lot of gore on this HD so you'll have to settle with pictures from me.

Feel better, Anon.

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413fd8  No.3053

File: 768fa255b4c82e1⋯.webm (10.63 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Taylor-Swift-Wildest-Drea….webm)

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2a81b7  No.3077

File: 7722929a94c12b1⋯.webm (3.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, UNDA DA SEA.webm)

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ab11bf  No.3082


OP here. Thanks anon, genuinely made me laugh. Saved. Will share a good vid I found on bestgore earlier. Please make note of the monkey sounds; niggers are subhuman and need to be exterminated. I would go so far as to exterminate all monkeys and gorillas on this planet so they wouldn't be able to evolve into niggers 100 years from now. Don't know how to save videos from bestgore, apparently the site doesn't let you download them so I'll just post the link here:


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99abea  No.3097


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9877d2  No.3098


Hello FBI

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6d6da3  No.3125

Spoiler the rest of the rest of the videos if it shows actual life-to-death footage.

thank you

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6d6da3  No.3126

at least for now - until the board is more established

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95673a  No.4825


what the fuck is wrong with you feds

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3e39d3  No.9604

File: 1c61ab561fd6453⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 768x436, 192:109, 1484056577716.webm)

File: 84f8d1cd26ff986⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1472343379766.webm)

File: 45094b7e216bed0⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 654x360, 109:60, 1524307724808.webm)

File: 085c45ffb95de2c⋯.webm (2.05 MB, 198x360, 11:20, 1431386375227.webm)

File: 05642b75d00c680⋯.webm (2.7 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 1425802104896.webm)


Imagine being such cuck. There is absolutely nothing illegal about gore.

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3e39d3  No.9605

File: 2b74594ec247c6f⋯.webm (1.45 MB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1445795975948.webm)

File: 3433ac48a44f9e6⋯.webm (1.31 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 1448450894931.webm)

File: 0c3b091ffa65b64⋯.webm (779.26 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1453662866720.webm)

File: e8a4816d4688e33⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 220x400, 11:20, 1540242310757.webm)

File: a5cfeb7ffd81248⋯.webm (703.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1485102086795.webm)

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3e39d3  No.9606

File: fba52150c3d32ad⋯.webm (1.08 MB, 404x720, 101:180, 1473553197638.webm)

File: 3dc1c5eb346435c⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1555120371953.webm)

File: 6c4749bd2f8243f⋯.webm (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1527743345274.webm)

File: 9b5e6ff65ed8c35⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 1453142103177.webm)

File: 5db8d3ec3a0d6ce⋯.webm (411.82 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1442991955790.webm)

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3e39d3  No.9608

File: 42dddcb1f4a5a3f⋯.webm (2.41 MB, 178x320, 89:160, b401ef1f92d14a52f21c2b2be….webm)

File: 3a5abcb50d676a0⋯.webm (719.84 KB, 352x288, 11:9, 1426983389434.webm)

File: 00b03db56c5ea0e⋯.webm (2.5 MB, 354x360, 59:60, 1415338747488.webm)

File: 2ff132e38c525f2⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1508510786601.webm)

File: 8da0b27e9104b3f⋯.webm (2.13 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1532125695273.webm)

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306da2  No.9669

File: c83c7e1777ccab3⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 496x342, 248:171, 1557938619881.webm)


why fagget?

these threads are great.

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2a81b7  No.9670

File: 141e36beddcc0e3⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 350x506, 175:253, nigger tranny retard.jpg)



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3f0903  No.10055

The Jews appreciate this thread, less divide and conquer for them to do since dum dums will do it for them.

What's the purpose of this thread, Who the fuck is posting all this gore?

The Tarrant lemmings are out in full force. Hey Goy why don't you whites start shit with the Muslims and blacks?

News politics and gore, what the fuck is wrong you guys? OP have you graduated to torturing puppies?

So the JIDF can swoop in and post a bunch of disgusting sadist bullshit, i'm ouit

Oh man, op is based, he posts the hardest gore. That could only mean one thing, he's the baddest mother fucker on the internet. I know i'm impressed how about you guys?

Pierce describes the OP


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45a60f  No.10056

File: 37e9de7b6e35759⋯.png (187.77 KB, 277x301, 277:301, 1577044274139.png)

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3ab0d8  No.10071

File: b9774a6cb04ba23⋯.webm (2.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lynch motorcyles.webm)

File: d0edb79df9852dc⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Lynch.webm)

File: ba4cc7cbc4c14f8⋯.webm (1019.1 KB, 640x362, 320:181, Run over.webm)

File: 87424dcf738f3d4⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, funwblacks436-woke-up-in-….webm)

File: e5bbef37f600cec⋯.webm (2.75 MB, 480x320, 3:2, funwblacks855-Shoot-beach….webm)


>The Jews appreciate this thread, less divide and conquer for them to do

>Implying anyone wants niggers on their side


The retards who have nothing better to do with their lives than push their useless gayops on this board have taken a liking to fedcalling.

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26d13e  No.26446

File: d9a023fabf24707⋯.png (60.37 KB, 350x325, 14:13, gary.png)


OMFG. What's the story?

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f955cf  No.26469


R U think ing there is an abundance of nigger here on /pwnd/? It literally says in the description on the catalog fuck-niggers-lol…because that is going to draw the chimpanzee people in like honey or something?

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f955cf  No.26470


This one pleases me. When I watch it I think of the revenge that we need for the niggers open warfare against our people.

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f955cf  No.26474


Seriously we need to do this for fun sometime. Get a rescue boat that punctures their rubber rafts and leaves them all to drown.

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7fb5e3  No.26477


The first one is from Africa Addio (1966) you can watch the full movie on jewtube.

The rest are niggers niggering.

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f955cf  No.26483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This should be MANDATORY watching for all Whites everywhere.

MANDATORY…it shows the parasites for what they really are…they banned it in the USA when it first came out

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9e4c8a  No.26486

File: fc166dd804521e6⋯.webm (1.63 MB, 204x360, 17:30, We_Rollin.webm)

Seriously nobody? Okay I'll post it.

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2a2255  No.26491


Someone hates black culture

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2c51cd  No.26498


This cannot be real…

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9e4c8a  No.26510

File: 7d738acbb9ea7f9⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 646x646, 1:1, Trigger_Nigger2.jpg)

File: ca9db3be477582d⋯.jpg (268.34 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Trigger_Nigger4.jpg)

File: d2240f8337200d5⋯.jpg (27.59 KB, 450x343, 450:343, Trigger_Nigger6.jpg)

File: af3fa57bac44ac3⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 205x255, 41:51, Trigger_Nigger7.jpg)

File: d780b374b8d0fb3⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Trigger_Nigger8.jpg)


>This cannot be real…

You must be new. Allow me to redpill you on niggers.>>26498

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5b6a06  No.26540

File: 7eee6923922bcea⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1636x1266, 818:633, shiaaaaaaaat.png)


Holy shit, he survived it too! Even death doesn't want to collect these retards.

http://archive.is/wip/vGyHK (https://abc13.com/5498362/)

The shooter ended up getting 10 years.

http://archive.is/wip/ulaCH (https://abc13.com/5759352/)

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2a81b7  No.26543

File: 7db6b4bfee3f783⋯.gif (933.69 KB, 1605x1070, 3:2, 7db6b4bfee3f783b76355989f9….gif)


>He lived

>He's been alive this whole fucking time

Thanks for ruining one of my favorite webms.

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7fb5e3  No.26545

File: 5b6a2397fed3e63⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 440x420, 22:21, 6cwh.jpg)


Yep, along with Empire of Dust.

It's pretty hard to watch these today without coming out redpilled on the nig nog question.

If only there were a documentary that was as good at showing the evil of jews.

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2a81b7  No.26548

File: 115c2b853d8b557⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3216x4288, 3:4, despite the high cost of l….jpg)


>If only there were a documentary that was as good at showing the evil of jews.


The Lobby

<You seem to have mistyped the verification, or your CAPTCHA expired. Please fill it out again.

Remind me why we came back to this shithole again?

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8eb90c  No.26555

File: 53e471db9ac3800⋯.mp4 (9.12 MB, 640x352, 20:11, brazil monkey.mp4)



I swear I had to type that in 6 times for the post above which ruined your favorite webm. You're welcome. Please take this electrical demonstration by a Brazilian scientist as a consolation prize. He died for your entertainment.

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b74187  No.26566


Damn thick skulled nigger, I hope it has brain damage and shits in a bag

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ed27e8  No.26570

File: adfcdfa7d3251ac⋯.png (428.62 KB, 640x410, 64:41, 5PCmGTVJVjTkM3H4uoicSnO7gA….png)


>shitty pop music music mixed in with nog death compilation

We need more of this

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f955cf  No.26591


That photo is missing all us 'white daddies' who pay to raise their children for them.

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f13c51  No.26596


Go back to /qresearch/

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d91ba0  No.26602




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aa5c7c  No.26605


Maybe you shouldn't be reporting every little post that hurts your fee-fees. You should also realize that being a paid shill isn't against the rules, so your reports will be dismissed unless the post is actually a violation of the rules.

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d91ba0  No.26657


Kill yourself, Q-LARPer. Your hoax isn't allowed here. It's a violation of the rules. Only you are talking about feelings.

>being a paid shill isn't against the rules

It's against US law. Violating US law is against the rules. Blow your fucking brains out. Reported for admitting to also being paid to post here.

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9e4c8a  No.26690

File: 356937206781061⋯.png (385.29 KB, 657x700, 657:700, Purpose_of_Civilization.png)


>Damn thick skulled nigger, I hope it has brain damage and shits in a bag

He sure does. And if you're an American taxpayer, you're paying the Medicaid bills!

Reminder that niggers are equally valuable and productive citizens of the U. S. o' A.!

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aa5c7c  No.26693


I think that's the first time I've ever been accused of being a Q-LARPer. Did you forget about IDs? More than one person is speaking to you.

>It's against US law

If it were, then explain why every person who does a commercial for a product isn't in prison. Being a paid shill isn't against any law. If it is, name the law and I will destroy you with you lack of knowledge.

t. an actual fucking lawyer

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071516  No.26700


Hey, lawcuck. I've got a question for you. How come niggers exist?


lawcucks btfo

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d91ba0  No.26705


>Did you forget about IDs

I just don’t care. Stop saying things Q-LARPers say.

>if it were

You’re a brain damaged subhuman pile of shit. You can’t even read English. PAID SHILLING HAS A LEGAL DEFINITION. AN ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT SHILLING, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.

>an actual fucking lawyer

No one will ever fucking believe you. Holy fucking shit. It is illegal in the United States to shill a product WITHOUT OPENLY STATING THAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO SO. It is also illegal to astroturf a political, economic, or social ideology WITHOUT OPENLY STATING THAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO SO. Every single person that uses this website can out you INSTANTLY.


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aa5c7c  No.26713



Give evidence that anyone here is paid.

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aa5c7c  No.26715


Also, you didn't cite the law. If all you can do is scream and cry, then you've already lost your case. What you're calling a "paid shill" here amounts to little more than paying someone to sit in an audience and laugh at jokes or applaud or whatever as a means of swaying the audience reaction. That, my friend, is 100% legal and, thus, is not against the rules of the site. The ONLY time being a paid shill is illegal is when it places "uninformed parties at a risk of loss". Further, there are no Federal laws in the US against it, merely State and local laws; hence the Global Rule is still satisfied.

Do you have anything else to add?

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d48739  No.26862

File: d0a28f48b4d5839⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 872x480, 109:60, Monkey Gets Run Over.mp4)


Here you go.

It was an embedded bitchute video. (bitchute.com/video/n9o0hu2GZSpc/)

Try inspecting the source of a website and you can occasionally get lucky with downloads.

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d48739  No.26863



Also I think this counts as an animals crush video which means we both just broke 8kun's posting rules.

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2a81b7  No.26866

File: c9a1a2a8886dd26⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, elite shitpost division.mp4)


>Also I think this counts as an animals crush video which means we both just broke 8kun's posting rules.

You cheeky little son of a bitch, I almost spit my coffee out.

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6870ef  No.26868

File: aae938248a76e09⋯.jpg (125.06 KB, 600x419, 600:419, niggerpunch.jpg)

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222632  No.26900


Our "reputation" means jack shit. Infamy is what we thrive on. Either we accept literally everything that doesn't break the law or spam the board or there's no point in the site even existing.

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14a8a0  No.26903


>third video

>that last hit

>grabbing the negroid head, lifting it from the ground and slamming him down again.

Give this man (and the helping bitch too) a fucking medal.

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7a9cc2  No.26912


When you said 'monkey sounds' i didnt expect ACTUAL monkey sounds, cracked me up

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8cf9ba  No.27002

File: aa970b2df325340⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Shot in the ass.webm)

This was just livestreamed on nosebook apparently.

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ceecc6  No.27004


What language are they speaking?

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32e802  No.27006

File: 3290882331e4425⋯.png (820.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2020-01-22-130947_1920x108….png)

Perfect. This is the high quality content this board needs, while threads about Trump being a shitty president and news threads about Virginia get autosaged.

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43f478  No.27034


>let me whine about this zionist cuck by promoting this other zionist cuck

kys retard

also the virginia thread was autosaged because duplicate

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add2b0  No.28023

Requesting the webm of the gun safety nigger that shoots himself in the leg during class.

He did not die but being so fucking stupid and trying to nigger talk his way out of it is hilarious.

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eaf188  No.28062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just because it's communication doesn't mean it qualifies as a language.

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3c4a50  No.28141

File: dee2e0baba70248⋯.webm (393.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SHUT IT DOWN.webm)



reminder that both 4chang and here went down at the same time

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4f55a0  No.28345

File: d14b72b9ff590d5⋯.mp4 (576.83 KB, 256x320, 4:5, blk battle for the planet ….mp4)

File: 906ddda7f9ad9cd⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 460x460, 1:1, blk bitchslap.mp4)

File: 291216e3e0d353a⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, blk fire hydrant.mp4)


I'm not one for goreposting, but I could watch shit like vid related all day.

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35ed9f  No.28354

Anyone have a copy of the compilation of people getting shot in the head to "when mom is not home"?

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964549  No.31237


>those chimp noises at the end

you're going to cyber jail once the cyber police show up

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3ab0d8  No.63310

File: 222ac7e272e763b⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 406x320, 203:160, Western civilization.webm)

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2c1a07  No.63332


natural selection of the cuck

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0a5f93  No.63418


kek… and that's what happens to a cuck. Doubly so to an untrained cuck. You actually have to knock them out under water and turn them into simple dead weight if they're panicking and you must be an EXCELLENT swimmer. As in swimming was never an issue for you, even as an infant/toddler.

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0a5f93  No.63425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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443bc1  No.63474

File: d62176960770ffb⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB, 626x360, 313:180, Pickup truck full of nigge….mp4)

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0a1bd0  No.63514

File: 21be4e22804e2fc⋯.png (453.23 KB, 744x851, 744:851, varg laugh.png)



>"these aren't whites they're Italians."

dear god my sides

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e53e4b  No.63599


Fuck'n video was traumatizing. Yep, hatred for niggers 100% intact. Hatred for Whites that helped these super low IQ niggers do all this, probably 100%+. I'm literally sick from watching this. The niggers should have been wiped out to a reasonable 15,000 or so. The rest should have all been exterminated. The arabs were not a big loss at all, it should have been encouraged with a bounty. Now there are BILLIONS of these beasts, and NOTHING HAS CHANGED! Cant some smart White biologist create a nigger specific virus that's 100% fatal in say 72 hours max. Fuck it, if a mistake is made and it wipes out all of humanity, after seeing this, it's not a big loss really. Fuck'n disturbing fucking shit.


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71693f  No.64261

File: 903b707973c341e⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Africa Addio 1966 10m38s -….mp4)


>purpose of this thread

learn reality. save reality. pass it on while the possibility exists.

>"oh noes we might get divided from these things"


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1a689d  No.90232


oh no

not the internet police

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139e6e  No.91438

File: 00333d32a59385f⋯.jpg (8.68 KB, 222x225, 74:75, Arrest_Black_Babies.jpg)

File: 3028fe0a097df27⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 960x728, 120:91, Good_goy_records.jpg)

File: 15fd77d791fdbc3⋯.jpg (35.2 KB, 640x408, 80:51, Habits_Die_Hard.jpg)


I tried watching Black Lightening, i figure, why not see what the enemy is saying about us, I cam across the token "Blame white people who act in white self interest" episode….

This thread was needed in my life after that…. Thank you.

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ee11f1  No.91525

File: bb9ac673fb81424⋯.webm (469.94 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Freeway_challenge.webm)

You can actually see the nigger's shoes fly off after the truck hits him

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