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File: d5232ce2a0a0457⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1401, 360:467, Picsart_22_03_30_20_38_55_….png)

764f33  No.293887

He's got coprophagia, so he can't really focus on acting.

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764f33  No.293888

I think it's so "predictably Hollywood" to be obsessed with ingesting feces to the point where you can no longer act in any movies…

plus, I don't even believe that eating feces is a legitimate psychiatric disorder..

it's a behavioral disorder.

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764f33  No.293889

I'm sure Bruce Willis could be cured, and keep making movies.

somebody just needs to tell him, "hey dude? stop eating feces"

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764f33  No.293890

This book will change you forever

Prepare to radically readjust your comfort level.

Sliced Americana cuts close to the bone of what it means to be human. A deeply thought-provoking story that grips you from the Semi-Clean Table to the Ski Bunny Wipeout and beyond.

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ae9e14  No.293893

yeah, coprophagia definitely changes you forever

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38ac3e  No.294068


God knows how profoundly coprophagia changed you

you pathetic worthless faggot

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5d9251  No.294124

File: a3e13b69c073b9a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1024x676, 256:169, A8E49053_F581_4CD4_87D1_C1….png)




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