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File: f7f6ed85d7cef8a⋯.png (10.6 KB, 98x56, 7:4, sharing.png)

71bc2c  No.293420

Most of us, if not all, were taught to "share" when we were still too young to remember anything. Few of us may give any thought to it before we grow up. But when we get older, especially when some people expect us to share but are reluctant to share theirs, we may start to question things we have never tried before.

Does anyone know what groups of people tend to promote "sharing" and why?

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29f775  No.293436

jesus fucking christ, you're so boring

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5410d9  No.293440


Socialists promote "sharing" but what they really do in the real world of economics is called "theft" and they redistribute that stolen property among themselves and their crony special interests. Sure, they'll call it "sharing", or "wealth transfer", or whatever, but theft is still theft. If you want to know these kinds of people simply apply for almost any governmental job today. You'll find plenty of these socialists!

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4f27c5  No.293462


Not exactly. You must be talking about some "liberal Christians".

There's a difference between caring/helping and sharing.


Thank you, anon.

I suspect that's the case.

Socialists are thieves and socialism is their scheme.

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