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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 17b906495c462df⋯.jpg (380.43 KB, 800x600, 4:3, chem_killers_001_800x600_.jpg)

File: 65d6d5d72025656⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, chem_killers_002_800x600_.jpg)

File: d0b84ab00ba99b8⋯.jpg (511.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, chem_killers_003_800x600_.jpg)

463d3e  No.293393


We know you are trying to kill us like bugs out here!!!!!

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463d3e  No.293394

File: 6037b1f751f8d5a⋯.jpg (369.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, chem_killers_004_800x600_.jpg)


We know about UN Agenda 21!!!!

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463d3e  No.293395

File: a69145626167172⋯.jpg (320.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, chem_killers_005_800x600_.jpg)


We know you want us dead for your "Great Reset!"

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9243c5  No.293412


you're SO insane…. if you had simply finished high school and learned how to read, you might have one day become an adult capable of understanding the basic laws of physics.

what you photographed is called a CONTRAIL

nobody is spraying anything on you, because I've got some breaking news for you:

you are NOT important enough to spray

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9243c5  No.293413



there is no "we"….

your lack of knowledge is YOURS ALONE

and the reason you spend your days trying to convince people "how much you know" it's because you cannot convince yourself, because deep down inside the only thing you really know is THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE NO REAL KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER

all you've got is cookie cutter parody behavior

you are behaving the way you think you're supposed to behave

you are intentionally BEHAVING like an idiot

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9243c5  No.293414

you're totally nuts, of course .

and it's important to remember that cows go MOO, birds go CHIRP CHIRP, dogs eat cat feces, andparanoid schizophrenics have a chemical imbalance that makes them think an external force is secretly controlling their lives

you are like a radio that's permanently tuned into a non existent station….

you're the only one who thinks he hears music

we are not broken radios…. our radios work just fine…. so keep your little non-existent radio station problems to yourself

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f4990b  No.293418

but I love you, kinda like the way you'd feel about your older brother….

but in your case, more like a creepy Summer Camp Counselor who molested you back in 1972…

a creepy insane "christian" alcoholic Summer Camp Counselor who hears voices, thinks there's a BIGFOOT in the clouds who reads his thoughts, thinks there used to be a guy named "jesus" who died and then UN-died and has been playing hide-and-seek ever since… who sees "proof of trickery" and "evil malicious deception" in EVERYTHING, no matter how innocuous it may be (like an everyday vapor 'contrail' left by a Delta Airlines Boeing 737 flight from Dallas to Chicago on a Saturday afternoon)

and who molested you back in 1972 at summer camp…

not exactly the way you'd love a brother…

but yeah, you're my buddy….

so that's why I reserve the right to be honest w you

and you are honestly insane

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45a820  No.293419

File: 4f499b5f7b24cb0⋯.png (1017.41 KB, 1080x1915, 216:383, Picsart_22_03_27_02_10_14_….png)

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