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File: 1955d24800376de⋯.jpg (54.59 KB, 740x340, 37:17, moarpheus_banner_1.jpg)

69be23  No.293316

>Trump lost

>Russia collapsing

>Israel terrified

>World on brink of destruction

>Propaganda and shills defeated

>Nothing but kvetching remains


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020092  No.293332

File: c9f2833cfaf42ed⋯.jpg (901.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, jpb8s9.jpg)



>Mohamedian world plot conspiracy

I'd do the same thing to them as to the Atlanteans. Another moral failure by the leaders of humanity; choosing to worship a rapist, slaver, serial killer, thief and child rapist as a system that they chose to implement.

How sad; I expected more from humanity.

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1165d8  No.293334


I've been prepping for the collapse of Western civilization for a while for a reason. Although controversial today, I can tell you don't know much about geo-politics or economics either. The biggest losers of the Russia-Ukraine war will not be Russia or Ukraine or the US or NATO for that matter. Nope. The biggest losers long-term will be Europe and the EU. You might not understand this but Europe heavily relies on Russian gas and produce. Even a 20% cut-off would do enormous financial damage to Europe and they're already feeling the inflation WITHOUT a 20% cut-off so far. Russia has been rather polite in fact, if they wanted to hurt Europe badly they could very easily by cutting off all trade. This in fact would hurt Russia too, but not as much as most suspect, as Russia has been preparing for de-dollarization and strategic domestic production and trade with China since at least 2014. The US and Europe already pressed their "financial nuclear option" which was to weaponize SWIFT against Russia and the damage has already been done. Russia's response was two-fold, Europe will start paying for oil in ruble, bitcoin or gold (or be cut off in the near future) and as for America they said they will be trading outside the US dollar and SWIFT via CIPS with China & India. Along with a few other smaller nations. Russia will take some financial blows but only short-term. Long-term they'll be trading with other nations outside the Euro and US Dollar, as well focusing on boosting their domestic industry. As for America, we will see some price inflation and the question is, are our political leaders competent enough to handle this long-term? Will they cave and start opening up American oil pipelines once again? Will they start incentivizing local domestic production via tax cuts or tax credits? Will they be able to bring back manufacturing too? That's all up in the air, we don't yet know what their plans are! One thing people like yourself do not understand about global economics TODAY (no this is not the 80s or 90s anymore!): today Russia holds the most vast abundance of resources on Earth and China owns the biggest manufacturing / industrial production base on Earth. Ask yourself this: what happens if Russia and China decide to dump the US dollar for global trade? What happens if Russia cuts off the oil supply to Europe in the meantime?

Once you start realizing all this, you'll understand that you should have been preparing when you were warned to do so!!

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f7bede  No.293337

the only thing you got correct was Trump losing.

that's easily proven…

however, you are incapable of providing any semblance of evidence to verify any of your other effeminate histrionic claims.

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f7bede  No.293338


"I expected more from humanity"

why? what ever gave you the idea that the human race was capable of rising to the occasion?

name one time when you've ever seen this disgusting species work together and solve our problems?

I'm guessing you haven't spent much time outside of that bedroom?

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f7bede  No.293339


"what if?" "maybe" "perhaps"

"possibly" "what if?"

"what if?"

"you should have started prepping when warned to do so"

always seeking validation, aren't you?

always wanting to be "Mr. I Told You So"

but you haveneverbeen "mister I told you so"

because none of your predictions have ever come true….

not even one.. in 23 years, you have been making far-fetched absurd paranoid delusional predictions every God damn day… and you've never gotten one prediction correct….

and that's exactly why you're STILL asking "what if? what if? what if?"

sorry, Amazing Breaking, but "WHAT IF" SIMPLY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH

so far you've demonstrated zero special knowledge or insight, and have a less than 0% success rate in the clairvoyancy department

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f7bede  No.293340


what if?.. what if?..

….. what if '''you had a track record of correctly predicting catastrophic events"?……

well, you might have at least one person who took you seriously, based on proof that you were correct in the past….

but that's never happened..

you've never been correct in the past….

in fact, you've made at least 20 insane predictions per day, every single day, for the past 23 years…

20 x 365 x 23 = 167,900 PREDICTIONS THAT NEVER CAME TRUE

and you wonder why nobody pays attention anymore?

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