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File: 091ecb59a09a41e⋯.jpg (93.33 KB, 1058x525, 1058:525, f6c399db7d67a451.jpg)

65310f  No.293295

LAPTOPS LIES AND LIBERAL LUNACY | https://www.bitchute.com/video/wZy5uFfDGH3z/

Listen and Hear!

Come and Hear all you who would know the truth!

The goal of this post is to raise awareness on the sick

perversions and corruption running deep in the Biden

Family & the political/showbizz world.

Sexual photos of minors were found on the laptop of

Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Donald Trump’s lawyer

Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax TV on Tuesday (October

20). “There is sexual depravity in all of this, it is

disgusting” According to Trump’s attorney, Hunter

Biden wrote to his father that his (then) wife Hallie

Olivere was accusing him of inappropriate behavior

with minors. She didn’t like Hunter talking naked on

Facetime with a 14-year-old girl whose name was

deliberately withheld in the correspondence. (Yes

because Hunter flirted with his brother’s wife…)

The attorney notes that in addition to these messages,

“numerous photos of minors” were found on the hard

drive of Hunter Biden’s computer. The lawyer also adds

that he sent all documents to the police in the US state

of Delaware.

So here what what inside Hunter’s Laptop: ( please

note we don”t have all the videos/photos available

yet. )

While the device became illustrious for providing

alleged evidence of the Biden family’s corrupt

transactions in Ukraine and China … it also contained a lot of sensitive and even

top secret data, such as the names and email addresses

of Secret Service agents who protected Joe Biden when

he was US Vice President.

The hardwares, none of which has been encrypted or

protected by anything as basic as two-factor

authentication, includes:

Joe Biden’s personal cell phone number and three

private email addresses as well as the names of his

Secret Service agents;

The cell phone numbers of former President Bill

Clinton, his wife Hillary Clinton and almost everyone in

former President Barack Obama’s cabinet; A database

of 1,500 people including actress Gwyneth Paltrow,

Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, former presidential

candidate John Kerry and former FBI boss Louis Freeh;

Personal documents including Hunter Biden passport,

driver’s license, social security card, credit cards and

bank statements; Details of Hunter Biden’s drug

problems and sexual deviance, including $ 21,000 spent

on a “live cam” pornographic website and “selfies” of

him engaging in sex acts and smoking crack cocaine;

Contact database.

About a third of the explicit photos of minors on Hunter

Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl –who

is a close relative (his niece Natalie Biden)

But also Ashley Biden (his sister), Caroline Biden (his


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32a05f  No.293325

File: 79ab651bcf91564⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 507x605, 507:605, meep_meep.jpg)

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719d0d  No.293346


let's start at the beginning, okay dum dum?

I promise I will type slowly and won't use big words.. pay attention, because I know you have a profound learning disability :

even though the term "showbiz" is just slime, I suppose we should start with your first idiotic mistake, and this is the part where you finally learn there's only ONE "Z" in the word "showbiz", not two…

the accusation of child pornography on Hunter biden's laptop has already been debunked by law enforcement…

there was no such thing on that laptop at all….

trust me, you irrelevant easily overlooked little man, if law enforcement found child pornography, they would have already tried & convicted him…

you are so stupid it's hilarious !!

but the funniest part is how you actually think you're intelligent !!! LOL THAT'S COMEDY GOLD

next on your list of stupid mistakes is the fact that Rudy Giuliani IS NO LONGER TRUMP'S ATTORNEY

and in fact, when he repeatedly embarrassed and totally discredited Trump with his pathetic voting machine accusations and hair dye pouring down his head, Trump fired him, and made Giuliani sign a clause agreeing to never refer to himself as Trump's attorney again, under penalty of civil litigation….

once again you are completely wrong, because you were too stupid to simply do a little bit of research….

your stupid accusations about child pornography are so unfounded and predictable, that I'm not even going to waste my time addressing your predictable garbage….

but the fact that you actually said "photos of him smoking crack cocaine" prove that you have no idea what you're talking about…

you're so stupid and inexperienced, that you don't know the difference between crack and methamphetamine…

it was methamphetamine, you stupid little sheltered poverty stricken homosexual video game sissy boy burden society..

exactly how stupid do you have to be to confuse crack and meth?

there's a reason why you can't provide any evidence, and only offer empty second hand for everything rumors :

it's because there is no evidence.. at least not the type you're talking about.. Federal authorities have already inspected the laptop, not the Delaware police….. last year it was revealed that federal law enforcement indeed recovered some very questionable financial documentation indicating some serious fraud, but absolutely no child pornography was found on the laptop, at least not according to law enforcement investigators…

you don't encrypt hardwares, by the way you stupid little penniless loser with the ladies…

you are one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen in my life…

you've gotten absolutely nothing

and I mean that on many different levels.. regarding your stupid washed up cookie cutter "child pornography conspiracy accusations" you've got absolutely nothing….

but also regarding your life….

regarding your financial situation, you've quite literally got absolutely nothing.. you are broke as fuck, and your existence continually vacillates between resentment over your poverty and frustration at your own inability to accomplish anything… you can't afford jack shit.. you have less money than any other person on this website.. you are the most poverty stricken low class second rate human on this entire website…

regarding quality material things, once again you've got nothing.. you wallow in mediocrity with your second right discount minimum wage existence, unable to purchase and collect nice things.

regarding your sex life, you've got absolutely nothing.. nobody on planet Earth is willing to have sex with you, because you are an embarrassing idiot, and it's not worth being seen talking to you…

when it comes to simple companionship, not even necessarily sex, but just simple companionship…

that's right dumbass.. nothing.. nobody

we are the closest thing you've ever had to a friend, and everybody in here hates your guts and hopes you develop sickle cell anemia…

nobody in here has ever interacted with you with respect, and that's because in real life when it comes to gaining respect of others, once again you've got absolutely nothing.

you have more nothing than anybody I've ever seen before

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719d0d  No.293348


but I'm glad you brought up the subject….

because it reminded me….

you are an adult male who never has sex

no woman would touch you, not even if you paid her.. you are literally too creepy and awkward for a prostitute… you are much more inclined to engage in a homosexual act then sex with a woman, but you can't even find a homosexual male who's desperate enough to invest 30 seconds into putting their dick in your stupid mouth…

that's why you have zero sex

because people have never liked you

ever since you were a small child

nobody has ever really liked you before

and your laughable lack of sex serves as a spotlight into your life

because you are a frustrated angry little man

you want respect and you want sex but you're incapable of getting either one

and that's exactly why you have developed subversive degenerate repressed deviant sexual desires

(show me an adult male who has no sexual companion, and I will show you a man with some hidden dirty little secrets)

you're exactly the type of person who wouldn't molest a child if given an opportunity

the fact that you fixate on the topic of child pornography proves nothing more than the fact that child pornography is on your mind……

and trust me, everybody in here already knows sex with children is on your mind..

nobody has ever thought you WEREN'T a child molester… everybody just assumes it from the word go.. it's obvious

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