>>'France' and Germany
The ritual is past…
Thou 'body' hath not reached 'parity' with time(s)…
Come… Come hither and present 'dance of death…'
Come… Now is the time to be fulfilled…
"Thou hath summoned me… I am come…
These actions are a means to summon us…
The prime controllers of the further regions of time and space…
The devil to some… 'God' to others…
Thou hath summoned me… I am come…
Now… Thou must return…
Come… Experience torment and agony and death and despair and plague…
No tears please… 'Tis a waste of good suffering…
There is no time(s) for argument…
This hath been done many… Many time(s)…
'The 3rd' hath escaped? No… Nobody escapes us…
Supposing 'the 3rd' had escaped… What is that to do with these?
Perhaps I prefer the wolves… I shall hear these 'confessions' for mine self… Then maybe… Maybe… …
If thou shalt cheat us… We shall tear thy soul to peaces…"
Come… Come hither and 'dance' for mine pleasures…