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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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dc6186  No.289181

Hello humans!

Is /pnd/ officially a dead board?

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24637e  No.289183


The chans died when people figured out that they were not really anonymous. not unless you pivot out of computers or vms. I would argue that this place is better than the others because threads live longer. there is not the wave after wave after wave of junior high autism and bots shitting up the place.

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bca40f  No.289217


Some users are paid for posting unreadable rubbish here. Their purpose is to make this place unattractive to serious users.

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520a53  No.289511

File: 4705ed4e130edcb⋯.png (3.66 MB, 3536x3368, 442:421, 1645579961480.png)


They are not even paid because they are using AI to create posts.

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