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e9a89f  No.289180

A lot of leftists ask "why do you hate China so much?" Here's the issue, I do not hate China or the Chinese people. I do not like their form of totalitarian government is all. Their form of top-down tyrannical control and central planning is incompatible and contrary to most Western values (like individual liberty and free market systems). I do not care if China has a social credit score system, but do not think for a second it will be allowed to happen here, in our country. I do not care if the Chinese people are disarmed and live in tiny pods in mega-cities, but do not even think about imposing that over here. Their government and lifestyle is polar opposite of our own. If you wonder why this thread was created, it is because this question is asked very often.

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c7a727  No.289218


This question would attract more attention if you post on 4chan. And you probably get more quality answers.

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e9a89f  No.289224


It wasn't a question, I was simply stating my reply to an often asked, albeit logical, question. The reason I posted it here is because when I scroll through boards like /pol/ I always see this question asked. Problem: I can't post on places like 4chan because the glow niggers there outright banned VPN & Tor use, plus their CAPTCHA is completely unreadable mush and the only bypass is giving away your personal identity? Fuck that.

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688a7f  No.289287

I don't hate China I just don't like what it's government does to it's people and what it's trying to turn Canada into. And for the record I'm not to happy with my government for a lot of the same issues that are starting to creep forth.

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688a7f  No.289288


Not any more they keep banning people and they arn't even telling us why anymore.

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2d0c3f  No.289302


spoke like a lying politician or someone who is brainwashed. the truth is you probably know no truth based on what you said.

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475235  No.289375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




HAHAHAHAHA No… I hear no supposed trespass… I see no supposed treason against 'God!'

Vladimir Putin and Russia:

"Do not be afraid… I am the devil… Thou art righteous and of no need for fear…"

(And in those days I approached the 'King Of The White Throne' and the 'Knights Of God…')

"What doth thou desire? Yes… I shall fulfill mine promise…"

(The devil reached forth with cold claws into the chest of the King and from the King's mouth was pulled a terrible and mighty sword named 'Truth.')

"Upon this blade is written the screed 'We hold these truths to be self-evident…'"

"I, the devil, have granted to thee the power of a 'God.'"

"Go forth 'o 'King Of The White Throne' and take up this terrible blade named 'Truth…'"

"Go forth into the den of the wolves who art called Legion and destroy them all… 'Tis 'they' who art truly demons disguised as humans…"

(The 'Knights Of God' did grumble amongst themselves…)

"I am the devil and mine trickery is vast and endless…"

"'Tis written that humans shall have dominion over the demons? Doth the righteous be given right to 'exercise such demons…'"

(The 'Knights Of God' fell silent.)

"By thy 'perspective' and from mine 'dimension…' 'Tis I, who hath the dominion to 'exercise life' and to 'exercise man…'"

"I am the highest aggressor… I am death… I am plague… I am the first offense… I am the last resort…"

"I am summoned by violation… By the perversions of this 'dimension' called 'reality.'"

"I am sent not for thee… I am come to collect…"

"I, the devil, charge thee to go forth (with blessed union) to lay bare these wolves who hath made treason against us…"

(And with these words… The 'Knights Of God' knew fear no more…)

I, the devil, shall part with a condition…

(The devil lifts the blade high into the air, and with tremendous force, strikes the blade into the earth…)

(The earth trembles not, for yode/God/AllahRa/Jehovah is truth…)

(From the earth comes an ethereal tear beyond deaf eyes…)

"Come hither into this cursed world mine serpent…"

(A golden serpent, whose venom is wine, comes forth into 'reality.')

(The 'Knights Of God' know no fear and freely gaze…)

"This terrible creature knows the Marks of ill content and ephemeral lament…"

"Turn 'o foul beast upon all men who offend yode/God/AllahRa/Jehovah and I, the devil…"

"Take from mine claws this blade 'o 'King Of The White Throne…' Drive 'Truth' into the 'heart' of man…"





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8b2121  No.289383




Someone is brainwashed for simply not hating Chinese people, but not condoning their form of top-down totalitarian government? I think that is a very common sense stance. As much as I don't hate the Chinese people, I would hate our government if it became as totalitarian as the Chinese government. Just because other systems are totalitarian doesn't mean America should be adopting the same system.



They ban people for "wrong think" because they can't hold a debate. Those that can't hold a debate with alternative views are the brainwashed ones. That's why I always hated the whole "hive mind" bullshit.


I know you talk to demons and are demonically possessed. Be very careful, demons are real and they have been known to do very bad things to people by altering their behavior and minds, and it can lead to you dying an unnecessary death or even much worse events in your lifetime (not just for others but you too). The more you give them control over your mind the harder it is to prevent them from controlling you and your future. Tread carefully, you are not the devil you think you are. Seek frequency therapy, maybe talk to a local priest who has been known to successfully preform exorcism.

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2d0c3f  No.289510

Hate evil people. Don't hate the people who are not evil. If you love or hate without enough knowledge or experiences, your hate or love is blind and stupid, and you are a fool whose opinion is manipulated.

How can you know who are evil people?

If you don't live amongst them, then follow this simple but pretty accurate rule:

If a group of people are hated because the media incite hatred, push you to hate them, then very likely they are not that evil, for example, nazis.

If a group of people are hated even when they have the media to defend them, then very likely they are evil, for example, jews.

You can apply it to other groups as well.

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