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File: ea7ef20004b4dd8⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 474x568, 237:284, Jesus_pilled_.jpg)

e602fa  No.288985

I consider the last 100 years an increasingly feminist era of which the last 30 years where on well… I'd say steriods but; nah i think estrogen pills is more fitting, considering how our societies became pacified and sissified..

The more i ruminate on why our western societies actually changed to this is hmmm i suppose a lack of soul and spirit.

We used to have our religion, Christianity that kept most people in harmony, and deviancy in check. There was meritocracy,conformism and family values and social norms .

They where all possible thanks to politics and church being intertwined…

We all look and see society fall into moral and now also economics and political decay…

Perhaps society and ourselves does need a god.I argue that intellect and rationality is nice. but i also believe it yields a soul less" technocracy". Covid has been the first step of technocracy imo.

It's funny i always thought technology was "the shit", but now i'm seeing mostly the truly shitty side of it.

Long story short on tech, it should remain a tool to make life better, not worse.

But i digress.

I do believe society can be fixed, and it starts with returning to church, we should treat marriage as a commitment for life.

We should hold family as top priority.

Women back to home raising kids.

Men back to work to care for their families.

Allthoug i am atheist, and smugly reject the wonderful fables in the bible.

Perhaps i've been a fool? Glancing over messages of morals and wisdom.

(if anything covid, exposed me to so many lies that now i'm wondering what else been lies)

I don't like dogma, but as cliche as it is, i think it actually might better for the greater good and the only cure to degeneracy.

Law and order is nice but when it goes corrupt then law of god will need to override.

Perhaps we all should read the bible and cosider going back to church and praise God and find real frens. Together we could take back the future godwilling!

I believe we did a great many things in history in the name of Jesus, we found great civilizations, it's time for appreciation and revival of our faith.

This is how i feel on the matter, it is my opinion, i don't know if i'm right or wrong

I'm warming up on just joining team Jesus Amen.

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d610ce  No.289046


As I read your post, a few things came to mind :

Number one, you are HORRIBLE at communicating. You made so many glaring grammatical errors, that it made me wonder if you may have suffered a stroke recently.. I've I'm quite literally seen 5-year-olds with a better grasp on the English language than you…

You should seriously work on that.. I can tell you are an intelligent human being, but when people see so many grammatical errors, they tend to think the author is an uneducated idiot….

Number two, your theory about the past, where you suggest Christianity people in Harmony and deviance in check is complete bullshit.. I'm not sure exactly what particular historical era you are referring to, but it never existed.. sorry.. but you're simply wrong….

Number three, it sounds like you don't ever get any pussy.. I'm assuming you don't have a girlfriend, because you're creepy unrealistic childish belief that marriage should be a commitment for life sounds like you're carrying around some trust issues.. perhaps abandonment issues?

Your belief that women belong at home raising children is another indicator that you never get any pussy and you don't have a sexual or emotional companion in your life…

You seem like somebody who spends a lot of time dreaming up plans for other people.. you have loads of advice for everybody else, having developed a plan of action for the rest of the world..

You spend your life wishing you controlled others, while exercising very little control over your own self-imposed problems…..

For example, since women are statistically more intelligent than men, maybe you should be the one in the kitchen and cleaning the toilet while a woman handles the loftier stuff…

You desire to control everything around you, but you can't manage to take control over your inability to effectively use the English language.

There's a good chance you are anal retentive, and possibly even experience OCD…

The reason you're unhappy is because you feel powerless because you are all alone and you don't have anybody to control

And the reason you're alone is because you always end up trying to control other people.

Why would any woman want to invest her life into yours, when you'd end up making her just as miserable as you've made yourself?

LOL at the idea of you thinking you would ever find a woman willing to spend the rest of her life with you, when even YOU don't like you.

Jesus never existed….

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d610ce  No.289047

Like I said.. you're not necessarily stupid

But your terrible grammar serves as concrete evidence that you're simply lazy

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