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File: 67a9e485ad5837d⋯.jpg (528.01 KB, 2384x1414, 1192:707, 1575697965148.jpg)

f43541  No.2889[Last 50 Posts]

The cause of the soyboy phenomenon:



>Humans are exposed to far more hormone-disrupting chemicals than previously thought, according to a new study.

>Patricia Hunt, the researcher at Washington State University who first discovered that BPA, a dangerous toxin in plastics, can cause cancer and other diseases and disorders, has now developed a more accurate method of measuring it.

>In a study published today, Dr Hunt reveals the new tool shows the 'safe' limit of BPA stipulated by the US Food and Drug Administration is flawed.

>In fact, it is 44 times higher than what Dr Hunt considers safe.

And a bunch of screencaps.



>BPA has been found to bind to both of the nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs), ERα and ERβ.[17] It is 1000- to 2000-fold less potent than estradiol.[17] BPA can both mimic the action of estrogen and antagonize estrogen, indicating that it is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) or partial agonist of the ER.[17] At high concentrations, BPA also binds to and acts as an antagonist of the androgen receptor (AR).[17] In addition to receptor binding, the compound has been found to affect Leydig cell steroidogenesis, including affecting 17α-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase and aromatase expression and interfering with LH receptor-ligand binding.[17]

>The CDC had found bisphenol A in the urine of 95% of adults sampled in 1988–1994[158] and in 93% of children and adults tested in 2003–04.[159] The USEPA Reference Dose (RfD) for BPA is 50 µg/kg/day which is not enforceable but is the recommended safe level of exposure. The most sensitive animal studies show effects at much lower doses,[89][160] and several studies of children, who tend to have the highest levels, have found levels over the EPA's suggested safe limit figure.[161]

>EWG(Environmental Working Group ) has identified over 16,000 items with high levels of BPAs in supermarkets. They range from 1.5mg to even 5mg.

And a bunch of other things.

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e066b5  No.2891



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b2b816  No.2892


Soyboys aren't real they’re a Jewish lie.

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f43541  No.2896


There's a whole bunch of other links in those threads faggot.

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e066b5  No.2909


No, just one. Your OP is much better but it still is a duplicate thread.

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23511a  No.2927


>The cause of the soyboy phenomenon


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0d9342  No.2952


almost. it is caused by the drinking of semen.

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edfe12  No.2968


I don't think the problem is in food, water, or other physical sources. I think it is purely psychological.

Condemn negativity (words that upset others) in media, enterprise, school. Being unjustifiably nice becomes incentivized because you can sell more shit, people tolerate you being around them, and you generally fit into the society that hates "negativity". Accomplishments don't raise your value, virtue signalling does. People like you for being fake, lazy but pleasant instead of powerful, active but straightforward.

The lack of peer-evaluation that results from that results in under-developed men who expects to get sex and friends by just being nice to others. And if they don't get it they become over reactive and dangerous to the people not giving them what they expect or those who negatively evaluate them.

A lot of other factors play in like women power in society resulting in unmotivated father and delusional mothers.

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e066b5  No.2975


The mentality sure is a problem but hormone levels influence the psyche. Who can even tell what came first?

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99197c  No.2981

File: d25d4f2066af5ae⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 792x528, 3:2, plastic-bottles_freeimage-….jpg)

Study finds BPA levels in humans dramatically underestimated


> PULLMAN, Wash.—Researchers have developed a more accurate method of measuring bisphenol A (BPA) levels in humans and found that exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemical is far higher than previously assumed.

> The study, published in the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology on Dec. 5, provides the first evidence that the measurements relied upon by regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, are flawed, underestimating exposure levels by as much as 44 times.

> “This study raises serious concerns about whether we’ve been careful enough about the safety of this chemical,” said Patricia Hunt, Washington State University professor and corresponding author on the paper. “What it comes down to is that the conclusions federal agencies have come to about how to regulate BPA may have been based on inaccurate measurements.”

> BPA can be found in a wide range of plastics, including food and drink containers, and animal studies have shown that it can interfere with the body’s hormones. In particular, fetal exposure to BPA has been linked to problems with growth, metabolism, behavior, fertility and even greater cancer risk.

> Despite this experimental evidence, the FDA has evaluated data from studies measuring BPA in human urine and determined that human exposure to the chemical is at very low, and therefore, safe levels. This paper challenges that assumption and raises questions about other chemicals, including BPA replacements, that are also assessed using indirect methods.

> Hunt’s colleague, Roy Gerona, assistant professor at University of California, San Francisco, developed a direct way of measuring BPA that more accurately accounts for BPA metabolites, the compounds that are created as the chemical passes through the human body.

> Previously, most studies had to rely on an indirect process to measure BPA metabolites, using an enzyme solution made from a snail to transform the metabolites back into whole BPA, which could then be measured.

> Gerona’s new method is able to directly measure the BPA metabolites themselves without using the enzyme solution.

> In this study, a research team comprised of Gerona, Hunt and Fredrick vom Saal of University of Missouri compared the two methods, first with synthetic urine spiked with BPA and then with 39 human samples. They found much higher levels of BPA using the direct method, as much as 44 times the mean reported by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The disparity between the two methods increased with more BPA exposure: the greater the exposure the more the previous method missed.

> Gerona, the first author on the paper, said more replication is needed.

> “I hope this study will bring attention to the methodology used to measure BPA, and that other experts and labs will take a closer look and assess independently what is happening,” he said.

> The research team is conducting further experiments into BPA measurement as well as other chemicals that may also have been measured in this manner, a category that includes environmental phenols such as parabens, benzophenone, triclosan found in some cosmetics and soaps, and phthalates found in many consumer products including toys, food packaging and personal care products.

> “BPA is still being measured indirectly through NHANES, and it’s not the only endocrine-disrupting chemical being measured this way,” Gerona said. “Our hypothesis now is that if this is true for BPA, it could be true for all the other chemicals that are measured indirectly.”

> This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Source: https://news.wsu.edu/2019/12/05/study-finds-bpa-levels-humans-dramatically-underestimated/

Archive: http://archive.md/jB24O

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a9d62c  No.3227

Its xenoestrogens, BPAs as well as psychological aspects such as condemning natural male behaviour, force fed feminism, everyone is a winner etc.

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fc43e0  No.3236

File: de37b42e66a823c⋯.jpg (399.32 KB, 1100x1388, 275:347, femin virus.jpg)

There used to be a thread or two on how feminism is more than just a political, cultural, and idealogical phenomenon, but also a biological one as well. It's basically a virus that significantly alters the chemical composition of one's body, especially the brain. (((Mainstream))) doctors and researchers purposefully called it 'disease x' or something so what they discovered about the virus and what it can do remain hidden from public knowledge.

The virus used to be a local disease from where phoenicia used to be during ancient times before and around the 'Bronze Age Collapse' period, now in the present day most of the femin virus strains are either too docile to even matter or simply went extinct. That is, save for one particularly aggressive strain that end up in the hands of the cee aye fucking ayy and naturally have the already nasty strain genetically modified and weaponized.

The artificially enhanced soy products are only (((performance enhancing drug-like products))) the same as how chemotherapy can instantaneously accelerate cancer growth to the late stage on an otherwise perfectly healthy body.

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a79ed2  No.3265


Definitely. Also the living conditions themselves, living in big overpopulated areas seems to be detrimental to virility, at least that's what the old mouse utopia experiment in the 60's suggested.

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1304ea  No.3280


satan is a tranny. let that sink in.

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a99ec5  No.3297

Any studies linking BPA to behavioral effects or is this broscience?

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a79ed2  No.3316


Also he is probably really talking about Baphomet.


Hormone levels are linked to behavioural effects, and the explanation for BPA influencing those is in the OP.

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a9d62c  No.4613


Transsexualism is not some kind of accident. The subversion and eradication of the natural and divine is definitely Satanic. Undermine the man, the patriarchal system of society which has worked for thousands of years. Empower the woman, the matriarchal system which has not worked for more than perhaps one or two generations. Sexual freedom and excess, undermines the act of procreation, the importance of partnership, of marriage. Marriage itself is made redundant, the joining of two families in a spiritual and physical union is now just a bit of fun.

I could go on but you get the idea.

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2454ba  No.4650




Nobody cares about your kike-worshipping boomer takes.

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294b6d  No.4810

File: fe2adb7bb11e773⋯.png (81.5 KB, 405x501, 135:167, hunh.png)


>jews pushing trannyism

>jews worship a fire demon

<jew-worshiping boomer

It glows brightly.

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edfe12  No.4818


It would take a lot of effort to let physical intoxicants pass through every stage of regulation and get poured into the average mans cup without causing much heat. Of course when it comes to hormones many studies can ignore the side effects on masculinity but still. I think all this has happened over 1-3 generations by controlling art, media, and education.

If we fix those things some plastic in water won't have any major effect on our psyche.

My issue with this argument is that it makes it seem like the problem is 50/50 between intoxicants and psychology. But I highly doubt it. It easily distracts from the beast and gives people a reason to call you a "conspiracy theorist" or call for them to blame the "rich privileged white man"

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2454ba  No.4821


>only the cia doesn't worship a jewish carpenter-turned-rabbi with a god complex

How one can claim to be an anti-jew national socialist while worshipping a jew is beyond any form of sensibility.

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a9d62c  No.4822


Jews hate Jesus because he called them out for what they were and fought them.

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a79ed2  No.4827


I'm not even saying that this is an organized operation to decrease masculinity (not saying it is not either). There are still some effects going on we don't fully understand, like the plastics, nobody has even thought about that for decades. Of course this is not the only factor and the psyche is very important because changing any of those things requires the will to do so first.

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1d7953  No.4835


Nah, cuckservatism is the ultimate cause of sissism

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1d7953  No.4839


jews lick jesus's dick each morning.

Jews worship jesus for what an useful idiot he has been.

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3d53eb  No.4844

File: 13f270c8eae894a⋯.jpg (80.21 KB, 583x910, 583:910, Uncle Ad.jpg)


Just like uncle Adolf.

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294b6d  No.4909

File: 7b084020b3efe1c⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, smug2 (2).jpg)


>I'm going to misrepresent you instead of admitting I'm an idiot

I expect it.

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eee4fd  No.4972

congratulations, you're conceived, and a boy to be, oh wait

- in utero hormone imbalance (environmental)

- personality/intelligence (nature) to be later triggered by environment and trauma (molesters)

but now you're a healthy unpoisoned boisterous unmolested boy, going to school, oh wait, every school is a girls' school

<1.utopian reassurances, of 2.equality and 3.inclusion

1. magical denial of human nature/biology dressed as a moral imperative,

2. magical denial of all physical and behavioral measures of humans,

3. covert contract:signal or demonstrate willingness to conform by magical-thinking standards or be ostracized)

fine, if everyone is fragile and dependent and can't deal with reality

but if a boy is to be a man, he must deal with reality because he is the only one (of men, women, children, babies) who can pay the cost and take the risks, to reason and be accountable

zoo animals get more consideration of their natures, required level of activity and natural environment, than boys in schools

so what is a boy's environment?

>reality, truth, natural law, hierarchy and rank, meritocracy, exclusivity

how boys become alive with a challenge, with competition, with the pack, the hunt, a fight, an argument

there's also a matter of fathers

absent fathers

- the mother attempts to emulate a lawful figure (sheriff, judge, punisher) and fails (endless stories of mothers' unfair, cruel, unusual, moody, psychotic abuse and neglect of children) resulting in immoral girls and lawless boys

and spineless fathers who let the mother run the show

- the mother babies the boy into adulthood (out of her own short-sighted insecurities), mentally still hiding behind mommy's dress (because dad never stepped in, probably because mother henpecked him away out of distrust), having adopted infantile and feminine speech and behavior (from an infantile and feminine environment), results in a fragile dependency abominable in a man as a lazy cowardly working hunting dog ruined by being spoiled and poorly trained as a pup

there's another theory being r-select natures, men who are cognitively women by nature. ever hear jewish men argue? or leftist men argue? notice how it's nothing but loaded language, gossip, social taboos, shame, ridicule, rallying, etc.? it's all how a hysterical woman talks.

they don't 'destroy your reasoning' with better reasoning, they emotionally compromise your ability to reason with ridicule with tone, rallying others (to appeal to your need for social approval), shaming (invoke your fear of being ostracized), etc.

can't be fucked editing that, hope it isn't too schizo

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2454ba  No.5003


Jewsus was a jew. Infighting with other jews doesn't make him a "BASED" jew, you philosemite.


>semite worshipper tries to hide behind smug

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c19ff3  No.17087


>femin virus


Did some digging and found this archived thread as a resource on this subject. More is always appreciated.

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afac8d  No.17113

File: 34748faeb513967⋯.png (6.13 KB, 320x99, 320:99, maxfilesize.png)

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ccf7eb  No.17150

File: bc28e533587af65⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 2704x9320, 338:1165, 1511714937044.jpg)


worst of all, I have been doing many anti estrogenic things for a long time, with some success, but I feel that its still not easy enough. I have been locking at estrogen blockers, nolvadex and others of its class are the only ones that are truly efficient. But they are temporary. I look at more permanent supplements but it is hard to find one that seems to align wit a proper status quo.

Because there seems to be none as to what is efficient in long term use. Its fucking BS I tell you.

So get a water filter (a distiller), get some pure biological grape juice, some boron, some fermented garlic in honey…etc.

and then you will have some success. but all of this is costly, I just want one fucking pill to do this fuck

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676fd5  No.17153


When I tell anyone that filling a plastic bottle with water and drinking it makes the water taste bad and chemical they just claim I'm crazy.

Seems I was right all along!

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676fd5  No.17154

Everything I need can be bought in glass bottles.

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394304  No.17158


>No potatos

>Faith and begorra

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676fd5  No.17160


>you can't use that in an argument because it is jewish infighting

>no topic for goyim!

Where have I heard that before?

>anti-jew national socialist

I already explained you glowfags in QTDDTOT why being anti-something is not a fucking belief. I'm not gonna do it again here.

>kike-worshipping boomer

>actually implying older people are less woke than young people

It's the opposite. People who come home of collage holocaust class are statistically less redpilled.

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676fd5  No.17161


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fa2205  No.17168


And yet the average Dindu is still feral and for the most part virile. It has less to do with population density and more to do with a systematic repression of white male masculinity.

When a white male in a liberal urban environment tries to act in accordance with his instincts, he is punished by the system. Chasing girls, competing with rivals, and establishing any sort of dominance is punished. At the same time white males are constantly bombarded with propaganda that they should be domesticated betas and that not only is it virtuous but they are repeatedly lied to and told they will be rewarded for their "good" behavior. Meanwhile Jamal and his fellow shitskins more or less get a free pass because all the enforcement is centered on white children.

As they get older, white men in such environments find that he penalties for expressing masculinity increase. If Joe urban white punches Jamal when he grabs his gf's ass, its gonna be Joe who's going to charged with assault if he wins the fight. If you refuse to put up with your girlfriend's shit, she can fake rape charges and the system will believe her 9 times out of 10. Its little wonder that the average malleable normie male in this environment morphs into a passive soiboy.

The only way this is going to change is for the system to be weakened to the point that (((they))) can't levy punishments against white guys for simply not being spineless cowards.

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633e38  No.17203

Raised by women (single mothers/shitty fathers), educated by women, brainwashed from birth.

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580a96  No.17210

File: d483b51bf3441da⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Metsavendade laul Song of ….mp4)

There is one thing forgotten: anti-BPA laws are a distraction to make you take it anyway. The reason for it is that BPA is a byproduct that is released over time and with temperature change. It is not present during manufacture and as such, the laws don't actually work. This is intentional mind you, since the goal is to poison the well by trying to be the first to "ban" it. And you aren't safe by just getting "BPA-free" plastics, since those simply result in other bisphenol derivatives like BPS that have the exact same effect. Women aren't safe from it either, since it affects their fertility as well and not just men's fertility.

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97d714  No.17211


glug glug glug

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97d714  No.17212

File: e7ba1ca234dc68a⋯.png (391.32 KB, 855x1245, 57:83, 3453b8411c77a9bb80fd8a12ce….png)


Please refrain from insulting our waifus by comparing them to disgusting feminists.

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ccf7eb  No.17243

File: a3851be683a1aa2⋯.png (63.21 KB, 1616x800, 101:50, the great chart of virtues.png)

File: a3d2566d452b5bc⋯.png (902.5 KB, 1802x3010, 901:1505, fuckmatriarchy.png)


here is a visual of this entire event of sorts.

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c0e6d5  No.17251



let's not discount the effect of dysgenics

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ccf7eb  No.17268

File: 26fc6537973bc12⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2086x1978, 1043:989, women choosing.jpg)

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206640  No.17271


Never talk to women.

Never listen to women.

Always ignore their opinions.

Never read their texts, books or blogs.

Never listen to their so called "music".

Never trust them.

Never take advice from them.

Every second spent on a woman is destructive.

Even women on the screen are poison.

Every recognition of their existence taints your own.

Reject every notion of their existence and your mind will be cleansed. Depression will go away and you will regain clarity and strength. They are now the enemy too.

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e2b8e2  No.17273


Okay Ahmed.

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206640  No.17275



Aristotles himself said you can never trust a woman like a man, as council to alexander the great.

Aristotles was ahmed.

Trust your women. They love you, they care about you. Cuck forever.

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ccf7eb  No.17281


which is why nofap/noporn is so great, and with some education of the bhagavad gita one can further remove yourself from the snares of materialism. (perhaps even with serious dedication to krishna).

It is my own ideal of sorts. Once I become stable without women. And once I learn how they operate, then once again one could talk to them probably. I am nearly done with it all lol.

Only if you are uneducated and sexually uncontrolled they are a threat of sorts I think.

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c3ecbe  No.17284

File: 517b53ef1e3b88a⋯.png (64.39 KB, 679x322, 97:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9708a302cc36605⋯.png (643.14 KB, 654x867, 218:289, ClipboardImage.png)


My guess is that that anti-whites are just very low testosterone.


>Testosterone is associated with cooperation during intergroup competition by enhancing parochial altruism.

Basically testosterone makes one help their group and be more aggressive towards to other groups.

That is the reason why kike bash alpha males.

Promote pornography and other jewry which lowers testosterone.

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e53486  No.17285

Watch the WHO and the FED throw this out and then the media kvetch about it. Since soyboy is a "dogwhistle".

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90b7e8  No.17289


I swore off women a few years ago but I'm sure I'm much older than you and had a shit ton more pussy in my day than you.

I decided I don't want to be married or make a family in this weird world and would dedicate my effort to other endeavors.

It's pretty cool, actually. No regrets.

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ccf7eb  No.17296


I dont think that such an endpoint would be good for the whole thing of natsoc/fascism lol. How can you get to 1488 if you do not make babies. That is why I labor at least a little bit to try to undo the bad social contracts, and the propaganda of all sorts.>>17243

controllable the women should become. How to make it so, I do not know yet. Personally speaking tho. If I am ever lucky to encounter a rare woman that I like, I think I would indulge.

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e53486  No.17303

Oy vey white woman! Hate your own white man because of the soyboys society has made him into!

Oy vey white man! Hate your own white women for the whores I… I meant society has made them into!

If the (((incels))) could walk out of PND that would be greaat.

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580a96  No.17416

File: 98c19f7d0b04683⋯.jpg (173.14 KB, 622x1022, 311:511, Porn.jpg)


Low testosterone AND influenced, since men with low testosterone won't immediately reach these sorts of conclusions on their own.

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e53486  No.17477

The real danger of masturbation is the avalabilty of it. Unlike something like nicotine where the addict is stopped by the money in his pocket or a seperation of it from him. Masturbation is always with you, you can't throw away your dick like a pack of ciggirates, and there is little to no help for it. Infact society pushes free porn and shit on you to help you further down the hole. It takes real mental strength to no-fap or no-porn a strength most white men don't have these days from centuries of domestication by the kike. That is were the danger lies, weakness breeds weakness breeds hedonism breeds degeneacy breeds national decline which breeds death.

For the love of Wotan, stop masturbating. What are you an ape distracted by mere pleasure from national duty and health? You're stronger like that, you're an Aryan so act like one!

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5bfd90  No.17480


>The ultimate redpill:

EMFs are far worse than any of this.

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addf94  No.17485

Thanks for this. I have a website where I take stuff like this and write articles to be more accessible and understandable for people, and I like to think it's helpful in spreading awareness of this kind of shit. I'll write one up on this soon.

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addf94  No.17522


Despite that, blacks still have far higher rates of homosexuality and tranny shit than whites. That should tell us something.

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e53486  No.17529


What that they are hedonistic savages? We already know that, they don't care about the effects on society as a whole only "MUH DICK". Partly because of their anti-social genomes like MOA-I and partly because they are plain dumb more akin to animals in behaviour than Aryans.

If liberals really cared about them they would domesticate them through slavery like we did in the past. But why? So we can have even more savages in our lands and turn into Haiti or so we can waste time spitting on nature's natural selection by trying to uplift monkeys when we should be uplifting ourselves.

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0ea6e5  No.17576


A scientific explanation for feminists is that many women (millions) are mixing together birth control, anti-depressants, alcohol, marijuana, and other recreational drugs ; and taking them at the same time.

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580a96  No.17748

File: fe1a4ecab33234b⋯.gif (2 MB, 320x316, 80:79, draże.gif)


And shit like soy because "well, I'm a girl, wouldn't I WANT to have more estrogen?"

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5d2cae  No.17749


>mixing together birth control, anti-depressants, alcohol, marijuana, and other recreational drugs

I'm not sure that has any direct relevance to feminism as every girl I slagged fits into this category and they most certainly were not feminists.

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3d1721  No.17778


>Never listen to their so called "music".

There are many talented composers who are women.

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5e847e  No.17783

Why are soyboys always depicted with beards? I see lots of wrestlers and lumberjacks with beards, while the soy types are usually clean shaven or have a few chin hairs because they literally don't have the testosterone to grow a beard.

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fa03be  No.17834


Is he jelly that half of the other trannies, even the ugliest ones, do it better?

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04097f  No.17837

Threads like this make me smile because I know that all I have to do is fund a "legitimate" study that "proves" there's BPA in your keyboards and that your screens emit waves which stimulate your estrogen receptors and every single one of you would get off the internet forever.

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5147cc  No.17840


we heavily distrust (((studies))) for this very reason.

try again. You will never defeat us from an intellectual standpoint. Your mind has been rotten by conformity.

take note that lower IQ beings embrace confrontation. It's the great paradox that exists when looking toward the "future of humanity."

Tell me, how many "right wingers" go shit up "lefty" boards?

rather, don't. We both know the answer and your kind do nothing but lie and yell when confronted with truth. Truth that wraps us like a warm blanket on a cold night feels like needles across your brain.

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580a96  No.17848

File: f00cbb703da70f3⋯.webm (5.78 MB, 480x270, 16:9, leftypol - lmao why bothe….webm)


>take note that lower IQ beings embrace confrontation

I wouldn't say lower IQ embrace confrontation but rather that they simply don't pay much heed to the consequences. As such they become easier to lead, since you mostly just need to start them going. Webm related is a nice example of it. A student seeks council from the professor for what is useful and, knowing that the misguided student is seeking constructive criticism, he instead gives a rant about how the student is perpetuating capitalism. Surely even a commie professor would know some things are more useful in real life than others, like the difference between learning a new programming language and learning about the history of fashion in the 1800s, but apparently that isn't the case. Those two things, according to the communist, are equally valuable to a society and as such the number of jobs talking about bustle dresses is unlimited. Rather than giving him wise council, the professor instead chooses to rile them up with ideological speeches. Of course, the student will not be satisfied with such an answer, at least not until he leaves and not too long afterwards realises that he is in no way closer to knowing what to pick. Only that he was given "lol do it yourself" as an answer when what he really wanted was information.

>rather, don't

Well to be fair, there are raids in retalliation to raids by the commies

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580a96  No.17850


>Of course, the student will not be satisfied with such an answer, at least not until he leaves and not too long afterwards realises that he is in no way closer to knowing what to pick

Meant to say that he will be dissatisfied once he realises, not that he will become satisfied after leaving.

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04097f  No.17861


>we heavily distrust (((studies))) for this very reason.

Nigger, if I had Alex Jones endorse it, you'd fall for it without question. All this "soyboy" crap came from him in the first place and you believe it so much that you run in terror every time someone mentions the word "plastic".

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d94796  No.17865

File: 1a6d4f69ef46db0⋯.jpg (83.23 KB, 640x619, 640:619, cc009a4cc751df3b28d97f407c….jpg)


I guarantee you, if most of these guys wore different glasses (or even better, contacts), had a manlier haircut, were clean shaven and had a frown on their face, none of you niggers would accuse them of having low testosterone.

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580a96  No.17867

File: d2dee486e978e82⋯.png (261.18 KB, 661x695, 661:695, Hbomberguy.png)


>"All this "soyboy" crap came from him in the first place"

>he unironically takes his talking points from hbomberguy and rationalwiki

You sure showed him

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1052d4  No.17868


>raids in retaliation to raids

I had forgotten, its been so long since we organized a good old fashioned raid. Into a new era, hopefully we have one retaliation to end them all. Its fucking insane what students are subjected to in the classroom anymore. I honestly see no reason to go, much less pay for it. I think it would be a wise decision for humanity to remove every liberal arts element to society starting with the brick and mortar elements these facilities stand upon.

In that sense, I am not opposed to violence as a solution but would rather avoid the confrontation aspect of it.

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1052d4  No.17870


>Alex Jones


lurk before posting

figure out who the fuck you're talking to

you have us confused for some other board

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580a96  No.17873


Having shit eyesight is a pretty good indicator of one's lifestyle, as such it is relevant to the matter. These aren't 90 year-olds whose eyeballs are so far degraded that they may as well be blind. To add to this, they refuse to shave because having the beard allows them to hide their features: someone with a double chin can very nicely hide just how fat he really is even if it is clear he isn't the most fit person imaginable. And on having "manlier haircuts", there is not much you can do with a head that is clearly balding beyond just shaving the whole thing. So unless you are proposing hair implants or wigs, you're not going to hide their balding.

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b2fc99  No.17874


>Having shit eyesight is a pretty good indicator of one's lifestyle, as such it is relevant to the matter.

Nigger, he is talking about the frame, not the lenses.

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3d1721  No.17875


Spending a lot of time looking at a monitor or book doesn't make someone a soyboy. What are you even talking about?

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b2fc99  No.17876

Fug. Now I can't delete my post.

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fbd01c  No.17878



They're still shilling. And they're bad at it.

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580a96  No.17880

File: 8abf3769c34f49f⋯.gif (722.71 KB, 382x456, 191:228, Sargon beard.gif)


>Spending a lot of time looking at a monitor or book doesn't make someone a soyboy

Because it is more than just about the act of drinking. It is a trend among those that drink soy (as a result of soy having an estrogenic effect) but those that align with the trend do not necessarily drink soy, and those that drink soy don't necessarily look like that. Are you a fucking child that I need to explain this to you? You think blue hairdye penetrates the skin to turn women into bulldykes and that whenever someone calls another poster a nigger, that they mean the poster was born to black parents?

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3d1721  No.17882


You are taking "soyboy" way too literally.

>Are you a fucking child that I need to explain this to you?

Was I saying anything about drinking soy? No, I pointed out that spending a lot of time looking at a monitor or book doesn't make someone a soyboy. Are you brain damaged?

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9cd38b  No.19275

File: 9ab14f63f9b0446⋯.webm (361.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ni hao nu.ru.webm)




>alex jones

>smug self gratification

>perverse sense of the sciences

>doesn't know what Alex Jones is

He's ridiculous, child-like and over-the-top. He's also an entertainer that hit on too many things that made all the wrong people want to shoah him. He made the wrong topics popular. He became a living meme at times.

/pol/ questions everything. The most scientific place you will find in a world full of shills, astroturfers, propagandists and scammers. Once you push past your bullshit and other detractors, of course.

Try a different perspective. Look at the attacks and what people have to say about /pol/. Very eye opening.

If you are capable, look at your own words and actions. Are they rational? That of a man?

Seems like you let your environments shape you, instead of shaping yourself.

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580a96  No.19282

File: abd0d125299be21⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 478x478, 1:1, Man of integrity.jpg)


He'll just proclaim that everyone else but him denies all science that says things they don't like. Of course, he will refuse to acknowledge his own denials: he is the model manlet all other men should aspire to be, after all.

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a66d4c  No.19286


>/pol/ questions everything.

Except the source. Just look at how this "soyboy" narrative keeps going and going and going … but the source is literally Alex Jones. It fits /pol/'s narrative, so they don't care about the source. That's why the kike Shapiro is so popular with /pol/acks. Shapiro is 100% certified kosher, but /pol/ loves him because "he talks liek us, bro!". This is why /pol/ is always wrong.

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c12f9e  No.19287


Well maybe low testosterone makes them predisposed to choosing that style of appearance HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?

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9cd38b  No.19352

File: ee961bd7b345d08⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 291x326, 291:326, fcbc262c424c9f95b36280a7a7….jpg)


>/pol loves (((Shapiro)))

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6e1f1f  No.19353

Can someone suggest how to help my husband raise his testosterone levels? Before we got married he was very masculine but the last several years he has been acting more like a pussy-whipped bitch. I asked him to go to the doctor and it revealed his test is very low. He is resistant to admitting there is a problem but it is difficult to find him sexually desirable any more. He is not the same man. What can we do?

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763e55  No.19365

File: 2ca6fe0cf210a89⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 604x720, 151:180, xivpje5c8na01.jpg)

That also explains all the trannies

Transgenics create Transgenders, what do you know.

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580a96  No.19376


You haven't really provided any context so it's hard to tell the exact issue but for a few things that tend to be fairly common

>lack of physical exercise

>lack of quality sleep

>having a trash diet (applies not only to fast food but also processed food and being a vegan)

>being ancient

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3d1721  No.19383


I have never seen any indication of Shapiro being popular on /pol/ or on any /pol/ like sites.

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4b861e  No.19441

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f24fb7  No.19650


Order testosterone enanthate, proviron, and cialis. If you want his test really high order aromasin too. Then shoot 250mg/week intramuscular. He will gain lean muscle mass, have frequent, powerful erections, and be horny as hell. Proviron will enhance the horniness and androgen signalling. Cialis will make him fuck like an animal for like 3+ days off a single dose.

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f24fb7  No.19652

And if his test is clinically low as you've indicated, he needs TRT. None of this bullshit "how to increase your testosterone" advice like eating onions is going to have a significant effect. At best, it may get him on par with a 90 year old man. Clinically low testosterone ranges requiee testosterone administration. Don't fear it.

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865d8a  No.19655


Tell him to tan more, according to an old German research exposing your back and chest to sunlight can increase testosterone up to 120% and supossedly if you expose your testicles it can be up to 200%, just don't stay any more than an hour out in the Sun.

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3d1721  No.19660


>Have more sex.

Most people really take this for granted, like it's no different from eating more apples.

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d25d0e  No.19785


take the Justbeviolent pill

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24634f  No.19796


Those are likely phenols you're tasting, not BPA

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24634f  No.19797

File: f2279eeefdbb942⋯.png (8.89 KB, 354x50, 177:25, Screen Shot 2020-01-09 at ….png)

ITT: blind leading the blind.

Absolutely Plebeian

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765faf  No.20290


Your link's not working anon.

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3b1e71  No.20625


you realize this isn't cuckchan, right?

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262a88  No.20712


Articles are fine, picture is a load of runny dog droppings.

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9c3b80  No.20721


If she votes, has an extradomestic job and had more than one sexual partner in her life she's a feminist.

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9c3b80  No.20722


>if they weren't consuming lots of soy you would not call them soyboys

You don't fucking say!

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fbd01c  No.20726


>4 days ago

>post still up

>user not banned

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b3ccbf  No.20743


Jesus came to the Jews. He wasn't a Jew. He was the son of God. Born to the Virgin Mary. Right into the house of Joseph, a direct line to David.

God is beyond any bloodline.

And from the moment of Jesus, all that followed him we're differentiated from Jews. All Jew has meant after that moment was defined not by a covenant to God, which was fulfilled, but to the denial of the Messiah.

Modern day Jews are defined by what they don't believe in…just like atheists.

Not understanding this reveals you to be someone who intentionally refuses to study and is an open enemy to truth.

I would advise all to abandon anyone who ever makes such a self destructive argument. It proves disbelief, overwhelming pride, and deception all at once.

The son of God is not a Jew. He does not share in the covenant of God with the jews. He is like an avatar of God. If you see him as less you cannot be a Christian.

The Jews that had this covenenat became christians. Those that did not refused God and turned from him. Theirs is not the kingdom of heaven and their actions in this world show very clearly who their master has become.

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e31870  No.40225


Don't do this without consulting a doctor. TRT makes you infertile, like all hormone therapies.

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1cbce7  No.40231


>denying Christ like the snake-worshiping sex-cult kikes in the counterfeit israel

Good goy

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5dade7  No.40232


Pray for him.

Ask him to pray.

Prayer is good. You should pray at least.

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85d061  No.40259



Get the fuck out with your cheap pony tricks faggot.


Don't listen to these faggots. Onions, vinegar, hotsauce or peppers, fermented foods, cold showers, strength/power train, meditate on/of violence (book: Little Black Book of Violence), no porn no masturbation, and leave him alone for an entire month.

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e2c9bd  No.40335


Meat and sunlight is always the answer

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91297d  No.40407


They're literally just emulating those wrestlers and lumberjacks. They're 'signifying' that they're a man, while not actually understanding what that means, or putting any of the work into it. This is the whole crux of the phenomenon.

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777ba0  No.40641


They look no different than any woman over 30

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777ba0  No.40643


“Omg captain America saved america its in this book”

“No batman saved america!”

Kill yourself schizo

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3bc03a  No.40708


Phone in pocket is another big feminizer. Causes a ~50% reduction in testosterone and sperm production. Tim Ferris wrote about it and confirmed with tests on himself. He has a whole chapter of one of his books on it and had several efficient fixes.

There is clearly a multi factor cause, people who care to correct it generally do so, while many "men" consume soy specifically to willfully neuter and feminize themselves, what we need to do is figure out how to get niggers to eat more fucking soybeans.

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8ab117  No.40744


That's easy. Bread them, deep fry them, then wrap them in another layer of bread.

Tell the obese negresses that dey bees entitled n sheeit to spend dey benuhfits on these sandwiches no matter what the white man wants them to think, and that soybeans will make Lil Duh'Shitticus an afronaut who also plays for the NBA and NFL.

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65b367  No.41479


IT's definately more than psychological. I've seen people turn into these things. Like straight up they become more feminine for seemingly no reason at all. Even their voices get higher. There's more to it than that

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d94796  No.41567


My man, true. Wait for 5g and people who will tell me how "safe" non ionizing radiation is.

Well, say goodbye to bees as they hate it! Birsds even fell like trashbird from 5g test, truly a time to be alive in the Agenda 2021. Feeling mad yet, Albert Einstein?!

"If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live."

become a Daemon and help me Einstein,


Copulins, just ride the dick while he's lying down while you are upright position. This will release the vaGoo or that thick sticky thing which enters the penis into his brain and it causes the natural 'imprinting' so your guy will only want sex with you or if he did with other woman that did this imprinting then he will ignore them and prefer the 'first one' because you know, imprinting. These are pheromonal stuff that is secreted during sex, it also makes your husband more loyal to you and if you haven't done coupling (the procedure) it means another woman can steal your man if you haven't done coupling or transferred copulins which sounds bad or in other words he is prone to cheating. It's also beneficial as coupling can cure brain ailments like seizures.

Oh, forgot to tell, it gives a huge test boost.


Microwaves at 2Ghz range seek testes sized things with fluids, you can microwave grapes and it will glow plasma from all that wattpower because it is concentrated in the area and resonnates to that particular size. Same happens with wifi or phones but being in the pocket is very close, external sources far away (like wifi) have little to no effect as human's orgone field repel most if not all harmful fields (even spook shit, fap = haunting ghosts fuck off) otherwise no then it is too fucking strong like say a 5G, strong enoung to penetrate the person behind you or behind a brick wall, symptoms include nausea and weird ass imbalance in hearing and posaibly chirping tinnitus well it's not really one, it's not your eardrums hearing sound waves from air vibration but directly your brain receives it in the neural level.

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29baf3  No.41643

File: 1b559ca3b09bfee⋯.png (248.75 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 1494591571477.png)

>muh soyboys

yeah, fuck them, seriously

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29baf3  No.41648

File: ce184ea8deb8559⋯.jpg (242.89 KB, 1578x1080, 263:180, thedumpsterfires.jpg)

look at those specimen, their undeveloped mandibles, this is your idols children

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04097f  No.41656


I never realized before that someone could actually have fat eyes, Fat ,,, eyes!

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fa03be  No.41702


Dear god in heaven. I'm on the spectrum and even I think the guy in your pic is liquid autism.

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f28039  No.41837

Trump is contracting with Russian oligarchs to spoof 2020 election.

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49867e  No.41849

File: 63a77a1dd2dc8d1⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 900x900, 1:1, idqxro5d8r121.jpg)


That's nothing.

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f28039  No.41851

Have your husband ask his physician. Why are you asking uneducated lay people? This is what we will all have to do if Trump is reelected.

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f28039  No.41856


That is what your husband should ask his physician, not lay people.

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f28039  No.41862

Dice rollRolled 1, 5 + 89 = 95 (2d8)


Yep 3

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000000  No.43868



It's a pro-Israel, pro-war, pro-Jew, bluepilled Republican meme.

>Why aren't you signing up for the fight? Are you some kind of soygoy?

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c98c86  No.55914

This dumbass cuckchan meme needs to fucking die already

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