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File: 71476301d6be953⋯.png (4.67 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, coronachan.png)

e4bd21  No.282964

If fake Jews are so powerful why can't they defeat the common cold?


>inb4 kvetching/cope

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ccfdc5  No.282966


didn't the jews die out during the roman era?

Why are so many camel fuckers still LARPing as so called "jews"?

Didn't their entire language "hebrew" get "reinvented" in the 60's?

The LARP-wars are the most serious of all.

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9d0fc7  No.282986

File: e769db26103d625⋯.jpg (347.63 KB, 1720x1080, 43:27, STFU_SALLY.jpg)

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0c7d89  No.283038


During the Roman era (and to be specific around the time it split into East and West), the Kingdom of Khazaria mass converted to Babylonion Talmudism by way of Sephardic Rabbis. Now, you can argue what really counts as a "jew" or not, but the tradition lives on in a substantial fashion from the resulting "ashkenazi" jews.

Sephardim were of course subjected to the Spanish Inquisition, during which time many merely changed their names or escaped to other places in Europe (the Netherlands comes to mind) or to the New World. After all these thousands of years or intermarriage, it's an open question who still might count as a biblical hebrew by genetic lineage. But various modifications of the ideology persist strongly.

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07c333  No.283080

File: 69be7cb7a8a3f30⋯.png (167.47 KB, 616x256, 77:32, 1640263793021.png)


They know how! They just don't want you plebs knowing how. Pic very related.

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