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02cbaf  No.282788

Insightful report on potential western operative methods and plans against the Islamic world and ways they operate:

1- Using schizophrenia-inducing content with material related to Islam.

One kind of schizophrenia-inducing content consists of having a lot of sensory overload, like a lot of colors, shades, exaggerated effects, such as auditive and visual, excess of elements (especially dissonant elements), trembling video effects, maze visual effects, etc…



Alert: In case you have schizophrenia or a propensity to develop such a condition, it may be unadvisable for you to watch the video. Watch that video at your own risk.

2- Prostituting religions:

Consists of speaking about religions in trivial, nonchalant manners, so as to skew it. They may do that by distorting concepts of religions, mixing sects with sects, religions with religions, delivering verses from a religion out of context or within a misleading context, creating rumors, creating speculations about religions, speaking about religions with the pretense of being funny, such as using humor and memes.


Check accounts like these who keep making memes about Islam. They may belong to the British "intelligence services"/CIA:



They are attempting to introduce a deviant subculture associated with Islam, so beware of any deviant self-acclaimed Islamic content producers, and memes. British operatives attempted to introduce a deviant subculture on potential government dissident people called "alt-right" and "nationalists" by creating "Waffen", "siege", "division" subcultures, such as the AtomWaffen group, which was full of operatives from the British "intelligence services" and feds.

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02cbaf  No.282793

File: b5c1d668c42b5d2⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 80.jpg)

Consider this: Islam shall be approached in a serious manner, and for many religions, there were always warders who were entitled to preserve the teachings of it. For Hinduism you may call them as Brahmins, for Christianism you may call that as sacerdotes, priests, or "Catholic church", and for Islam, you may call that as "Imams", and also other nomenclatures such as "Ulamas", if I am not mistaken.

The Western operatives want to introduce "social constructivism" towards Islam and break the hierarchical structures of Islam so that everyone may feel entitled to give opinions on Islam and make jokes and memes about it.

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain:


Individuals from Western governments and cucked European governments want to subvert Islam, and they are prone to do it under satanic, liberal, secular excuses. They may even say "Allah is Gay" for that sake.

You can notice that European governments have expressed their intents on "deradicalizing" Muslims by checking the results for the search "deradicalizing Islamic extremists" on Google. You may find articles and documents on that. Check:


There you can check that European governments have run attempts and programs to attempt to "deradicalize" "Islamic extremists". They may speak about "Islamic extremists" when referring to sympathizers of terrorist groups such as ISIS, but in reality, they may treat every Islamic person who does not completely adhere to their satanism, such as assassinating babies and cutting the dicks of children, as "Islamic extremists", just the same way they treat the "alt-right". They attempt to "deradicalize" the "alt-right" as well, by the way.

Check images for the search "Allah is gay" on Google:


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02cbaf  No.282794

File: 3d43b19ce36254c⋯.jpg (51.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fat_mc_15.jpg)

I do not know whether some Muslims in Europe are liberals and to what extent, or whether they were exercising "Taqiya" (or any methods like that), but likely these public exhibitions were sponsored by European governments and made part of any "deradicalization" programs they ran.

3- Creating wedges among Muslims:

Western operatives create disputes among sects of Islam. They may create acrimonious disputes among Islamic people (or people who pretend to be that way) by fueling them and creating them, like simulating disputes. If you go to Twitter you may find supposed Islamic scholars and Muslims contending with each other, and they may be actually Western operatives. They tend to pick the differences of view on Islamic sects and then they begin to fuel contends among Muslims because of these differences and they accentuate these differences.

I have noticed that westener operatives, like British ones, appear to like to weaponize certain terms associated with Islam. Here is a list of these potential terms:













That may be because these terms can be used to attempt to create a scission between Muslims. I have seen potential British operatives who passed themselves as ISIS sympathizers spitting these terms on Telegram channels. They did not appear neither to be ISIS sympathizers, neither Islamic at all.

If you go to Twitter, you will see a lot of accounts creating a tumult in relation to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Westerner operatives want to create a wedge between Afghanistan and Pakistan, so they generate the notion there is a contend among these countries, so people who sympathize with Afghanistan may believe Afghanistan is against Pakistan and thus go against Pakistan, and people from Pakistan who sympathize with Pakistan may believe Afghanistan is against Pakistan and thus go against Afghanistan. That is a "social engineering" dirty trick.

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02cbaf  No.282796

File: b5c1d668c42b5d2⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 80.jpg)

Do not let yourself be influenced by sissy rumors and tumults about Afghanistan and Pakistan. The people creating these rumors may not even be from Afghanistan and Pakistan but actually Western operatives from Britain and the CIA attempting to influence Afghanistan and Pakistan policies.

Beware the Western operatives have deepfake technologies to create rumors and material that is not real. They are currently running a narrative that there is a Panjshir resistance when there must be no Panjshir resistance against the Taliban at all. The photos and videos from supposed Panjshir resistance movements in Afghanistan are fake algorithms generated. Check:


They are inventing that people are protesting against the Afghanistan government so to mobilize people to go against Afghanistan. That is a dirty "social engineering" trick that relies itself on the fact that people are more prone to mobilize themselves to do something when people are doing that thing as well. That is called the "herd effect".

The following videos are potentially fake and were extracted from the Twitter account https://twitter.com/EndAfghanStarve. Check:










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02cbaf  No.282797

File: 5b88484769013e6⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 83.jpg)

4- Westerner operatives are weaponizing resentment among ethnic groups so to make them fight regimes like Russia, China, Afghanistan. They have two dirty tricks to do that:

- They use historical references in which a certain country or people fought another target group in the past, expecting such a target group will fight against such country. For example, they may pick an instance in which the Soviet Union fought Chechen fighters, and then present that fact to Muslim communities, expecting that they may reason that Soviet Union became Russia, Russia fought against Chechens, thus Russia is against Chechens, and thus they should ally themselves to forces that combat Russia. That effect seems to be a form of cognitive bias.

- They present to a target group instances in which a country or people persecuted another group, without mentioning the context. For example, they attempt to push Uyghurs against China alleging that China persecutes Uyghurs, but they do not mention that Western operatives may use Uyghurs to carry terrorist attacks and that that may be the reason in which Uyghurs are persecuted by China.

They are already creating a narrative that there is a "Hazara genocide" perpetrated by Afghanistan, and they are likely planning to use that as an excuse to recruit people to filibuster groups and use that as an excuse for a military action to take place against Afghanistan in future.

There are suspicious accounts running narratives against Afghanistan. Here are several of them:



By tracing a network tree of accounts beginning by these ones, you may be able to find many other accounts of such nature.

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02cbaf  No.282798

File: 3532005daac60f3⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 501x600, 167:200, 66.jpg)

In one publication from the first account, there is a text that says: " ". The translation in English for that text according to Twitter is: "Pictures of Ahmad Massoud Resistance Front in Almaty, Kazakhstan". The publication shows potential algorithm-generated images simulating armed men, one with a black costume, and the other with a hood containing a symbol associated with ISIS. Check:


That account also shared a publication that says: "It appears poss all those opposed to the #Taliban will be working together as a #Resistance. Now #Dostum tells his troops to be ready for battle by Spring. His son has already said he (they) will work with the #NRF/#Resistance. #Afghanistan #Kabul #Baghlan #Kapisa #Panjshir". It contains a fake algorithm-generated image simulating military men that resemble to be of Kazakh origin. Check:


5- Western operatives are present on Telegram "politically incorrect", "alt-right", "far-right" channels. They may use them in an attempt to recruit people for their filibuster groups by passing themselves as sympathizers of groups such as ISIS. Suspicious activities have been noticed since 2021 on Telegram. On 07 January 2022, an account having ISIS-related photos was seen in a "politically incorrect" group on Telegram, and it had as one of its profile images a potentially fake algorithm-generated image simulating a group of individuals holding an ISIS flag. One of them appeared Uyghur/Kazakh. Check:


That account apparently made part of a chat related to a Telegram channel that was used to make "meme" posts and edits related to ISIS and Islamic militias. It did not appear to belong to a genuine ISIS sympathizer at all.

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02cbaf  No.282799

File: 764815606f77bf7⋯.jpg (121.37 KB, 679x680, 679:680, 67.jpg)


Some Western operatives run Telegram channels with content intended to induce schizotypical characteristics as a way of them having greater chances of entrapping Telegram users and drugging them for "brainwashing" sake. Maybe schizophrenia renders someone more vulnerable to be "brainwashed", drugs tend to produce symptoms similar to schizophrenia, and that is why experiments related to MK ULTRA may have utilized drugs on its victims to "brainwash" them.

6- Certain Western governments were pretending to make false flags since 2021. Check these links. They may be insightful, even though some of them may refer to deadly substances:

Switzerland warns of terror attacks on Covid-19 vaccine sites":


National security advisors warn COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine rollout could trigger terror attack:


Global terrorism expert Professor Greg Barton warns Victorian at risk of right-wing extremist attack:


A Coming False Flag Targeting The Unvaccinated As Terrorists?:





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02cbaf  No.282800

File: 3e805adf68d26b6⋯.jpg (26.86 KB, 480x598, 240:299, 65.jpg)



DHS: White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment


Top Pentagon official: ISIS-K could attack US in ‘6 or 12 months’:


Chinese Uyghur responsible for suicide bombing; Taliban and Turkey accuse CIA of creating ISIS-K:


The Kabul Airport Attack was not a bomb Blast & suicide attack.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqsriYydL4M [Embed]

Intelligence suggests ISIS-K, al-Qaeda could attack US within months: Pentagon:


Probably they want to make an "ISIS-K", "White supremacist" false flag in order to arrange an excuse to start a war on Eurasia, Middle East. The date they claimed that a terrorist attack could happen, that is on "6 or 12 months" matches the window of time in which Western governments may attempt to attack Eurasian governments and Afghanistan through irregular militias.

7- Western operatives use "beneficial", "charitable", "humanitarian", "non governmental organization", "non profit organization", "philanthropic" campaigns in order to spy other countries and enter them.

They may use people of influence on the media, such as journalists and "activists", in order to spy on other countries and run campaigns against them.

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3ee9af  No.282805


narrative warfare - Internet world war One

Let the narrative violations begin.

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0700ad  No.282826


I have no problem with the Taliban as long as they stay in their own country, as we Americans should have done Day 1 and I said that long ago. Does that mean I support Muslims or Jihadists? NO. I simply do not support any Empirical system. In a civilized world - clearly the world is not very civilized and neither is our own government - nations would have mutual agreements to mind their own domestic affairs and respect cultural differences and would simply trade resources, which would prop up domestic economies with production, GDP. We would not wage wars for resources or try stealing from others or try building Empires offshore. The Taliban have a right to live the way they want, and so do other citizens in other nations. I think the best solution is to arm humanity, civilization in general, that way humanity can better re-enforce their standard of living and defend it from bad actors if need be.

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