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File: 7a3c69109f68a9b⋯.png (168.56 KB, 1667x1019, 1667:1019, PlayingRightIntoTheirHands.png)

89d6be  No.281082

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cf0498  No.281083


Trump was the one who pushed for Operation Warp Speed so he is partly to blame, however Trump was not the one suppressing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, or the one lying about Vitamin D curing covid (hint: it really does). It was the FDA and CDC and all the other alphabet gangsters that were, along with their Big Pharma cronies. Also, I do blame Biden too because it was Biden that mandated the vaccine for employees, and if the Supreme Court doesn't rule against that I'm afraid we will see a lot more damage done to our economy as a result, and it won't help the supply chain issues either. Trump is an idiot, Biden is a complete jerk.

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