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File: 3f89e61c6479316⋯.jpg (509.17 KB, 672x384, 7:4, TheCosmicSufferingOfPresid….jpg)

94d7c3  No.278728

NeuralBlender art thread. I'll start and update once the rest have finished porcessing

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94d7c3  No.278729

File: 5e5a4a58fc9f980⋯.png (6.13 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, AVeryComfyFrogInWinter.png)

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976453  No.278764



how fitting…. the man with no talent finds an algorithm with even less talent

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312875  No.279641


If you want to annoy 4chan: Always edit one pixel before uploading a meme to their website. That will annoy their hashing algorithm and make it harder for them to datamine you. It will make every edited image get a new md5 hash.

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